Short answer: Yes it is possible. But you have to do it on purpose and no by chance ( using final, abstract and design with inheritance in mind, etc. )
Long answer:
Well, inheritance is not actually for "code re-use", it is for class "specialization", I think this is a misinterpretation.
For instance is it a very bad idea to create a Stack from a Vector, just because they are alike. Or properties from HashTable just because they store values. See [Effective].
The "code reuse" was more a "business view" of the OO characteristics, meaning that you objects were easily distributable among nodes; and were portable and didn't not have the problems of previous programming languages generation. This has been proved half rigth. We now have libraries that can be easily distributed; for instance in java the jar files can be used in any project saving thousands of hours of development. OO still has some problems with portability and things like that, that is the reason now WebServices are so popular ( as before it was CORBA ) but that's another thread.
This is one aspect of "code reuse". The other is effectively, the one that has to do with programming. But in this case is not just to "save" lines of code and creating fragile monsters, but designing with inheritance in mind. This is the item 17 in the book previously mentioned; Item 17: Design and document for inheritance or else prohibit it. See [Effective]
Of course you may have a Car class and tons of subclasses. And yes, the approach you mention about Car interface, AbstractCar and CarImplementation is a correct way to go.
You define the "contract" the Car should adhere and say these are the methods I would expect to have when talking about cars. The abstract car that has the base functionality that every car but leaving and documenting the methods the subclasses are responsible to handle. In java you do this by marking the method as abstract.
When you proceed this way, there is not a problem with the "fragile" class ( or at least the designer is conscious or the threat ) and the subclasses do complete only those parts the designer allow them.
Inheritance is more to "specialize" the classes, in the same fashion a Truck is an specialized version of Car, and MosterTruck an specialized version of Truck.
It does not make sanse to create a "ComputerMouse" subclase from a Car just because it has a Wheel ( scroll wheel ) like a car, it moves, and has a wheel below just to save lines of code. It belongs to a different domain, and it will be used for other purposes.
The way to prevent "implementation" inheritance is in the programming language since the beginning, you should use the final keyword on the class declaration and this way you are prohibiting subclasses.
Subclassing is not evil if it's done on purpose. If it's done uncarefully it may become a nightmare. I would say that you should start as private and "final" as possible and if needed make things more public and extend-able. This is also widely explained in the presentation"How to design good API's and why it matters" See [Good API]
Keep reading articles and with time and practice ( and a lot of patience ) this thing will come clearer. Although sometime you just need to do the work and copy/paste some code :P . This is ok, as long you try to do it well first.
Here are the references both from Joshua Bloch ( formerly working in Sun at the core of java now working for Google )
Effective Java. Definitely the best java book a non beginner should learn, understand and practice. A must have.
Effective Java
[Good API]Presentation that talks on API's design, reusability and related topics.
It is a little lengthy but it worth every minute.
How To Design A Good API and Why it Matters
Update: Take a look at minute 42 of the video link I sent you. It talks about this topic:
"When you have two classes in a public API and you think to make one a subclass of another, like Foo is a subclass of Bar, ask your self , is Every Foo a Bar?... "
And in the minute previous it talks about "code reuse" while talking about TimeTask.