I hope that will help you a little (check out the JNI Struct reference, too):
// Get the class
jclass mvclass = env->GetObjectClass( *cls );
// Get method ID for method getSomeDoubleArray that returns a double array
jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID( mvclass, "getSomeDoubleArray", "()[D");
// Call the method, returns JObject (because Array is instance of Object)
jobject mvdata = env->CallObjectMethod( *base, mid);
// Cast it to a jdoublearray
jdoubleArray * arr = reinterpret_cast<jdoubleArray*>(&mvdata)
// Get the elements (you probably have to fetch the length of the array as well
double * data = env->GetDoubleArrayElements(*arr, NULL);
// Don't forget to release it
env->ReleaseDoubleArrayElements(*arr, data, 0);
Ok here I operate with a method instead of a field (I considered calling a Java getter cleaner) but you probably can rewrite it for the fields as well. Don't forget to release and as in the comment you'll probably still need to get the length.
Edit: Rewrite of your example to get it for a field. Basically replace CallObjectMethod by GetObjectField.
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_Test_process(JNIEnv * env, jclass c, jobject jc) {
jclass jcClass = env->GetObjectClass(jc);
jfieldID iId = env->GetFieldID(jcClass, "i", "I");
// This way we can get and set the "i" field. Let's double it:
jint i = env->GetIntField(jc, iId);
env->SetIntField(jc, iId, i * 2);
// The jfieldID of the "a" field (byte array) can be got like this:
jfieldID aId = env->GetFieldID(jcClass, "a", "[B");
// Get the object field, returns JObject (because Array is instance of Object)
jobject mvdata = env->GetObjectField (jc, aID);
// Cast it to a jdoublearray
jdoubleArray * arr = reinterpret_cast<jdoubleArray*>(&mvdata)
// Get the elements (you probably have to fetch the length of the array as well
double * data = env->GetDoubleArrayElements(*arr, NULL);
// Don't forget to release it
env->ReleaseDoubleArrayElements(*arr, data, 0);