The solution depends on the SessionService
class shown below. The syntax is coffeescript.
SessionService Class
class SessionService
setStorage:(key, value) ->
scope[key] = value for scope in @scopes
value = if value is undefined then null else JSON.stringify value
sessionStorage.setItem key, value
sessionValue = sessionStorage.getItem key
if sessionValue == "undefined"
return null
JSON.parse sessionValue
for key, value of sessionStorage
scope[key] = if value? and value != "undefined" then JSON.parse(value) else null
@scopes.push scope
scope.$on '$destroy', =>
@scopes = @scopes.filter (s) -> s.$id != scope.$id
clear: ->
@setStorage(key, null) for key of sessionStorage
isAuthenticated: ->
@accessor 'isAuthenticated', value
user:(value=null) ->
@accessor 'user', value
# other storage items go here
accessor:(name, value)->
return @getStorage name unless value?
@setStorage name, value
.module 'app.Services'
.service 'sessionService', SessionService
The SessionService
class defines the isAuthenticated
property (simple bool) and the user
property (a complex object) . The values of these properties are automatically stringified / parsed as they are stored / retrieved using the client-side local sessionStorage
object supplied by javascript.
You add more properties as required. Like $rootScope
you add properties sparingly. Unlike $rootScope
the property values are still available after a page refresh or back button click.
The service allows any number of scopes to be registered with it. When a scope is registered all the stored values in sessionStorage
are automatically assigned to that scope. In this way all the registered scopes always have access to all the session properties.
When a property value is updated, all the registered scopes have their corresponding values updated.
When angular destroys a scope it is automatically removed from the list of registered scopes to save wasting resources.
If a user refreshes the page or hits the back button then the angular application is forced to restart. Normally this would mean you would have to reconstruct your current state. The SessionService
does this for you automatically as each scope will have its values restored from local storage when they are registered during the app initialisation.
So now it is easy to solve the problem of both sharing data between scopes as well as restoring values when the user refreshes or hits the back button.
Here is some sample angular code that shows how to use the SessionService
Register a scope with SessionService in some Controller
.module 'app'
.controller 'mainCtrl', ($scope, $state, session, security) ->
#register the scope with the session service
session.register $scope
#hook up the 'login' method (see security service)
$scope.login = security.login
# check the value of a session property
# it may well be true if the page has been refreshed
if session.isAuthenticated
Set Session values in a service
class SecurityService
@$inject:['$http','sessionService', 'api']
constructor:(@http, @session, @api) ->
login:(username, password) =>
@http.get "#{@api.base}/security/login/credentials/#{username}/#{password}"
.success (user)=>
@session.isAuthenticated = true
@session.user = user
.error (ex)=>
# process error
.module 'app'
.service 'securityService', SecurityService
Use Session values in UI (Jade template)
div Hello {{user.Name}}