searchpage.htm ' 搜索页面. <html> <head> <title>千花飞舞之站内搜索引擎</title> </head> <body> <CENTER> <FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="searchresult.asp">
<TABLE BGCOLOR="#BLUE" BORDER="0"> <tr> <td ROWSPAN="3" BGCOLOR="#BLUE" width="21" nowrap></td> <td width="363" nowrap> <FONT COLOR="#FFFFFF"> <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="SearchText" SIZE="22"> <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="Case"> 高度敏感</FONT> </td> <td ROWSPAN="3" width="10"> <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="搜索"> <P> <INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="重写"> </td> <td ROWSPAN="3" BGCOLOR="#BLUE" width="28"></td> </tr> <tr>
<td width="363" nowrap> <FONT COLOR="#FFFFFF"> 搜索返回结果 <select name="rLength" > <option value="200" selected>详细信息</option> <option value="100">简短信息</option> <option value="0">只返回连接</option> </select> <select NAME="rResults"> <OPTION VALUE="10" selectED>10 <OPTION VALUE="25">25 <OPTION VALUE="50">50 </select> </FONT> </td> </tr> <tr>
<td width="363" nowrap> <FONT COLOR="#FFFFFF"> 必须包含: <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="iImage">图片 <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="iZips">Zip格式 <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="iJavaS"> javascript </FONT> </td> </tr> </TABLE> </FORM> </CENTER> <DL> </DL> </body></html>
searchresult.asp ' 搜索结果. <html> <head> <title>千花飞舞站内'<%=Request("SearchText")%>'之搜索结果</title> </head> <body> <B>'<%=Request("SearchText")%>'的搜索结果</B><BR> <% Const fsoForReading = 1 Dim objFile, objFolder, objSubFolder, objTextStream Dim bolCase, bolFileFound, bolTagFound Dim strCount, strDeTag, strExt, strFile, strContent, strRoot, strTag, strText, strtitle, strtitleL Dim reqImage, reqJavaS, reqLength, reqNumber, reqZip
strFile = ".asp .htm .html .js .txt .css" strRoot = "/" strText = Request("SearchText") strTag = Chr(37) & Chr(62) bolFileFound = False bolTagFound = False If Request("Case") = "on" Then bolCase = 0 Else bolCase = 1 If Request("iImage") = "on" Then reqImage = "<IMG" Else reqImage = "" If Request("iZips") = "on" Then reqZips = ".zip" Else reqImage = "" If Request("iJavaS") = "on" Then reqJavaS = "javascript" Else reqImage = "" If Request("rResults") = "10" Then reqNumber = 10 If Request("rResults") = "25" Then reqNumber = 25 If Request("rResults") = "50" Then reqNumber = 50 reqLength = Request("rLength")
Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(Server.MapPath(strRoot))
Sub schSubFol(objFolder) For Each objFile in objFolder.Files If strCount + 1 > reqNumber or strText = "" Then Exit Sub If Response.IsClientConnected Then Set objTextStream = objFSO.OpenTextFile(objFile.Path,fsoForReading)
strContent = objTextStream.ReadAll
If InStr(1, strContent, strTag, bolCase) Then Else If Mid(objFile.Name, Len(objFile.Name) - 1, 1) = "." Then strExt = Mid(objFile.Name, Len (objFile.Name) - 1, 2) If Mid(objFile.Name, Len(objFile.Name) - 2, 1) = "." Then strExt = Mid(objFile.Name, Len (objFile.Name) - 2, 3) If Mid(objFile.Name, Len(objFile.Name) - 3, 1) = "." Then strExt = Mid(objFile.Name, Len (objFile.Name) - 3, 4) If Mid(objFile.Name, Len(objFile.Name) - 4, 1) = "." Then strExt = Mid(objFile.Name, Len (objFile.Name) - 4, 5) If InStr(1, strContent, strText, bolCase) And _ InStr(1, strContent, reqImage, 1) And _ InStr(1, strContent, reqZips, 1) And _ InStr(1, strContent, reqJavaS, 1) And _ Instr(1, strFile, strExt, 1) Then If InStr(1, strContent, "<title>", 1) Then strtitle = Mid(strContent, InStr(1, strContent, "<title>", 1) + 7, InStr(1, strContent, "</title>", 1)) Else strtitle = "未命名" strCount = strCount + 1 Response.Write "<DL><DT><B><I>"& strCount &"</I></B> - <A HREF=" & objFile.Path & ">" & strtitle & "</A></A></DT><BR><DD>" strtitleL = InStr(1, strContent, "</title>", 1) - InStr(1, strContent, "<title>", 1) +7
strDeTag = "" bolTagFound = False
Do While InStr(strContent, "<") bolTagFound = True strDeTag = strDeTag & " " & Left(strContent, InStr(strContent, "<") - 1) strContent = MID(strContent, InStr(strContent, ">") + 1) Loop
strDeTag = strDeTag & strContent If Not bolTagFound Then strDeTag = strContent
If reqLength = "0" Then Response.Write objFile.Path & "</DD></DL>" Else Response.Write Mid(strDeTag, strtitleL, reqLength) & "...<BR><b><FONT SIZE='2'>URL: " & objFile.Path & " - 上次修改时 间: " & objFile.DateLastModified & " - " & FormatNumber(objFile.Size / 1024) & "Kbytes</FONT></b></DD></DL>" bolFileFound = True End If objTextStream.Close End If End If Next End Sub
For Each objSubFolder in objFolder.SubFolders schSubFol(objSubFolder) Next
If Not bolFileFound then Response.Write "抱歉,没有找到您要搜索的结果!" If bolFileFound then Response.Write "<B>搜索结束</B>"
Set objTextStream = Nothing Set objFolder = Nothing Set objFSO = Nothing %> </body></html> [1] |