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in Technique[技术] by (71.8m points)

java - Spring MVC File Upload Help

I have been integrating spring into an application, and have to redo a file upload from forms. I am aware of what Spring MVC has to offer and what I need to do to configure my controllers to be able to upload files. I have read enough tutorials to be able to do this, but what none of these tutorials explain is correct/best practice methods on how/what is to be done to actually handle the file once you have it. Below is some code similar to code found on the Spring MVC Docs on handling file uploads which can be found at
Spring MVC File Upload

In the example below you can see that they show you everything to do to get the file, but they just say Do Something with the bean

I have checked many tutorials and they all seem to get me to this point, but what I really want to know is the best way to handle the file. Once I have a file at this point, what is the best way to save this file to a directory on a server? Can somebody please help me with this? Thanks

public class FileUploadController extends SimpleFormController {

protected ModelAndView onSubmit(
    HttpServletRequest request,
    HttpServletResponse response,
    Object command,
    BindException errors) throws ServletException, IOException {

     // cast the bean
    FileUploadBean bean = (FileUploadBean) command;

     let's see if there's content there
    byte[] file = bean.getFile();
    if (file == null) {
         // hmm, that's strange, the user did not upload anything

    //do something with the bean 
    return super.onSubmit(request, response, command, errors);
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1 Answer

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by (71.8m points)

This is what i prefer while making uploads.I think letting spring to handle file saving, is the best way. Spring does it with its MultipartFile.transferTo(File dest) function.

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody;
import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile;

public class UploadController {

    @RequestMapping(value = "/save")
    public String handleUpload(
            @RequestParam(value = "file", required = false) MultipartFile multipartFile,
            HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse) {

        String orgName = multipartFile.getOriginalFilename();

        String filePath = "/my_uploads/" + orgName;
        File dest = new File(filePath);
        try {
        } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
            return "File uploaded failed:" + orgName;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            return "File uploaded failed:" + orgName;
        return "File uploaded:" + orgName;

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