You can rewrite your function to carry information about recursion depth in an extra argument, and return it as second (or first, if you so prefer) element of a tuple:
maximum' :: (Ord a) => [a] -> Int -> (a, Int)
maximum' [] _ = error "maximum of empty list"
maximum' [x] n = (x, n)
maximum' (x:xs) n
| x > fst maxTail = (x, snd maxTail)
| otherwise = maxTail
where maxTail = maximum' xs (n + 1)
Then you can call the function with maximum' lst 0
or maximum' lst 1
depending on whether or not you want the first call to count as a recursion level.
It can be done with any recursive function, but it's probably not necessary in your case. As chepner wrote, the answer is known without extra computations.