You are right. This is the problem. The only solution I see is to do the redirects manual. I wrote this small recursive method doing this for you. See:
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
String url = "";
Document document = manualRedirectHandler(url);
Elements elements = document.getElementsByClass("juveShareImage");
for (Element element : elements)
private static Document manualRedirectHandler(String url) throws IOException
Response response = Jsoup.connect(url.replaceAll(" ", "%20")).followRedirects(false).execute();
int status = response.statusCode();
if (status == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_MOVED_TEMP || status == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_MOVED_PERM || status == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_SEE_OTHER)
String redirectUrl = response.header("location");
System.out.println("Redirect to: " + redirectUrl);
return manuelRedirectHandler(redirectUrl);
return Jsoup.parse(response.body());
This will print you
Redirect to:!ut/p/b0/DcdJDoAgEATAF00GXFC8-QqVWwMuJLLEGP2-1q3Y8Mwm4Qk77pATzv_L6-KQgx-09FDeWmpEr6nRThCk36hGq1QnbScqwRMbNuXCHsFLyuTgjpVLjOMHyfCBUg!!/
Redirect to: convocati villar news 10agosto2013?pragma=no-cache
I also added a patch for Jsoup for that: