I use JodaTime#DateTime
, and I need to mock its behavior. Since it is not possible to directly mock JodaTime#DateTime
, I create an interface of it
public interface Clock {
DateTime getCurrentDateTimeEST();
DateTime getFourPM_EST();
DateTime getSevenPM_EST();
public class JodaTime implements Clock {
public DateTime getCurrentDateTimeEST() {
return new DateTime(DateTimeZone.forID("EST"));
public DateTime getFourPM_EST() {
DateTime current = getCurrentDateTimeEST();
return new DateTime(current.getYear(), current.getMonthOfYear(),
current.getDayOfMonth(), 16, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeZone.forID("EST"));
public DateTime getSevenPM_EST() {
DateTime current = getCurrentDateTimeEST();
return new DateTime(current.getYear(), current.getMonthOfYear(),
current.getDayOfMonth(), 19, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeZone.forID("EST"));
Here is the method that I want to test
public class PrintProcessor{
Clock jodaTime;
public PrintProcessor(){
jodaTime = new JodaTime();
public String getPrintJobName(Shipper shipper){
String printJobName = null;
//Get current EST time
if(jodaTime.getCurrentDateTimeEST().isBefore(jodaTime.getFourPM_EST()) ||
jodaTime.getCurrentDateTimeEST().isAfter(jodaTime.getSevenPM_EST())){ //Before 4PM EST and after 7PM EST
case X:
}else if(jodaTime.getCurrentDateTimeEST().isBefore(jodaTime.getSevenPM_EST())){ //Between 4PM-7PM EST
case X:
return printJobName;
As you can see the printJobName
depend on the current time of the day relative to the time interval [4PM-7PM] EST and the Shipper name. Since Shipper will be pass via parameter, we can unit test it no problem. But I need to mock the time. So here is what I try
public void testGetPrintJobNameBeforeFourPM(){
DateTime current = new DateTime(DateTimeZone.forID("EST"));
Clock clock = mock(Clock.class);
//Always return 6pm when I try to ask for the current time
when(clock.getCurrentDateTimeEST()).thenReturn(new DateTime(current.getYear(), current.getMonthOfYear(),
current.getDayOfMonth(), 18, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeZone.forID("EST")));
//Test for Fedex
String printJobName = printProcessor.getPrintJobName(Shipper.X);
assertEquals("XNCRMNCF", printJobName);
The test should fail since I pass in 6PM, but XNCRMNCF
is the name for before 4PM. Do I need to mock printProcessor
as well. If what I have is wrong. How should I fix it? I am trying to learn writing high level java code, please be very criticized about my code. I really want to learn
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