You can accomplish this by adding a settings object to your route info, and specifying the area name there. With that in place, create a computed observable against the router's visibleRoutes collection that selects only the routes for the current area.
Not sure what your route configuration looks like, but an example of adding settings would be something like this:
var routes = [
{ url: 'one/page1', moduleId: 'viewmodels/one/page1', name: 'Page 1', visible: true, settings: {area: 'one'} },
{ url: 'two/page1', moduleId: 'viewmodels/two/page1', name: 'Page 1', visible: true, settings: {area: 'two'} }
In your view model where you are controlling the navigation html:
//filter the visible routes for the current area
viewModel.areaRoutes = ko.computed(function () {
var area = this.area;
return ko.utils.arrayFilter(router.visibleRoutes(), function (route) {
return route.settings.area === area;
}, viewModel);