Need to distinguish between iPhone3x and iPhone4x. Is there any way to figure out the version from JavaScript please?
It would be a combination of two methods in Javascript:
function iPhoneVersion() { var iHeight = window.screen.height; var iWidth = window.screen.width; if (iWidth === 414 && iHeight === 896) { return "Xmax-Xr"; } else if (iWidth === 375 && iHeight === 812) { return "X-Xs"; } else if (iWidth === 320 && iHeight === 480) { return "4"; } else if (iWidth === 375 && iHeight === 667) { return "6"; } else if (iWidth === 414 && iHeight === 736) { return "6+"; } else if (iWidth === 320 && iHeight === 568) { return "5"; } else if (iHeight <= 480) { return "2-3"; } return 'none'; } function isIphone() { return !!navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i); }
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