{======================================================= 学习破解,写注册机的一些函数集 By:黑夜彩虹 ========================================================} function wzwgp(s: string): string; //取累加值 var i,sum:integer; begin sum:=0; for i:=1 to length(s) do begin sum:=sum ord(s[i]); end; Result :=inttostr(sum); end; function ASCII10ADD(s: string): string; //取累加值 var i,sum:integer; begin sum:=0; for i:=1 to length(s) do begin sum:=sum ord(s[i]); end; Result :=inttostr(sum); end; function ASCII16ADD(s: string): string; //取累加值 var i,sum:integer; begin sum:=0; for i:=1 to length(s) do begin sum:=sum ord(s[i]); end; Result :=inttohex(sum,2); end; function float( a:integer ):string; var i:integer; s:Extended; begin s:=0; i:=1; for i:=1 to a do begin s:=s 1/i; end; result:=FloatToStr(s); end; function float2( a:integer ):string; //浮点数学运算 var i:integer; s:Extended; begin s:=0; i:=1; for i:=1 to a do begin if i mod 2 <>0 then s:=s 1/i else s:=s - 1/i; end; result:=FloatToStr(s); end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin edit2.text:=float2(100); end; { } function StrToBack(s: string): string; //将字符串倒转过来 var i:integer; begin for i:=1 to length(s) do begin result :=s[i] result; end; end; { } function mdistr(str:string;int:integer):string; //取字符串的中间部份 begin if int<Length(str)div 2 then result:=copy(str,length(str) div 2,int) else result:=copy(str,Length(str)div 2-(int-Length(str)div 2),int); end; { } function StrToASCII16(s: string): string; //字符串转换ascii码16进制 var i:integer; begin for i:=1 to length(s) do begin result := result IntToHex(ord(s[i]),2); end; end; { } function StrToASCII10(s: string): string; //字符串转换ascii码10进制 var i:integer; begin for i:=1 to length(s) do begin result:= result inttostr(ord(s[i])); end; end; { } function StrToASCII16(s: string): string; //字符串转换ascii码16进制, var i:integer; // 如:黑夜彩虹=$BA,$DA,$D2,$B9,$B2,$CA,$BA,$E7 begin for i:=1 to length(s) do begin result := result '$' IntToHex(ord(s[i]),2) ','; end; Result:=copy(Result,0,Length(result)-1); end; { } function DoubleStr(Str: string): string; //取字符串偶位数字符 var i: Integer; begin Result := ''; for i := 2 to Length(Str) do if i mod 2 = 0 then Result := Result Str[i]; end; { } function WideStr(str:string):String; //取出字符串中的汉字 var I: Integer; begin for I := 1 to Length(WideString(Str)) do if Length(string(WideString(Str)[I])) = 2 then result:= result WideString(Str)[I]; end; { } function StrSubCount(const Source,Sub:string):integer; //判断某字符在字符串中的个数 var Buf:string; Len,i:integer; begin Result:=0; Buf:=Source; i:=Pos(Sub, Buf); Len:=Length(Sub); while i <> 0 do begin Inc(Result); Delete(Buf,1,i Len-1); i:=Pos(Sub,Buf); end; end; { } function ByteToHex(Src: Byte): String; begin SetLength(Result, 2); asm MOV EDI, [Result] MOV EDI, [EDI] MOV AL, Src MOV AH, AL // Save to AH SHR AL, 4 // Output High 4 Bits ADD AL, '0' CMP AL, '9' JBE @@OutCharLo ADD AL, 'A'-'9'-1 @@OutCharLo: AND AH, $f ADD AH, '0' CMP AH, '9' JBE @@OutChar ADD AH, 'A'-'9'-1 @@OutChar: STOSW end; end; { } function ShiftStr(str1,str2:string):string; //移位字符串 var i:integer; begin Result:=''; for i:=1 to length(str1) do begin Result:=Result str1[i] str2[i]; end; end; function SiftStr(Str: string): string; //过滤字符串 var i,j:integer; begin Result:=''; j:=Length(str); for i:=0 to j do begin if str[i] in ['0'..'9','a'..'f','A'..'F'] then Result:=Result str[i]; end; end; function IsNum(str:string;int,int2:integer): string; var i:integer; begin for i:=1 to length(str) do begin result := inttostr((StrToInt('$' str[i]) or int) mod int2) result; end; end; { } function OpeateStr(const s :string): string; //字符逐位 xor 运算 const snLen = 5 ; sn:array[1..snLen] of Integer =($0D, $01, $14, $05,$02); var i,n: integer; begin setLength(result,Length(s)); for i :=1 to Length(s) do begin n := i mod snLen ; if n = 0 then n := 5 ; result[i] := char(ord(s[i]) xor sn[n]); end; end; { } function StrToEncrypt(Str,ID,Pass:string): string; //销售王进销存_keygen算法 var username: string; a, b, c_str, c_hex, d, e, f: string; I, a_len: Integer; begin username:=str; a:=id str; //b:= 'MraketSoft62095231'; b:=pass; a_len := Length(a); c_str := ''; c_hex := ''; for I := 1 to a_len do begin c_hex := c_hex IntToHex(Byte(a[I]) xor Byte(b[I mod Length(b)]), 2) ' '; c_str := c_str Chr(Byte(a[I]) xor Byte(b[I mod Length(b)])); end; d := ''; for I := 1 to Length(c_str) do begin if Byte(c_str[I]) in [$01..$09,$0A..$0F] then d := d QuotedStr('#$' IntToHex(Byte(c_str[I]), 1)) else d := d c_str[I]; end; d := '''' d ''''; e := ''; for I := 1 to Length(d) do begin if d[I] in ['0'..'9','a'..'z','A'..'Z'] then e := e d[I]; end; f := ''; for I := 1 to Length(e) do begin f := f e[I]; if (I mod 4 = 0)and(I<Length(e)){避免注册码正好是4的倍数时,最后一组加横线} then f := f '-'; end; Result:=f; end; { } function myStrtoHex(s: string): string; //原字符串转16进制字符串 var tmpstr:string; i:integer; begin tmpstr := ''; for i:=1 to length(s) do begin tmpstr := tmpstr inttoHex(ord(s[i]),2); end; result := tmpstr; end; function myHextoStr(S: string): string; //16进制字符串转原字符串 var hexS,tmpstr:string; i:integer; a:byte; begin hexS :=s;//应该是该字符串 if length(hexS) mod 2=1 then begin hexS:=hexS '0'; end; tmpstr:=''; for i:=1 to (length(hexS) div 2) do begin a:=strtoint('$' hexS[2*i-1] hexS[2*i]); tmpstr := tmpstr chr(a); end; result :=tmpstr; end; function encryptstr(const s:string; skey:string):string; //异或运算加密 var i,j: integer; hexS,hexskey,midS,tmpstr:string; a,b,c:byte; begin hexS :=myStrtoHex(s); hexskey:=myStrtoHex(skey); midS :=hexS; for i:=1 to (length(hexskey) div 2) do begin if i<>1 then midS:= tmpstr; tmpstr:=''; for j:=1 to (length(midS) div 2) do begin a:=strtoint('$' midS[2*j-1] midS[2*j]); b:=strtoint('$' hexskey[2*i-1] hexskey[2*i]); c:=a xor b; tmpstr := tmpstr myStrtoHex(chr(c)); end; end; result := tmpstr; end; function decryptstr(const s:string; skey:string):string; //异或运算解密 var i,j: integer; hexS,hexskey,midS,tmpstr:string; a,b,c:byte; begin hexS :=s;//应该是该字符串 if length(hexS) mod 2=1 then begin showmessage('密文错误!'); exit; end; hexskey:=myStrtoHex(skey); tmpstr :=hexS; midS :=hexS; for i:=(length(hexskey) div 2) downto 1 do begin if i<>(length(hexskey) div 2) then midS:= tmpstr; tmpstr:=''; for j:=1 to (length(midS) div 2) do begin a:=strtoint('$' midS[2*j-1] midS[2*j]); b:=strtoint('$' hexskey[2*i-1] hexskey[2*i]); c:=a xor b; tmpstr := tmpstr myStrtoHex(chr(c)); end; end; result := myHextoStr(tmpstr); end; //调用 Edit2.Text :=encryptstr(Edit1.Text,Editkey.Text); { } // XOR 加密/解密 function XorEncDec(AStr:String;Key:Byte):String; var i,n:Integer; begin n:=Length(AStr); SetLength(Result,n); for i:=1 to n do Result[i]:=Char(Byte(AStr[i]) xor Key); end; //加法加密 function AddEnc(AStr:String;Key:Byte):String; var i,n:Integer; begin n:=Length(AStr); SetLength(Result,n); for i:=1 to n do Result[i]:=Char(Byte(AStr[i]) Key); end; //加法解密 function AddDec(AStr:String;Key:Byte):String; var i,n:Integer; begin n:=Length(AStr); SetLength(Result,n); for i:=1 to n do Result[i]:=Char(Byte(AStr[i])-Key); end; 其中XorEncDec的加密/解密均为同一个过程,而加法加密、解密则需要两个过程配套使用。 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Edit2.Text:=XorEncDec(Edit1.Text,123); //加密(Edit1中存放明文,Edit2存放密文) end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin Edit1.Text:=XorEncDec(Edit2.Text,123); //解密(Edit2存放密文,Edit1中存放解密的明文) end; //==================================================== //题目:有1、2、3、4个数字,能组成多少个互不相同且无重复数字的三位数?都是多少? function permutation( int:integer ):string; var i,j,k:integer; begin for i:=1 to int do for j:=1 to int do for k:=1 to int do begin if (i<>j) and (i<>k) and (j<>k)then result:=result inttostr(i) inttostr(j) inttostr(k) #13 #10; end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Memo1.Clear; Memo1.Lines.Add(permutation(4)); label1.Caption:=inttostr(memo1.Lines.Count); end; //=============================收集函数 function acafeel(Name:string):string; var strA,strB, strC : string; sum, pos : integer; begin if Name ='' then exit; for pos := 1 to length(Name) do if (ord(Name[pos]) < $20) or (ord(Name[pos]) > $7E) then begin showmessage('请输入字母或者数字,不支持中文!'); exit; end; sum := ord(Name[1]) * length(Name) * $64; strA := ' ' intTostr(sum) 'NoName SwordMan nOnAME'; strB := strA[$12] (strA[$7] strA[$8]) strA[$9] strA[$5] strA[$3] strA[$1] (strA[$14] strA[$15] strA[$16] strA[$17] strA[$18]) (strA[$D] strA[$E]) strA[$8]; for pos := 1 to length(strB) do if (ord(strB[pos]) <> $20) then strC := strC strB[pos]; if length(strC) < 14 then begin strC := strC copy(strA, 7, 23); strC := copy(strC, 1, 15) 'bywjy'; end; Result := copy(strC, 1, 5) '-' copy(strC, 5, 4) '-' copy(strC, 8, 4) '-' copy(strC, 11, 4) '-' copy(strC, 14, 7); end; function acafeel2(Name:string):string; var temp1, temp2, temp3, tempA, tempB, tempC1, tempC2, tempD1, tempD2, pos, posSTR, posADD, posSUB : integer; begin if length(Name) < 5 then //如果:注册名长度小于5位数 begin showmessage('注册名的长度必须大于4位数!'); exit; end; //如果:注册名长度大于等于5位数,小于等于9位数 if (5 <= length(Name)) and (length(Name) <= 9) then begin {大循环1}//////////////////////////////////////////////////{大循环1} // Name := EditName.Text; //第一次 temp1 := ((ord(Name[1]) $56B) xor $890428) $18; temp2 := ((ord(Name[4]) length(Name)) xor $54) xor $25D; temp3 := (ord(Name[1]) $56B) * $1024; tempA := ((temp1 * temp2) $400) temp3 ; //第二次开始循环 for pos := 2 to length(Name) do begin//取字符的ASCII码 temp1 := temp1 ((ord(Name[pos]) $56B) xor $890428); temp2 := ((ord(Name[4]) length(Name)) xor $54) xor $25D; temp3 := (ord(Name[pos]) $56B) * $1024; tempA := tempA (temp1 * temp2) temp3; end; end; if length(Name) > 9 then //如果:注册名长度大于9位数 begin {大循环1}//////////////////////////////////////////////////{大循环1} // Name := EditName.Text; //第一次 temp1 := ((ord(Name[1]) $56B) xor $890428) $18; temp2 := (((ord(Name[4]) length(Name)) xor $54) xor $25D) * $400; temp3 := ((ord(Name[1]) $56B) * $1024) $400; tempA := temp3; //第二次开始循环 for pos := 2 to length(Name) do begin//取字符的ASCII码 temp1 := temp1 temp2 ((ord(Name[pos]) $56B) xor $890428); temp2 := (((ord(Name[4]) length(Name)) xor $54) xor $25D) * temp3; temp3 := temp3 ((ord(Name[pos]) $56B) * $1024); tempA := temp3; end; temp1 := temp1 temp2; end; {小循环1}//////////////////////////////////////////////////{小循环1} // Name := EditName.Text; //第一次 tempB := ord(Name[5 1]) $32 $134A;//// {字符串反顺序}//比如开始:aCaFeeL for posSTR := length(Name) downto 1 do begin Name := Name Name[posSTR]; end; posSTR := length(Name) div 2; Name := copy(Name, posSTR 1, posSTR); {字符串反顺序}//比如结束:LeeFaCa //第二次开始循环 for pos := 4 downto 1 do begin tempB := tempB ord(Name[pos 1]) $134A;//// {字符串反顺序} for posSTR := length(Name) downto 1 do begin Name := Name Name[posSTR]; end; posSTR := length(Name) div 2; Name := copy(Name, posSTR 1, posSTR); {字符串反顺序} end; {小循环2}//////////////////////////////////////////////////{小循环2} //第一次 tempC1 := ord(Name[1]) tempB $134A; tempC2 := ((ord(Name[2]) $23) * $25A) temp1; //第二次开始循环 posADD := 2; for pos := 4 downto 1 do begin posADD := posADD 1; tempC1 := tempC1 ord(Name[1]) $134A; tempC2 := tempC2 ((ord(Name[posADD]) $23) * $25A); if (posADD = 4) or (posADD = 5) then begin {字符串反顺序} for posSTR := length(Name) downto 1 do begin Name := Name Name[posSTR]; end; posSTR := length(Name) div 2; Name := copy(Name, posSTR 1, posSTR); {字符串反顺序} end; end; {最后检测}//////////////////////////////////////////////////{最后检测} // Name := EditName.Text; tempD1 := (tempC2 $3C) xor ($1337 - ord(Name[3])); tempD2 := (tempC1 tempA) xor ($18 - ord(Name[6])); Result:= 'RHM' '-' inttostr(tempD1) inttostr(tempD2); end; //======================johnroot写的注册机改写(不懂算法的CM) function johnroot(Name:string):string; var nameok,gg,gg2,mm,mm2:pchar; i,j,j2,k:integer; begin getmem(nameok,$10); ZeroMemory(nameok,$10); getmem(mm,5); ZeroMemory(mm,5); getmem(mm2,5); ZeroMemory(mm2,5); for i:=0 to (length(name)-1) do begin nameok[i]:=Name[i]; end; j:=0; for i:=0 to $f do begin k:=ord(nameok[i]) xor $82; j:=j k; end; gg := pchar(inttostr(j)); j:=0; for i:=0 to $f do begin k:=ord(nameok[i]) xor $28; j2:=j2 k; end; gg2 := pchar(inttostr(j2)); if length(gg2)<4 then begin gg2:=pchar('0' string(gg2)); end; for i:=0 to 3 do begin mm[i]:= char($69 - ord(gg[i])); end; for i:=0 to 3 do begin mm2[i]:= char($69 - ord(gg2[i])); end; Result:=string(gg) string(gg2) string(mm) string(mm2); end; |