菜鸟教程小白 发表于 2022-12-12 15:46:14

iOS 7 应用程序崩溃整个 iPad

                                            <p><p>我在 iOS7 中使用应用程序时遇到了一个非常奇怪的崩溃。它基本上是我正在开发的一个电子阅读器应用程序,当我打开一本书,让 iPad 进入休眠状态时,整个 iPad 崩溃了!!!它只是不会崩溃,它会完全卡住,用户必须通过按住主页和锁定按钮来硬重置它。如果他们不这样做,iPad 将在 5 分钟内重新启动,但在此期间,iPad 完全卡住。 </p>

<p>我花了很多时间检查所有线程是否干净,尝试删除所有应用程序委托(delegate)方法,如“applicationWillResignActive”、“applicationDidEnterBackground”等,但没有成功! </p>


<pre><code>Oct 21 13:53:45 iPad backboardd &lt;Notice&gt;: Posting &#39;com.apple.iokit.hid.displayStatus&#39; notifyState=0
Oct 21 13:53:45 iPad kernel &lt;Debug&gt;: ALS: AppleARMBacklight::setBacklightEnableGated 0 (set level to 0x37e)
Oct 21 13:53:45 iPad kernel &lt;Debug&gt;: ALS: AppleARMBacklight::handleMessageGated - framebufferState -&gt; 0
Oct 21 13:53:45 iPad kernel &lt;Debug&gt;: AppleMultitouchZ2SPI: updating power statistics
Oct 21 13:53:45 iPad backboardd &lt;Notice&gt;: MultitouchHID: detection mode: 0-&gt;255
Oct 21 13:53:45 iPad SpringBoard &lt;Warning&gt;: Not registered for now playing notifications. Ignoring call to -unregisterForNotifications.
Oct 21 13:53:45 iPad profiled &lt;Notice&gt;: (Note ) profiled: Service starting...
Oct 21 13:53:46 iPad Lightsail &lt;Warning&gt;: RTMPClient -&gt; disconnect: *** DISCONNECT... *** &lt;retainCount == 1
Oct 21 13:53:46 iPad Lightsail &lt;Warning&gt;: --------------------------------------- doDisconnect
Oct 21 13:53:46 iPad Lightsail &lt;Warning&gt;: applicationWillResignActive
Oct 21 13:53:46 iPad Lightsail &lt;Notice&gt;: TestFlight: End of Session
Oct 21 13:53:49 iPad Lightsail &lt;Warning&gt;: applicationDidEnterBackground
Oct 21 13:53:49 iPad Lightsail &lt;Warning&gt;: App is up to date
Oct 21 13:53:49 iPad Lightsail &lt;Warning&gt;: {(
      &lt;UserSession: 0x177a7df0&gt; (entity: UserSession; id: 0x1784d1d0 &lt;x-coredata://2A1EBEB3-C354-4626-B699-7FEAA7C39D16/UserSession/p1&gt; ; data: {
      actualSessionID = 51923;
      iD = &#34;x-coredata:///UserSession/t12CF6E6E-C607-4B6B-9266-D53F0903E5199&#34;;
      identifier = nil;
      lastPing = &#34;2013-10-21 11:53:42 +0000&#34;;
      serverID = 1;
      sessionEnd = &#34;2013-10-21 11:53:49 +0000&#34;;
      sessionID = nil;
      sessionStart = &#34;2013-10-21 11:52:17 +0000&#34;;
      userSessionType = 3;
      userSessionTypeID = 1308442;
      &lt;UserSession: 0x17bb9e70&gt; (entity: UserSession; id: 0x17bc5fb0 &lt;x-coredata://2A1EBEB3-C354-4626-B699-7FEAA7C39D16/UserSession/p3&gt; ; data: {
      actualSessionID = 284053;
      iD = &#34;x-coredata:///UserSession/t12CF6E6E-C607-4B6B-9266-D53F0903E519285&#34;;
      identifier = nil;
      lastPing = &#34;2013-10-21 11:53:42 +0000&#34;;
      serverID = 1;
      sessionEnd = &#34;2013-10-21 11:53:49 +0000&#34;;
      sessionID = nil;
      sessionStart = &#34;2013-10-21 11:53:34 +0000&#34;;
      userSessionType = 1;
      userSessionTypeID = 37025;
      &lt;UserSession: 0x17dc5660&gt; (entity: UserSession; id: 0x17dc5fd0 &lt;x-coredata://2A1EBEB3-C354-4626-B699-7FEAA7C39D16/UserSession/p4&gt; ; data: {
      actualSessionID = 33899;
      iD = &#34;x-coredata:///UserSession/t12CF6E6E-C607-4B6B-9266-D53F0903E519286&#34;;
      identifier = nil;
      lastPing = &#34;2013-10-21 11:53:49 +0000&#34;;
      serverID = 1;
      sessionEnd = &#34;2013-10-21 11:53:49 +0000&#34;;
      sessionID = nil;
      sessionStart = &#34;2013-10-21 11:53:34 +0000&#34;;
      userSessionType = 7;
      userSessionTypeID = 1308442;
Oct 21 13:53:49 iPad Lightsail &lt;Warning&gt;: ===== Server details retrieved =====
Oct 21 13:53:56 iPad profiled &lt;Notice&gt;: (Note ) profiled: Service stopping.
Oct 21 13:55:56 iPad UserEventAgent &lt;Error&gt;: watchdog: com.apple.backboardd not responding; forcing a crash
Oct 21 13:55:56 iPad UserEventAgent &lt;Notice&gt;: watchdog: can be disabled with the shell command: defaults write com.apple.mobilewatchdog WatchdogEnabled -bool no
Oct 21 13:55:56 iPad ReportCrash &lt;Notice&gt;: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/stacks+backboardd-2013-10-21-135556.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
Oct 21 13:55:56 iPad CLTM &lt;Error&gt;: CLTM: No ALS Event
Oct 21 13:55:56 iPad com.apple.launchd (com.apple.backboardd) &lt;Notice&gt;: (com.apple.backboardd) Exited: Killed: 9
Oct 21 13:55:57 iPad kernel &lt;Debug&gt;: virtual void IOMobileFramebuffer::swapping_client_will_stop(IOMobileFramebufferUserClient *), AppleMobileCLCD, client (0x0x96e1a600) going to wait on swap
Oct 21 13:55:57 iPad kernel &lt;Debug&gt;: ALS: AppleARMBacklight::handleMessageGated - framebufferState -&gt; 1
Oct 21 13:55:57 iPad kernel &lt;Debug&gt;: ALS: AppleARMBacklight::setBacklightEnableGated 1 (set level to 0x6d0)
Oct 21 13:55:57 iPad kernel &lt;Debug&gt;: virtual void IOMobileFramebuffer::swapping_client_will_stop(IOMobileFramebufferUserClient *), AppleMobileCLCD, client (0x0x96e1a600) exiting wait on swap
Oct 21 13:55:57 iPad kernel &lt;Debug&gt;: virtual void AppleRGBOUT::do_power_state_change(): fSoft: 0 fHard: 1 swapBusy: 0 pendingSwap: 0x0 fController: 0 -&gt; 0
Oct 21 13:55:57 iPad backboardd &lt;Notice&gt;: void __IOHIDPlugInLoadBundles(): Loaded 5 HID plugins
Oct 21 13:55:57 iPad backboardd &lt;Notice&gt;: Posting &#39;com.apple.iokit.hid.displayStatus&#39; notifyState=1
Oct 21 13:55:57 iPad backboardd &lt;Error&gt;: IOHIDService compatibility thread running at priority 63 and schedule 2.
Oct 21 13:55:57 iPad backboardd &lt;Notice&gt;: MultitouchHID: detection mode: 255-&gt;0 (deferring until bootloaded)
Oct 21 13:55:57 iPad kernel &lt;Debug&gt;: IOReturn AppleRGBOUT::set_display_device_gated(uint32_t), 1
Oct 21 13:55:57 iPad kernel &lt;Debug&gt;: virtual void AppleRGBOUT::do_power_state_change(): fSoft: 1 fHard: 1 swapBusy: 1 pendingSwap: 0x0 fController: 0 -&gt; 1
Oct 21 13:55:57 iPad kernel &lt;Debug&gt;: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_up_hardware()
Oct 21 13:55:57 iPad kernel &lt;Debug&gt;: virtual void AppleRGBOUT::do_power_state_change(): fSoft: 0 fHard: 1 swapBusy: 0 pendingSwap: 0x9f357a00 fController: 1 -&gt; 1
Oct 21 13:55:57 iPad kernel &lt;Debug&gt;: IOReturn IOMobileFramebufferUserClient::set_hotplug_notify(void *, void *) 0x32ef76d1 0x18264200
Oct 21 13:55:57 iPad kernel &lt;Debug&gt;: IOReturn IOMobileFramebufferUserClient::set_hotplug_notify(void *, void *) 0x96e1a600 0xa8464540 0x32ef76d1 0x18264200
Oct 21 13:55:57 iPad kernel &lt;Debug&gt;: virtual void AppleRGBOUT::do_power_state_change(): fSoft: 0 fHard: 1 swapBusy: 0 pendingSwap: 0x0 fController: 1 -&gt; 0
Oct 21 13:55:57 iPad kernel &lt;Debug&gt;: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_down_hardware()
Oct 21 13:55:57 iPad kernel &lt;Debug&gt;: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_down_hardware(), clock down RGBOUT
Oct 21 13:55:57 iPad backboardd &lt;Notice&gt;: ALS: open: legacy auto brightness plugin _plugInEnabled=true
Oct 21 13:55:57 iPad backboardd &lt;Notice&gt;: HID: Display IOHIDDisplaySetProperty: LogLevel = 6
Oct 21 13:55:57 iPad backboardd &lt;Error&gt;: Successfully opened the IOHIDSession
Oct 21 13:55:57 iPad backboardd &lt;Error&gt;: HID Session async scheduling initiated.
Oct 21 13:55:57 iPad backboardd &lt;Error&gt;: HID Session async root queue running at priority 63 and schedule 2.
Oct 21 13:55:57 iPad backboardd &lt;Error&gt;: HID Session async scheduling complete.
Oct 21 13:55:57 iPad SpringBoard &lt;Error&gt;: hidd died. Reestablishing connection.
Oct 21 13:55:57 iPad locationd &lt;Error&gt;: hidd died. Reestablishing connection.
Oct 21 13:55:57 iPad SpringBoard &lt;Error&gt;: hidd died. Reestablishing connection.
Oct 21 13:55:57 iPad UserEventAgent &lt;Error&gt;: hidd died. Reestablishing connection.
Oct 21 13:55:57 iPad aggregated &lt;Error&gt;: hidd died. Reestablishing connection.
Oct 21 13:55:57 iPad backboardd &lt;Notice&gt;: MultitouchHID: device bootloaded
Oct 21 13:55:57 iPad backboardd &lt;Notice&gt;: MultitouchHID: detection mode: 0-&gt;0
Oct 21 13:55:57 iPad backboardd &lt;Warning&gt;: Migration complete (if performed). (Elapsed time: 0.00 seconds)
Oct 21 13:55:57 iPad imagent &lt;Warning&gt;: Unable to get entitlements for client task. Error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=-1 &#34;The operation couldn’t be completed. (POSIX error -1 - Unknown error: -1)&#34;
Oct 21 13:55:57 iPad imagent &lt;Warning&gt;: Denying xpc connection, task does not have entitlement: com.apple.private.icfcallserver(SpringBoard:33)
Oct 21 13:55:57 iPad imagent &lt;Warning&gt;: Denying xpc connection, task does not have entitlement: com.apple.private.icfcallserver(SpringBoard:33)
Oct 21 13:55:58 iPad backboardd &lt;Warning&gt;: - Found running system app (com.apple.SpringBoard, pid 180). Attempting to stop it...
Oct 21 13:55:58 iPad com.apple.launchd (com.apple.SpringBoard) &lt;Notice&gt;: (com.apple.SpringBoard) Throttling respawn: Will start in 5 seconds
Oct 21 13:55:58 iPad com.apple.launchd (UIKitApplication:com.lightsail.ereader) &lt;Warning&gt;: (UIKitApplication:com.lightsail.ereader) Exit timeout elapsed (1 seconds). Killing
Oct 21 13:55:58 iPad com.apple.debugserver-300.2 &lt;Warning&gt;: 1 +0.000000 sec : error: ::thread_suspend (2f03) err = (os/kern) object terminated (0x00000025)
Oct 21 13:55:58 iPad com.apple.debugserver-300.2 &lt;Warning&gt;: 2 +0.001156 sec : error: ::thread_suspend (3003) err = (ipc/send) invalid destination port (0x10000003)
Oct 21 13:55:58 iPad com.apple.debugserver-300.2 &lt;Warning&gt;: 3 +0.000819 sec : error: ::task_info ( target_task = 0x1b0f, flavor = TASK_BASIC_INFO, task_info_out =&gt; 0x27d5b928, task_info_outCnt =&gt; 8 ) err = (os/kern) invalid argument (0x00000004)
Oct 21 13:55:58 iPad com.apple.debugserver-300.2 &lt;Warning&gt;: 4 +0.033603 sec : error: ::read ( -1, 0x3c69ec, 18446744069414585344 ) =&gt; -1 err = Bad file descriptor (0x00000009)
Oct 21 13:55:58 iPad com.apple.debugserver-300.2 &lt;Warning&gt;: Exiting.
Oct 21 13:56:03 iPad backboardd &lt;Warning&gt;: Telling the system app that it can start immediately
Oct 21 13:56:03 iPad SpringBoard &lt;Warning&gt;: Loaded logger: SBAppInstallationLog
Oct 21 13:56:03 iPad SpringBoard &lt;Warning&gt;: Loaded logger: SBIconLog
Oct 21 13:56:03 iPad SpringBoard &lt;Warning&gt;: Loaded logger: SBWorkspaceLogging
Oct 21 13:56:03 iPad SpringBoard &lt;Warning&gt;: *** error reading settings archive file: &lt;SBRootSettings: /var/mobile/Documents/com.apple.springboard.settings/RootSettings.plist&gt;
Oct 21 13:56:03 iPad backboardd &lt;Warning&gt;: - Now monitoring &#34;com.apple.SpringBoard&#34;
Oct 21 13:56:04 iPad SpringBoard &lt;Error&gt;: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:200: string SBNonDefaultSystemAppTag is not a valid gestalt question
Oct 21 13:56:04 iPad SpringBoard &lt;Error&gt;: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:200: string hidden is not a valid gestalt question
Oct 21 13:56:04 iPad SpringBoard &lt;Error&gt;: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:837: front-facing-camera cannot generate notifications yet
Oct 21 13:56:04 iPad SpringBoard &lt;Error&gt;: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:835: ipad is static and will never generate a notification
Oct 21 13:56:04 iPad SpringBoard &lt;Error&gt;: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:835: any-telephony is static and will never generate a notification
Oct 21 13:56:04 iPad SpringBoard &lt;Error&gt;: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:835: stand-alone-contacts is static and will never generate a notification
Oct 21 13:56:04 iPad SpringBoard &lt;Error&gt;: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:835: still-camera is static and will never generate a notification
Oct 21 13:56:04 iPad profiled &lt;Notice&gt;: (Note ) profiled: Service starting...
Oct 21 13:56:04 iPad SpringBoard &lt;Warning&gt;: lockdown says the device is: , state is 3
Oct 21 13:56:05 iPad misd &lt;Notice&gt;: unable to read plist for gettingmax wireless hosts
Oct 21 13:56:05 iPad SpringBoard &lt;Warning&gt;: BTM: attaching to BTServer
Oct 21 13:56:05 iPad SpringBoard &lt;Warning&gt;: Services all disappeared, removing all dependent devices
Oct 21 13:56:05 iPad SpringBoard &lt;Warning&gt;: Using your own bundle identifier as an NSUserDefaults suite name does not make sense and will not work. Break on _NSUserDefaults_Log_Nonsensical_Suites to find this
Oct 21 13:56:05 iPad backboardd &lt;Notice&gt;: MultitouchHID: detection mode: 0-&gt;5
Oct 21 13:56:06 iPad SpringBoard &lt;Warning&gt;: Application windows are expected to have a root view controller at the end of application launch
Oct 21 13:56:06 iPad SpringBoard &lt;Error&gt;: WiFi: Consulting &#34;no-sdio-devices&#34; property.
Oct 21 13:56:06 iPad SpringBoard &lt;Error&gt;: WiFi: &#34;no-sdio-devices&#34; property not found.
Oct 21 13:56:06 iPad kernel &lt;Debug&gt;: launchd Container: /private/var/mobile/Applications/4867203C-7B23-44F5-B161-398914C62FE5 (sandbox)
Oct 21 13:56:07 iPad SpringBoard &lt;Warning&gt;: SMS Plugin initialized.
Oct 21 13:56:07 iPad SpringBoard &lt;Error&gt;: WiFi: Consulting &#34;no-sdio-devices&#34; property.
Oct 21 13:56:07 iPad SpringBoard &lt;Error&gt;: WiFi: &#34;no-sdio-devices&#34; property not found.
Oct 21 13:56:07 iPad SpringBoard &lt;Warning&gt;: WiFi picker plugin initialized
Oct 21 13:56:07 iPad SpringBoard &lt;Notice&gt;: 2013-10-21 13:56:07.137|183|0x16e8cdb0: Region monitoring not available or enabled. Trigger ignored!
Oct 21 13:56:09 iPad syncdefaultsd &lt;Notice&gt;: (Note ) SYDAlwaysOnAccount: no account (null)
Oct 21 13:56:09 iPad syncdefaultsd &lt;Notice&gt;: (Note ) SYDAccount: no account
Oct 21 13:56:09 iPad syncdefaultsd &lt;Notice&gt;: (Note ) SYDPIMAccount: no account (null)
Oct 21 13:56:15 iPad backboardd &lt;Notice&gt;: Posting &#39;com.apple.iokit.hid.displayStatus&#39; notifyState=0
Oct 21 13:56:15 iPad kernel &lt;Debug&gt;: ALS: AppleARMBacklight::setBacklightEnableGated 0 (set level to 0x37e)
Oct 21 13:56:15 iPad kernel &lt;Debug&gt;: ALS: AppleARMBacklight::handleMessageGated - framebufferState -&gt; 0
Oct 21 13:56:15 iPad kernel &lt;Debug&gt;: AppleMultitouchZ2SPI: updating power statistics
Oct 21 13:56:15 iPad backboardd &lt;Notice&gt;: MultitouchHID: detection mode: 5-&gt;255
Oct 21 13:56:17 iPad profiled &lt;Notice&gt;: (Note ) profiled: Service stopping.

10 月 21 日 13:55:58 iPad com.apple.launchd (UIKitApplication:com.lightsail.ereader) : (UIKitApplication:com.lightsail.ereader) 退出超时(1 秒) )。杀戮</p>

<p>它说明了退出超时。 com.lightsail.ereader 是我的应用程序的标识符。</p></p>
                                    <br><hr><h1><strong>Best Answer-推荐答案</ strong></h1><br>
                                            <p><p>没关系。这是一个试图访问导致 iPad 崩溃的设备分区的 C++ 文件。我设法通过删除该代码来解决问题。如果其他人面临同样的问题,那么我建议他们检查代码中的文件操作以隔离问题。 </p></p>
                                                <p style="font-size: 20px;">关于iOS 7 应用程序崩溃整个 iPad,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:
                                                        <a href="https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19493959/" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow" style="color: red;">
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