You can set the timeout at connection time using the options parameter. The syntax is a bit weird:
>>> import psycopg2
>>> cnn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=test options='-c statement_timeout=1000'")
>>> cur = cnn.cursor()
>>> cur.execute("select pg_sleep(2000)")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
psycopg2.extensions.QueryCanceledError: canceling statement due to statement timeout
it can also be set using an env variable:
>>> import os
>>> os.environ['PGOPTIONS'] = '-c statement_timeout=1000'
>>> import psycopg2
>>> cnn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=test")
>>> cur = cnn.cursor()
>>> cur.execute("select pg_sleep(2000)")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
psycopg2.extensions.QueryCanceledError: canceling statement due to statement timeout