You have two options that I can think of off the top of my head:
Rewrite ActionView::Base.field_error_proc
In one situation I rewrote ActionView::Base.field_error_proc (there is a rails cast on it). Using a little nokogiri, I changed the proc to add the error messages to the input/textarea element's data-error attribute instead of wrapping them in an error div. Then a wrote a little javascript using jquery to wrap all inputs and their labels on document ready. If there was error information associated with the input/textarea, it is transferred to the wrapper div.
I know this solution relies on javascript, and may or may not have a graceful fall back, but it works fine in my situation since it is for a web app rather than a publicly accessible site. I feel okay requiring javascript in that scenario.
# place me inside your base controller class
ActionView::Base.field_error_proc = do |html_tag, object|
html = Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment.parse(html_tag)
html = html.at_css("input") || html.at_css("textarea")
unless html.nil?
css_class = html['class'] || ""
html['class'] = css_class.split.push("error").join(' ')
html['data-error'] = object.error_message.join(". ")
html_tag = html.to_s.html_safe
Write a your own ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder
You can also get more or less the same effect by overriding the text_field method so that it always returns a wrapped input. Then, using the object variable, access the errors hash and add any needed error information to the wrapper. This one does not require javascript and works nicely, but in the end I prefer the first approach because I find it more flexible. If however, I was working on a publicly accessible site, I would use this approach instead.
Also, FYI, I found it handy to override the check_box and radio_button methods so they always return the input with its associated label. There are lots of fun things you can do with a custom FormBuilder.
# place me inside your projects lib folder
class PrettyFormBuilder < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder
def check_box(field, label_text, options = {})
checkbox = super(field, options)
checkbox += label(field, label_text)
@template.content_tag(:div, checkbox, :class => "wrapper")
The above example shows how to wrap a check_box, but it is more or less the same with the text_field. Like I said, use the object.errors
to access the errors hash if needed. This is just the tip of the ice berg... there is a ton you can do with custom FormBuilders.
If you go the custom form builder route, you may find it helpful to modify the above ActionView::Base.field_error_proc as follows so you don't get double wrapped fields when there are errors.
ActionView::Base.field_error_proc = do |html_tag, object|
html_tag # return the html tag unmodified and unwrapped
To use the form builder either specify it in the form_for method call or place the following in your application helper:
# application helper
module ApplicationHelper
ActionView::Base.default_form_builder = PrettyFormBuilder
Often my solutions end up using some combination of each to achieve the desired result.