Swing is a single thread framework. That is, there is a single thread responsible for dispatching all the events to all the components, including repaint requests.
Any action which stops/blocks this thread will cause your UI to "hang".
The first rule of Swing, NEVER run any blocking or time consuming tasks on the Event Dispatching Thread, instead, you should use a background thread.
This runs you smack into the second rule of Swing. Never create, modify or interact with any UI component outside of the EDT.
There are a number of ways you can fix this. You could use SwingUtilities.invokeLater
or a SwingWorker
is generally easier, as it provides a number of simple to use methods that automatically re-sync there calls to the EDT.
Take a read through Concurrency in Swing
Just so you understand ;)
Your MainLoop
method should not be executed within the context of the EDT, this is very bad.
Also, you should not be interacting with any UI component from any thread other the then the EDT.