Expanding on a comment to another answer:
There's a fairly straightforward procedure for reading C declarations. Start with the leftmost identifier in the declarator and work your way out, remembering that []
and ()
bind before *
. Given the declaration
int *columns[32];
break it down as
columns -- columns
columns[32] -- is a 32-element array
*columns[32] -- of pointers
int *columns[32] -- to int.
If the declaration had been
int (*columns)[32];
then it would break down as
columns -- columns
(*columns) -- is a pointer
(*columns)[32] -- to a 32-element array
int (*columns)[32] -- of int.
This will also help you build up complex declarations. Suppose you wanted to declare an array of pointers to functions returning pointers to arrays of char:
f -- f
f[N] -- is an N-element array
*f[N] -- of pointers
(*f[N])() -- to functions
*(*f[N])() -- returning pointers
(*(*f[N])())[M] -- to M-element arrays
*(*(*f[N])())[M] -- of pointers
char *(*(*f[N])())[M]; -- to char
cdecl is a nice tool, but after you'd done this exercise a few times, you shouldn't need it.