You can try using the Apache ddlutils. There is a way to export the ddls from a database to an xml file and re-import it back.
The api usage page has examples on how to export schema to an xml file, read from xml file and apply it to a new database. I have reproduced those functions below along with a small snippet on how to use it to accomplish what you are asking for. You can use this as starting point and optimize it further.
DataSource sourceDb;
DataSource targetDb;
writeDatabaseToXML(readDatabase(sourceDb), "database-dump.xml");
public Database readDatabase(DataSource dataSource)
Platform platform = PlatformFactory.createNewPlatformInstance(dataSource);
return platform.readModelFromDatabase("model");
public void writeDatabaseToXML(Database db, String fileName)
new DatabaseIO().write(db, fileName);
public Database readDatabaseFromXML(String fileName)
return new DatabaseIO().read(fileName);
public void changeDatabase(DataSource dataSource,
Database targetModel)
Platform platform = PlatformFactory.createNewPlatformInstance(dataSource);
platform.createTables(targetModel, true, false);