Even I had the above issue in Ubuntu 20 WSL, I tried all the below | above suggestions, but none worked for me.
root@7400-9888K13:/mnt/c/Users/PKammari# wget -q -O - https://packages.cloudfoundry.org/debian/cli.cloudfoundry.org.key | sudo apt-key add -
gpg: can't connect to the agent: IPC connect call failed
What did I do to resolve the issue?
- remove gpg
- install other version of gpg.
How do I do it?
apt remove gpg
( follow the instructions)
apt install gnupg1
(follow the instructions)
Option 2.
sudo apt update --y
`sudo apt remove gpg`
`sudo apt-get update -y`
`sudo apt-get install -y gnupg1`
Proof. (refer to the screenshot):