ios - 是否可以从 HealthKit 读取 Apple Watch 目标(移动、跨步和站立)?
<p><p>是否可以从 HealthKit 读取 Apple Watch 移动目标?</p>
<p>我可以使用数量标识符 HKQuantityTypeIdentifier.activeEnergyBurned 检索移动值。我找不到移动目标的类似标识符。</p></p>
<br><hr><h1><strong>Best Answer-推荐答案</ strong></h1><br>
<p><pre><code>//Declared globally
var healthStore: HKHealthStore?
func prepareHealthKit() {
guard HKHealthStore.isHealthDataAvailable() else {
var readTypes = Set<HKObjectType>()
healthStore = HKHealthStore()
healthStore!.requestAuthorization(toShare: nil, read: readTypes) { (isSuccess, error) in
Assuming you know the following steps:
1. Start workout session: i.e. "HKWorkoutSession"
2. Wait for delegate: i.e "workoutSession(_:didChangeTo:from:date:)"
3. Start Query for Activity Summary in the delegate:
i.e our "startQueryForActivitySummary()"
<pre><code>func startQueryForActivitySummary() {
func createPredicate() -> NSPredicate? {
let calendar = Calendar.autoupdatingCurrent
var dateComponents = calendar.dateComponents([.year, .month, .day],
from: Date())
dateComponents.calendar = calendar
let predicate = HKQuery.predicateForActivitySummary(with: dateComponents)
return predicate
let queryPredicate = createPredicate()
let query = HKActivitySummaryQuery(predicate: queryPredicate) { (query, summaries, error) -> Void in
if let summaries = summaries {
for summary in summaries {
let activeEnergyBurned = summary.activeEnergyBurned.doubleValue(for: HKUnit.kilocalorie())
let activeEnergyBurnedGoal = summary.activeEnergyBurnedGoal.doubleValue(for: HKUnit.kilocalorie())
let activeEnergyBurnGoalPercent = round(activeEnergyBurned/activeEnergyBurnedGoal)
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