Here is my Custom implementation that use NSLocalizedString that use comment as default value:
(NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue does not work properly with genstring, that's why I proposed this solution)
1 . In your pre compiled header (.pch file) , redefine the 'NSLocalizedString' macro:
// cutom NSLocalizedString that use macro comment as default value
#import "LocalizationHandlerUtil.h"
#undef NSLocalizedString
#define NSLocalizedString(key,_comment) [[LocalizationHandlerUtil singleton] localizedString:key comment:_comment]
2. create a class to implement the localization handler
#import "LocalizationHandlerUtil.h"
@implementation LocalizationHandlerUtil
static LocalizationHandlerUtil * singleton = nil;
+ (LocalizationHandlerUtil *)singleton
return singleton;
static void staticInit_singleton()
singleton = [[LocalizationHandlerUtil alloc] init];
- (NSString *)localizedString:(NSString *)key comment:(NSString *)comment
// default localized string loading
NSString * localizedString = [[NSBundle mainBundle] localizedStringForKey:key value:key table:nil];
// if (value == key) and comment is not nil -> returns comment
if([localizedString isEqualToString:key] && comment !=nil)
return comment;
return localizedString;
3. Use it!
Make sure you add a Run script in your App Build Phases so you Localizable.strings file will be updated at each build, i.e., new localized string will be added in your Localized.strings file:
My build phase Script is a shell script:
Shell: /bin/sh
Shell script content: find . -name *.m | xargs genstrings -o MyProjectFolder
So when you add this new line in your code:
self.title = NSLocalizedString(@"view_settings_title", @"Settings");
Then perform a build, your ./Localizable.scripts file will contain this new line:
/* Settings */
"view_settings_title" = "view_settings_title";
And since key == value for 'view_settings_title', the custom LocalizedStringHandler will returns the comment, i.e. 'Settings"
Voilà :-)