Go to your kafka/bin
Then run this:
./kafka-topics.sh --describe --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic topic_name
You should see what you need under PartitionCount
Topic:topic_name PartitionCount:5 ReplicationFactor:1 Configs:
Topic: topic_name Partition: 0 Leader: 1001 Replicas: 1001 Isr: 1001
Topic: topic_name Partition: 1 Leader: 1001 Replicas: 1001 Isr: 1001
Topic: topic_name Partition: 2 Leader: 1001 Replicas: 1001 Isr: 1001
Topic: topic_name Partition: 3 Leader: 1001 Replicas: 1001 Isr: 1001
Topic: topic_name Partition: 4 Leader: 1001 Replicas: 1001 Isr: 1001
When using a version where zookeeper is no longer a dependency of Kafka
kafka-topics --describe --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic topic_name