There are two things that are going on here.
The first thing is that the way in which to obtain a reference to a remote EJB is not specified in Java EE. You are at the mercy of how an individual vendor thinks it should be done.
Although JNDI is the de facto standard used for this, even this itself is not mandated.
Example: JBoss up till AS7
In JBoss AS up till AS 7, the following sequence was used to obtain a remote reference:
Properties env = new Properties();
env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory");
env.put(Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES, "org.jboss.naming:org.jnp.interfaces");
env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "jnp://");
InitialContext context = new InitialContext(env);
Bean bean = (Bean) context.lookup("myear/MyBean/remote");
Here, the URL of the remote server is provided to the initial context and from that context a bean is retrieved. (Note that you must NOT add the well known "java:/" prefix here, or else it will be intercepted by JNDI and resolved locally, despite doing the lookup on a remote context)
Since this method was as mentioned not standardized, a single vendor can change it completely between releases of implementations. Even for implementations for the same Java EE version.
Example: JBoss AS7
In JBoss AS 7, JBoss wanted to move away from JNDI (because it was not specified that JNDI had to be used) and now it happens in approximately the following way:
You'll first need to put a
file on your classpath with the following context: = client-endpoint = false
remote.connections = default =
remote.connection.default.port = 4447 = false
And use code as the following:
Properties env = new Properties();
env.put(Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES, "org.jboss.ejb.client.naming");
InitialContext context = new InitialContext(env);
Bean bean = (Bean) context.lookup("ejb:/myear/mymodule/MyBean!com.example.Bean");
So from the code it looks like no URL is given, but it's statically hidden in a config file.
Application Client Container
Today I have found another example where Netbeans 7, Java EE 6, and GlassFish 3 are used. The client side code [...]
This is yet another thing. What's demonstrated there is a so-called Application Client Container (aka ACC).
This is different from the example above, where a Java SE application used JNDI to contact the remote server. The Application Client Container is a bit of an obscure thing in Java EE. The idea seems to be that you download the client code dynamically from the Server (like an Applet or Java Web Start app), and that it then magically 'knows' where it originated from. There is very limited support for (static) injection in the main class, which you can use to inject remote beans directly.
The Application Client Container is an idea from the early days of Java EE and as far as I know has never gotten much attention. After all these years it has never advanced much after its initial conception. Since it still requires a ton of vendor specific things to be done, I think most people don't bother with it and just use JNDI.