1.-When you use ReactiveForms, not use [(ngModel)] (is valid the "isIndividualMark" because this not belong to the formGroup
2.-A formArray can be a FormArray of FormGroups or a FormArray of FormControls
A formArray of formGroups value will be in the way
A formArray of formControls value will be in the way
3.-When we has a FormArray we use a getter to return the formArray
get questionArray(){
return this.sectionForm.get('questions') as FormArray
Well, you has a formArray of formControls so the way is always the same
<!--a div with formArrayName-->
<div formArrayName="questions">
<!--iterating over the formArray.controls using the getter-->
<div *ngFor="let control of questionArray.controls;let i=index">
<!--you can use the "i" to get the value of an array,e.g.-->
<!--a input with formControlName-->
<input [formControlName]="i">
BTW: if we has a formArray of FormGroup the way is a bit different
<!--a div with formArrayName-->
<div formArrayName="questions">
<!--iterating over the formArray.controls using the getter-->
and use [formGroupName]
<div *ngFor="let control of questionArray.controls;let i=index"
<!--the inputs with formControlName, see that in this case
is not enclosed by []-->
<input formControlName="id">
<input formControlName="name">
Update If we want to give a value to the formGroup we use pathValue, some like
this.sectionForm = new FormGroup({...})
this.sectionForm.pathValue(myObject) //<--be carefull if we has a formArray
The problem with pathValue (or setValue) is that we need add so many elements to the formArray, so we need make some like
this.sectionForm = new FormGroup({...})
this.questionArray.push(new FormControl())
this.sectionForm.pathValue(myObject) //Now yes!
Well, exist another option I personal like, that is to make a function that return the formGroup -with data or with default values-. Some like
data=data || {name:'',instruction:'',mark_each_qn:false,questions:null}
return new FormGroup({
name: new FormControl(data.name, [Validators.required]),
instruction: new FormControl(data.instruction, [Validators.required]),
mark_each_qn: new FormControl(data.mark_each_qn),
questions: new FormArray(data.questions?
data.question.map(x=>new FormControl(x)):
See that if we has an object we can do
And if you want an empty formGroup