I want to create an app using Google Speech-to-Text API. And this app will use StreamingRecognize. https://cloud.google.com/speech-to-text/docs/reference/rpc/google.cloud.speech.v1#google.cloud.speech.v1.Speech.StreamingRecognize
But I'm worried about cost overruns by some attacks. e.g.) stolen api key, over execution ..etc
Suppose, if meeting these requirements, there is no problem.
Could you tell me how to use this API secure?
App spec
Language: Flutter (Dart)
More Info:
Once I considered about this Android/iOS apps restriction, https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/api-keys?visit_id=637405639528794487-3748827222&rd=1#api_key_restrictions
But I could not understand why it can be restricted.
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