No, there is not a variable to set, but you can use something like clientEvents which retrieves events that fullcalendar has in memory. You can use the function below in the eventDrop. In the case below it uses a function to filter out whether the event will have have an overlap or not.
function checkOverlap(event) {
var start = new Date(event.start);
var end = new Date(event.end);
var overlap = $('#calendar').fullCalendar('clientEvents', function(ev) {
if( ev == event)
return false;
var estart = new Date(ev.start);
var eend = new Date(ev.end);
return (Math.round(estart)/1000 < Math.round(end)/1000 && Math.round(eend) > Math.round(start));
if (overlap.length){
//either move this event to available timeslot or remove it