Rank selection is easy to implement when you already know on roulette wheel selection. Instead of using the fitness as probability for getting selected you use the rank. So for a population of N solutions the best solution gets rank N, the second best rank N-1, etc. The worst individual has rank 1. Now use the roulette wheel and start selecting.
The probability for the best individual to be selected is N/( (N * (N+1))/2 ) or roughly 2 / N, for the worst individual it is 2 / (N*(N+1)) or roughly 2 / N^2.
This is called linear rank selection, because the ranks form a linear progression. You can also think of ranks forming a geometric progression, such as e.g 1 / 2^n where n is ranging from 1 for the best individual to N for the worst. This of course gives much higher probability to the best individual.
You can look at the implementation of some selection methods in HeuristicLab.