菜鸟教程小白 发表于 2022-12-13 06:14:09

ios - UITableView 单元格内容未正确显示

                                            <p><p>我使用自动布局并希望显示具有自定义单元格的 <code>UITableView</code>,该单元格的 <code>UITextView</code> 具有可变内容。</p>

<p>单元格显示如下。对于聊天消息,第一次显示单元格时<em>单行仅显示 2-3 个字符</em>,并且下一个字符被强制转到下一行。但是,当我滚动 tableView 以使这些单元格不可见并向后滚动以使它们可见时(我这样做是为了当它们再次可见时 cellForRowAtIndexPath: 再次调用方法来渲染单元格),它们会正确渲染单元格,如图所示第二张图片。</p>

<p> <img src="/image/2UaHs.png" alt="enter image description here"/>
<img src="/image/sVl0A.png" alt="enter image description here"/> </p>


<pre><code>- (NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)tableView
    return 1;

- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section
    return ;

- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    RS_User *user = [init];
    chatCell *cell = (chatCell *);
    NSUInteger row = indexPath.row;
    cell.chatCellBackground.image = nil;

      NSString *chatText = [ objectForKey:TEXT];       // get text string(message) from array

      cell.textLabel.lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakByWordWrapping;
      UIFont *font = ;
      cell.textString.font = ;      // set text font
      cell.textString.text = chatText;

      // set text
      CGSize size = ;
      cell.textString.frame = ...;

      NSDate *theDate = [ objectForKey:DATE];
      NSDateFormatter *formatter = [ init];
      NSString *timeString = ;
      cell.timeLabel.text = timeString;                                             // set timeLabel to display date and time
      cell.timeLabel.font = ;

      cell.userLabel.text = @&#34;Name&#34;;//[ objectForKey:NAME];       // set userLabel to display userName

      CGSize size1 = ;

      // check cell contains sender name or receiver name
      if (thisCellIsForSender)
            // Set bubble for sender
            cell.chatCellBackground.image = [ stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth:STRETCHED_WIDTH topCapHeight:STRETCHED_HEIGHT];
            cell.chatCellBackground.frame = ...;
            // set bubble for receiver
            cell.chatCellBackground.image = [ stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth:STRETCHED_WIDTH topCapHeight:STRETCHED_HEIGHT];
            cell.chatCellBackground.frame = ...;

    return cell;

- (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    RS_User *user = [init];
    chatCell *cell = (chatCell *);
    NSUInteger row = indexPath.row;
    cell.chatCellBackground.image = nil;

    NSString *chatText = [ objectForKey:TEXT];       // get text string(message) from array

    cell.textLabel.lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakByWordWrapping;
    UIFont *font = ;
    cell.textString.font = ;      // set text font
    cell.textString.text = chatText;

    // set text
    CGSize size = ;
    cell.textString.frame = ...;

    NSDate *theDate = [ objectForKey:DATE];
    NSDateFormatter *formatter = [ init];
    NSString *timeString = ;
    cell.timeLabel.text = timeString;                                             // set timeLabel to display date and time
    cell.timeLabel.font = ;

    cell.userLabel.text = [ objectForKey:NAME];       // set userLabel to display userName


    CGSize size1 = ;

    // check cell contains sender name or receiver name
      if (thisCellIsForSender)
            // Set bubble for sender
            cell.chatCellBackground.image = [ stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth:STRETCHED_WIDTH topCapHeight:STRETCHED_HEIGHT];
            cell.chatCellBackground.frame = ...;
            // set bubble for receiver
            cell.chatCellBackground.image = [ stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth:STRETCHED_WIDTH topCapHeight:STRETCHED_HEIGHT];
            cell.chatCellBackground.frame = ...;

    cell.bounds = CGRectMake(0.0f, 0.0f, CGRectGetWidth(tableView.bounds), CGRectGetHeight(cell.bounds));


    return cell.bounds.size.height;      

<p><strong>更新:</strong>我可以从 <code>coverback</code> 的回答中解决一些问题。静止单元格布局不正确。我正在为单元格中每个 UI 对象的约束添加照片。</p>


<p> <img src="/image/taVmQ.png" alt="enter image description here"/> <img src="/image/9fj4h.png" alt="enter image description here"/> </p>

<p><strong>时间戳:</strong> </p>

<p> <img src="/image/4BiQc.png" alt="enter image description here"/> <img src="/image/q1CPp.png" alt="enter image description here"/> </p>

<p><strong>聊天消息:</strong> </p>

<p> <img src="/image/sqm9v.png" alt="enter image description here"/> <img src="/image/3KDPb.png" alt="enter image description here"/> </p>


<p> <img src="/image/IqY6k.png" alt="enter image description here"/> <img src="/image/Qybf0.png" alt="enter image description here"/> </p>

<p><strong>单元格布局:</strong> </p>

<li><p><code>cellForRowAtIndexPath:</code> 中的单元格高度始终为 100,即使我从 <code>heightForRowAtIndexPath:</code> 方法返回不同的值。 Storyboard中的单元格高度为 100。</p></li>

<p> <img src="/image/Ic9a7.png" alt="enter image description here"/> </p>

                                    <br><hr><h1><strong>Best Answer-推荐答案</ strong></h1><br>

<p>我在自定义 <code>UITableViewCell</code> 的类中添加了以下方法。</p>

<pre><code>- (void)layoutSubviews
    CGFloat maxTextWidth = .bounds.size.width * 0.40;
    self.userLabel.preferredMaxLayoutWidth = maxTextWidth;
    self.chatMessage.preferredMaxLayoutWidth = maxTextWidth;
    self.timeLabel.preferredMaxLayoutWidth = self.timeLabel.frame.size.width;

<p><strong>UITableView 数据源方法:</strong></p>

<pre><code>- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    CustomCell * cell = (CustomCell *);
    // Set all label&#39;s text and image to ImageView

    // Update layout

- (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    customCell * cell = (customCell *);

    NSString * userName = cell.userLabel.text;
    NSString * chatText = cell.chatMessage.text;

    // Get bounding rect of userName label
    CGRect userNameFrame = ;

    // Get bounding rect of chatMessage label
    CGRect chatTextFrame = ;

    // Calculate cell height from its contents
    height = userNameFrame.size.height + chatTextFrame.size.height + PADDING_ABOVE_TOP_LABEL + DISTANCE_BETWEEN_TWO_LABELS + PADDING_BELOW_BOTTOM_LABEL;

    return height;
                                                <p style="font-size: 20px;">关于ios - UITableView 单元格内容未正确显示,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:
                                                        <a href="https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21474157/" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow" style="color: red;">
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