To drop a column from a table, use the syntax:
alter table <tablename> drop column <columnname>
To find all the columns in a table in a database that start with test_, do the following:
select column_name
where table_name = <table_name> and
table_schema = <schema_name> and
left(column_name, 5) = 'test_' -- not using "like" because '_' is a wildcard char
If you were doing this manually, I would recommend running the following query and then pasting the results in to a mysql query interface:
select concat('alter table ', table_name, ' drop column ', column_name)
where table_name = <table_name> and
schema_name = <schema_name> and
left(column_name, 5) = 'test_'
You can do something similar in code, by running the query, returning the results and then running each row as a query.