Do not forget that, since creating a new wrapper for every boxing occurrence is quite expensive, especially considering it usually being used at a single scope of a method, Autoboxing uses a pool of common wrappers.
This is in fact an implementation of the flyweight design pattern. When a boxing occurs for a well-known value, instead of creating a new wrapper instance, a pre-created instance is fetched from a pool and returned.
One consequence is: it’s still not recommended to use autoboxing for scientific calculations. For example, the code d = a * b + c is using Integer classes for a, b, c and d, and the generated code is d.valueOf(a.intValue() * b.intValue() + c.intValue()). All these method invocations have their own overhead, so it’s usually recommended to use autoboxing when needed to store primitives in collections.
And even then, if you have a huge collection of Integer wrapping int, the overhead can implies longer execution times, up to 20 times longer, as reported in this article.
Jb adds this important comment:
Also Wrapper.valueOf(primitive) uses pool of wrappers. So prefer Integer.valueOf(5) to new Integer(5)