一,结构型指令*是一个语法糖,<a *ngIf="user.login">退出</a>相当于 <ng-template [ngIf]="user.login"> <a>退出</a> </ng-template> 避免了写ng-template。 <ng-template [ngIf]="item.reminder"> <mat-icon > alarm </mat-icon> </ng-template> <!-- <mat-icon *ngIf="item.reminder"> alarm </mat-icon> --> 结构型指令为什么能改变结构? ngIf源码 set方法标记为@Input,如果条件为真而且不含view的话,把内部hasView标识位置为true然后通过viewContainer根据template创建一个子view。 条件不为真就用视图容器清空所含内容。 viewContainerRef:容器,指令所在的视图的容器 二,模块Module什么是模块?独立功能的文件集合,用来组织文件。 模块元数据 entryComponents:进入模块就要立刻加载的(比如对话框),而不是调用的时候加载。 exports:模块内部的想要让大家公用,一定要export出来。 forRoot()是什么? imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes)], imports: [RouterModule.forChild(route)]; 其实forRoot和forChild是两个静态工厂方法。 constructor(guard: any, router: Router); /** * Creates a module with all the router providers and directives. It also optionally sets up an * application listener to perform an initial navigation. * * Options (see `ExtraOptions`): * * `enableTracing` makes the router log all its internal events to the console. * * `useHash` enables the location strategy that uses the URL fragment instead of the history * API. * * `initialNavigation` disables the initial navigation. * * `errorHandler` provides a custom error handler. * * `preloadingStrategy` configures a preloading strategy (see `PreloadAllModules`). * * `onSameUrlNavigation` configures how the router handles navigation to the current URL. See * `ExtraOptions` for more details. * * `paramsInheritanceStrategy` defines how the router merges params, data and resolved data * from parent to child routes. */ static forRoot(routes: Routes, config?: ExtraOptions): ModuleWithProviders<RouterModule>; /** * Creates a module with all the router directives and a provider registering routes. */ static forChild(routes: Routes): ModuleWithProviders<RouterModule>; } 元数据根据不同情况会变化,元数据没办法动态指定,不写元数据,直接构造一个静态的工程方法,返回一个Module。 写一个forRoot()创建一个serviceModule:$ ng g m services import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common'; @NgModule({ declarations: [], imports: [ CommonModule ] }) export class ServicesModule { } ServiceModule里面的元数据不要了。用一个静态方法forRoot返回。 import { NgModule, ModuleWithProviders } from '@angular/core'; import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common'; @NgModule() export class ServicesModule { static forRoot(): ModuleWithProviders{ return { ngModule: ServicesModule, providers:[] } } } 在core Module中导入的时候使用 imports: [ServicesModule.forRoot();] 三,风格定义ngClass,ngStyle和[class.yourclass] ngClass:用于条件动态指定样式类,适合对样式做大量更改的情况。预先定义好class。 <mat-list-item class="container" [@item]="widerPriority" [ngClass]="{ 'priority-normal':item.priority===3, 'priority-important':item.priority===2, 'priority-emergency':item.priority===1 }" ngStyle:用于条件动态指定样式,适合少量更改的情况。比如下面例子中[ngStyle]="{'order':list.order}"。key是一个字符串。 [class.yourclass] :[class.yourclass] = "condition"直接对应一个条件。这个condition满足适合应用这个class。等价于ngClass的写法,相当于是ngClass的变体,简写。 <div class="content" mat-line [class.completed]="item.completed"> <span [matTooltip]="item.desc">{{item.desc}}</span> </div> 使用ngStyle在拖拽的时候调整顺序原理就是动态指定flex容器样式的order为list模型对象里的order。 1、在taskHome中给app-task-list添加order list-container是一个flex容器,它的排列顺序是按照order去排序的。 <app-task-list *ngFor="let list of lists" class="list-container" app-droppable="true" [dropTags]="['task-item','task-list']" [dragEnterClass]=" 'drag-enter' " [app-draggable]="true" [dragTag]=" 'task-list' " [draggedClass]=" 'drag-start' " [dragData]="list" (dropped)="handleMove($event,list)" [ngStyle]="{'order': list.order}" > 2、list数据结构里需要有order,所以增加order属性 lists = [ { id: 1, name: "待办", order: 1, tasks: [ { id: 1, desc: "任务一: 去星巴克买咖啡", completed: true, priority: 3, owner: { id: 1, name: "张三", avatar: "avatars:svg-11" }, dueDate: new Date(), reminder: new Date() }, { id: 2, desc: "任务一: 完成老板布置的PPT作业", completed: false, priority: 2, owner: { id: 2, name: "李四", avatar: "avatars:svg-12" }, dueDate: new Date() } ] }, { id: 2, name: "进行中", order:2, tasks: [ { id: 1, desc: "任务三: 项目代码评审", completed: false, priority: 1, owner: { id: 1, name: "王五", avatar: "avatars:svg-13" }, dueDate: new Date() }, { id: 2, desc: "任务一: 制定项目计划", completed: false, priority: 2, owner: { id: 2, name: "李四", avatar: "avatars:svg-12" }, dueDate: new Date() } ] } ]; 3、在list拖拽换顺序的时候,改变order 交换两个srcList和目标list的顺序order handleMove(srcData,targetList){ switch (srcData.tag) { case 'task-item': console.log('handling item'); break; case 'task-list': console.log('handling list'); const srcList =; const tempOrder = srcList.order; srcList.order = targetList.order; targetList.order = tempOrder; default: break; } } 以上就是详解Angular结构型指令模块和样式的详细内容,更多关于Angular结构型指令模块和样式的资料请关注极客世界其它相关文章! |