You could put your methods into an arry and then execute everything in this array
l= []
l << :method_a if a
l << :method_b if b
l << :method_c if c
l.inject(object) { |obj, method| obj.send(method) }
executes the method with the given name. Enumerable#inject
iterates over the array, while giving the block the last returned value and the current array item.
If you want your method to take arguments you could also do it this way
l= []
l << [:method_a, arg_a1, arg_a2] if a
l << [:method_b, arg_b1] if b
l << [:method_c, arg_c1, arg_c2, arg_c3] if c
l.inject(object) { |obj, method_and_args| obj.send(*method_and_args) }