ios - Google Places API 未按预期工作
<p><p>我正在关注 <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow">Google Places API for IOS</a>查看用户当前位置的教程。</p>
<pre><code>var placesClient: GMSPlacesClient!
// Add a pair of UILabels in Interface Builder, and connect the outlets to these variables.
@IBOutlet weak var nameLabel: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var addressLabel: UILabel!
override func viewDidLoad() {
placesClient = GMSPlacesClient.shared()
// Add a UIButton in Interface Builder, and connect the action to this function.
@IBAction func getCurrentPlace(_ sender: UIButton) {
placesClient.currentPlace(callback: { (placeLikelihoodList, error) -> Void in
if let error = error {
print("Pick Place error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
self.nameLabel.text = "No current place"
self.addressLabel.text = ""
if let placeLikelihoodList = placeLikelihoodList {
let place = placeLikelihoodList.likelihoods.first?.place
if let place = place {
self.nameLabel.text =
self.addressLabel.text = place.formattedAddress?.components(separatedBy: ", ")
.joined(separator: "\n")
<p>Pick Place error: The operation couldn’t be completed. The Places API
could not find the user's location. This may be because the user has
not allowed the application to access location information.</p>
<p>注意:我在 <code>info.plist</code> 文件中设置了 <code>NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription</code> 键(隐私 - 使用时的位置使用说明)。</p>
<br><hr><h1><strong>Best Answer-推荐答案</ strong></h1><br>
<p>This may be because the user has not allowed the application to access location information.</p>
<p>这会指向您的答案。要使 Google Places 正常工作,您需要通过调用 <code>requestWhenInUseAuthorization()</code> 请求使用定位服务。这将提示用户授予该应用使用定位服务的权限。</p>
<p>请引用<a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow" title="Apple docs">Apple Docs</a>了解更多信息。</p>
<p>您应该保留对您创建的 CLLocationManager 的强引用,这样它就不会在您的函数退出时被释放。</p>
<p>"Create an instance of the CLLocationManager class and store a strong reference to it somewhere in your app.
Keeping a strong reference to the location manager object is required until all tasks involving that object are complete. Because most location manager tasks run asynchronously, storing your location manager in a local variable is insufficient."</p>
<p>取自<a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow">CLLocationManager Docs</a> </p>
<pre><code>class LocationViewController: UIViewController, CLLocationManagerDelegate {
let locationManager = CLLocationManager()
override func viewDidLoad()
locationManager.delegate = self
if CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus() == .notDetermined
<p style="font-size: 20px;">关于ios - Google Places API 未按预期工作,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:
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