A) Simply use hit count as 1000.
Its works only if the methodA inside for loop is NOT under some condition.
B) Using condition
Put the break point at the first statement inside methodA.Refer image
[Here methodA == test and I put break point at line number 14]
Right click on the breakpoint and select Breakpoint properties
option and add the below condition.
StackTraceElement[] stacktrace = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();
StackTraceElement e = stacktrace[2];
return (e.getLineNumber() == 9);
Here 9 means the line number where second call to methodA(or test) is made.Find out the same in your code and change this.
Check the javadoc for StackTraceElement and instead of line number you can also use method name also. i.e you can break only when it is calling from the function xyz
C) Wait for eclipse Oxygen (4.7)
In next version of eclipse JDT will provide trigger points on breakpoints. So you can say hit breakpoint y ONLY IF breakpoint x was hit before.
With this you can pause on a breakpoint ONLY on a given methods flow [stacktrace].
Ex: You can stop on a breakpoint only when call flow is:
methodA() --> methodB() --> methodC() --> methodD()
NOT on
methodA() --> methodC() --> methodD()
See this bug for more details. Add your comments/suggestion to this bug.