I believe that there is no default highlighting for braces as standard in vim for C code or derivative languages (they're just highlighted as plain text). You could define your own, using something like:
:syn match Braces display '[{}()[]]'
:hi Braces guifg=red
or you could download the rainbow brace highlighting plugin, which gives varying colours for different levels of indentation. See also my answer to this question.
:help :syn-match
:help hi
There is a screenshot of the rainbow brace highlighter in action (with my Bandit colour scheme) here.
In order to find out the highlighting group of anything that interests you, create this mapping:
:map <F3> :echo "hi<" . synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),1),"name") . '> trans<' . synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),0),"name") . "> lo<" . synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line("."),col("."),1)),"name") . ">"<CR>
(taken from here). Then, move the cursor over whatever you're interested in and press F3. If it's not highlighted at all, Vim will print:
hi<> trans<> lo<>
If there's a particular highlight group, you'll get something like this (with the cursor over the if
hi<cConditional> trans<cConditional> lo<Conditional>
which tells you that the highlight group is called cConditional
and that it is linked (with :hi link
) to the group called Conditional
. With rainbow brace highlighting, you may get something like cCurly1
, which means it's inside a curly brace, but with no additional highlighting.
Edit 2:
A possible operator matcher (not very well tested):
let cOperatorList = '[-&|+<>=*/!~]' " A list of symbols that we don't want to immediately precede the operator
let cOperatorList .= '@<!' " Negative look-behind (check that the preceding symbols aren't there)
let cOperatorList .= '\%(' " Beginning of a list of possible operators
let cOperatorList .= '(' " First option, the following symbols...
let cOperatorList .= '[-&|+<>=]'
let cOperatorList .= ')'
let cOperatorList .= '1?' " Followed by (optionally) the exact same symbol, so -, --, =, ==, &, && etc
let cOperatorList .= '|' " Next option:
let cOperatorList .= '->' " Pointer dereference operator
let cOperatorList .= '|' " Next option:
let cOperatorList .= '[-+*/%&^|!]=' " One of the listed symbols followed by an =, e.g. +=, -=, &= etc
let cOperatorList .= '|' " Next option:
let cOperatorList .= '[*?,!~%]' " Some simple single character operators
let cOperatorList .= '|' " Next option:
let cOperatorList .= '(' " One of the shift characters:
let cOperatorList .= '[<>]'
let cOperatorList .= ')'
let cOperatorList .= '2' " Followed by another identical character, so << or >>...
let cOperatorList .= '=' " Followed by =, so <<= or >>=.
let cOperatorList .= ')' " End of the long list of options
let cOperatorList .= '[-&|+<>=*/!~]' " The list of symbols that we don't want to follow
let cOperatorList .= '@!' " Negative look-ahead (this and the @<! prevent === etc from matching)
exe "syn match cOperator display '" . cOperatorList . "'"
syn match cOperator display ';'
hi link cOperator Operator