Here is an example of editing configuration files from scripts/_Install.groovy
My plugin copies three files to the target directory.
is used for version control,
replaces the default version, and
contains extra settings.
I prefer to edit the application's files as little as possible, especially because I expect to change the security setup a few years down the road. I also need to use properties from a
file which is customized for each application server in our system.
Copying the files is easy.
println ('* copying .hgignore ')
ant.copy(file: "${pluginBasedir}/src/samples/.hgignore",
todir: "${basedir}")
println ('* copying SecurityConfig.groovy')
ant.copy(file: "${pluginBasedir}/src/samples/SecurityConfig.groovy",
todir: "${basedir}/grails-app/conf")
println ('* copying DataSource.groovy')
ant.copy(file: "${pluginBasedir}/src/samples/DataSource.groovy",
todir: "${basedir}/grails-app/conf")
The hard part is getting Grails to pick up the new configuration file. To do this, I have to edit the application's grails-app/conf/Config.groovy
. I will add two configuration files to be found on the classpath.
println ('* Adding configuration files to grails.config.locations');
// Add configuration files to grails.config.locations.
def newConfigFiles = ["",
// Get the application's Config.groovy file
def cfg = new File("${basedir}/grails-app/conf/Config.groovy");
def cfgText = cfg.text
def appendedText = new StringWriter()
appendedText.println ""
appendedText.println ("// Added by edu-sunyjcc-addons plugin");
// Slurp the configuration so we can look at grails.config.locations.
def config = new ConfigSlurper().parse(cfg.toURL());
// If it isn't defined, create it as a list.
if (config.grails.config.locations.getClass() == groovy.util.ConfigObject) {
appendedText.println('grails.config.locations = []');
} else {
// Don't add configuration files that are already on the list.
newConfigFiles = newConfigFiles.grep {
// Add each surviving location to the list.
newConfigFiles.each {
// The name will have quotes around it...
appendedText.println "grails.config.locations << "$it"";
// Write the new configuration code to the end of Config.groovy.
The only problem is adding SecurityConfig.groovy
to the classpath. I found that you can do that by creating the following event in the plugin's /scripts/Events.groovy
eventCompileEnd = {
ant.copy(todir:classesDirPath) {