This is not a bug, it is a configuration issue.
Tomcat 9 has improved the error handling so that more errors, particularly those those occur before request processing starts, are passed to the standard error handling mechanism rather than just returning an error code.
In the case of malformed URIs, it is not possible for Tomcat to parse the URI hence the URI cannot be mapped to a web application. Tomcat is, therefore, unable to trigger the application level error handling because it cannot identify an application. In this case, the error is handled by the ErrorReportValve which can be configured in server.xml.
A recent(ish) addition to the ErrorReportValve is the ability to define static web pages (i.e. no Servlets or JSPs, just HTML) per status code and/or Exception type in a similar manner to the per web application error page configuration.
Example Error Report Valve:
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve"
showServerInfo="false" />