Rotate all the points you want to test and use contains(Point) method of the Rectangle2D as Mihai did.
But if you really want to rotate the rectangles you can do it like this (this is the integer version but probably you can do it with Rectangle2D aswell :)).
public class TestRotate {
public static void main(String... args) {
Rectangle r = new Rectangle(50, 50, 100, 100);
Point check = new Point(100, 151); // clearly outside
System.out.println("first: " + r.contains(check));
AffineTransform at = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(
Math.PI/4, r.getCenterX(), r.getCenterY());
Polygon p = new Polygon();
PathIterator i = r.getPathIterator(at);
while (!i.isDone()) {
double[] xy = new double[2];
p.addPoint((int) xy[0], (int) xy[1]);
// should now be inside :)
System.out.println("second: " + p.contains(check));