To convert you mouse to ray, you do this process:
Convert your mouse coordinates from pixel coordinate to -1/1 coordinates (-1,-1 being bottom left).
ray origin will be (vector at near plane)
vector3 origin = vector3(mousex,mousey,0);
ray end is (vector at far plane)
vector3 far = vector3(mousex,mousey,1);
now you need to apply transform to those vectors, first you need to create transformation matrix for it:
matrix4x4 inverseviewproj = invertmatrix(view * proj)
Apply this transformation to both vectors:
vector3 rayorigin = transform(origin, inverseviewproj);
vector3 rayend = transform(far, inverseviewproj);
Your ray direction is :
vector3 raydirection = normalize(rayend-rayorigin);
That's about it, now you can use raycast functions.
In case you only have access to vector4 to transform vector by a matrix,
the w component needs to be 1 in eg:
vector4 origin = vector3(mousex,mousey,0,1);
vector4 far = vector3(mousex,mousey,1,1);
to extract direction make sure to first convert your vector4 into vector3 (since it will affect normalization otherwise).