I have a solution similar to the one of Aleksey but that can be applied to one or more fields in any class (example in Kotlin):
Create a new annotation for fields that should be serialized as null:
annotation class SerializeNull
Create a TypeAdapterFactory
that checks if a class has fields annotated with this annotation and removes the fields that are null
and not annotated with the annotation from the JsonTree
when writing the object:
class SerializableAsNullConverter : TypeAdapterFactory {
override fun <T : Any?> create(gson: Gson, type: TypeToken<T>): TypeAdapter<T>? {
fun Field.serializedName() = declaredAnnotations
.firstOrNull()?.value ?: name
val declaredFields = type.rawType.declaredFields
val nullableFieldNames = declaredFields
.filter { it.declaredAnnotations.filterIsInstance<SerializeNull>().isNotEmpty() }
.map { it.serializedName() }
val nonNullableFields = declaredFields.map { it.serializedName() } - nullableFieldNames
return if (nullableFieldNames.isEmpty()) {
} else object : TypeAdapter<T>() {
private val delegateAdapter = gson.getDelegateAdapter(this@SerializableAsNullConverter, type)
private val elementAdapter = gson.getAdapter(JsonElement::class.java)
override fun write(writer: JsonWriter, value: T?) {
val jsonObject = delegateAdapter.toJsonTree(value).asJsonObject
.filter { jsonObject.get(it) is JsonNull }
.forEach { jsonObject.remove(it) }
val originalSerializeNulls = writer.serializeNulls
writer.serializeNulls = true
elementAdapter.write(writer, jsonObject)
writer.serializeNulls = originalSerializeNulls
override fun read(reader: JsonReader): T {
return delegateAdapter.read(reader)
Register the adapter with your Gson instance:
val builder = GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapterFactory(SerializableAsNullConverter())
And annotate the fields you would like to be nullable:
class MyClass(val id: String?, @SerializeNull val name: String?)
Serialization result:
val myClass = MyClass(null, null)
val gson = builder.create()
val json = gson.toJson(myClass)
"name": null