概述 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 在平时的工作中,我会经常的碰到这样需要合并SQL脚本的问题。如,有很多的SQL脚本文件,需要按照一定的先后顺序,再生成一个合并SQL脚本文件,然后再发布到用户SQL Server服务器上。 合并SQL脚本文件,最直接的方法就是新建1个空白的SQL脚本文件,再把需要合并的SQL脚本文件内容复制到新建的SQL文件中。当初,我合并脚本的操作方法与刚说的有类似。我在Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio(MSSMS)新建一个查询,再把要合并的SQL脚本文件,一个一个的打开,并复制内容到新建查询中,然后生成合并脚本文件。 上面的方法,对于几个SQL脚本文件合并来说,似乎没什么问题。但是,当我们要合并的脚本很多,一文件一个文件的内容复制,是比较繁琐的事情,要是能有1个简单合并脚本工具就最好不过了。下面介绍我写的两个合并SQL脚本文件的存储过程. 第1个存储过程,只要调用sp_OACreate实现合并SQL脚本文件。 复制代码 代码如下: use master Go if object_id('sp_ScriptMerge') Is Not Null Drop proc sp_ScriptMerge Go Create Proc sp_ScriptMerge ( @Path nvarchar(1024), @FilesList nvarchar(max)= null, @NewFileName nvarchar(1024)=null ) As /*合并SQL脚本文件(SQL)V1.0 Andy 2011-9-1*/ Declare @ScriptNr nchar(21), @subdirectoryStr nvarchar(512), @Dir nvarchar(1024), @ScriptCount int Declare @subdirectoryTB Table (subdirectory nvarchar(512),depth smallint,[file] smallint) Declare @tmp table(row smallint identity primary key,fileName nvarchar(512)) Set Nocount on if right(@Path,1)<>'\' Set @Path=@Path+'\' If Isnull(@NewFileName,'')='' Set @NewFileName=N'合并脚本-'+Convert(nvarchar(8),getdate(),112) if lower(right(@NewFileName,4))<>'.sql' Set @NewFileName=@NewFileName+'.sql' Set @NewFileName=@Path+@NewFileName Set @ScriptNr='Nr: '+Replace(replace(Replace(replace(convert(nvarchar(23),getdate(),121),'-',''),':',''),' ',''),'.','') Set @ScriptCount=0 /*读取脚本文件内容*/ if @FilesList >'' Begin Set @FilesList='Select N'''+replace(@FilesList,',',''' Union All Select N''')+'''' Insert into @tmp([fileName]) Exec(@FilesList) End if object_id('Tempdb..#') Is Not Null Drop Table # Create table #(row int identity(1,1) Primary key,text nvarchar(max)) Insert into @subdirectoryTB Exec xp_dirtree @Path,1,1 Declare cur_file cursor for Select a.subdirectory From @subdirectoryTB As a left Join @tmp As b ON b.fileName=a.subdirectory Where a.[file]=1 And a.subdirectory like '%.sql' And (b.fileName=a.subdirectory Or Not Exists(Select 1 From @tmp)) Order By isnull(b.row,0),a.subdirectory Open cur_file fetch next From cur_file into @subdirectoryStr While @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 Begin Set @ScriptCount=@ScriptCount+1 Insert into #(text) Select +Char(13)+Char(10)+ N'Go'+Char(13)+Char(10)+ N'/* '+@ScriptNr+' ('+rtrim(@ScriptCount)+'): '+@subdirectoryStr+' */'+Char(13)+Char(10)+ N'Go'+Char(13)+Char(10) Set @Dir='Type '+@Path+'"'+@subdirectoryStr+'"' Insert into #(text) Exec sys.xp_cmdshell @Dir fetch next From cur_file into @subdirectoryStr End Close cur_file Deallocate cur_file if @ScriptCount >0 Insert into #(text) Select +Char(13)+Char(10)+ N'Go'+Char(13)+Char(10)+ N'/* '+@ScriptNr+' 合并完成(合计 '+rtrim(@ScriptCount)+' 各脚本文件). */'+Char(13)+Char(10)+ N'Go'+Char(13)+Char(10) /*写入合并脚本文件*/ if @ScriptCount>0 Begin Declare @object int, @FileID int, @hr int, @src varchar(255), @desc varchar(255), @row int, @text nvarchar(max) Exec @hr=sp_OACreate 'Scripting.FileSystemObject',@object output If @hr <> 0 Goto File_ErrorHandler Exec @hr = sp_OAMethod @object,'CreateTextFile',@FileID OUTPUT, @NewFileName If @hr <> 0 Goto File_ErrorHandler Set @row=1 While Exists(Select 1 From # Where row=@row) Begin Set @text=(Select text From # Where row=@row) Exec @hr = sp_OAMethod @FileID, 'WriteLine', NULL, @text Set @row=@row +1 End Goto File_Done File_ErrorHandler: Print N'*********** 读写文件的时候发生错误 ***********' Exec @hr=sp_OAGetErrorInfo @object, @src OUT, @desc OUT Select convert(varbinary(4),@hr) As hr, @src As Source, @desc As Description File_Done: Exec @hr = sp_OADestroy @FileID Exec @hr = sp_OADestroy @object Print N'*********** 合并脚本完成 ***********' Print N'合并后脚本文件: '+@NewFileName End Go 调用上面存储过程前,需要确认启用 OLE Automation Procedures和xp_cmdshell 选项: 复制代码 代码如下: 复制代码 代码如下: Exec sys.sp_configure @configname = 'show advanced options',@configvalue = 1 reconfigure go Exec sys.sp_configure @configname = 'xp_cmdshell',@configvalue = 1 reconfigure Go Exec sys.sp_configure @configname = 'Ole Automation Procedures',@configvalue = 1 reconfigure Go 测试: 复制代码 代码如下: use master GO Exec master.dbo.sp_ScriptMerge @Path = 'C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\temp', -- nvarchar(1024) @FilesList = '', -- nvarchar(max) @NewFileName = '合并脚本20110905.sql' -- nvarchar(1024) *********** 合并脚本完成 ***********合并后脚本文件: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\temp\合并脚本20110905.sql第2个是CLR存储过程,使用C#代码实现合并SQL脚本文件。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C#代码: 复制代码 代码如下: using System; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server; using System.Data.SqlTypes; using System.IO; using System.Text; public class clScriptMerge { [Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlProcedure] public static void SQLScriptMerge(string Path, string FilesList, string NewFileName) { try { string[] strFiles ; FileInfo[] myFileInfo = (new DirectoryInfo(Path)).GetFiles("*.sql"); string strScriptNr = @"Nr" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssFFF"); int intCount=0; if (NewFileName == null || NewFileName=="") { NewFileName = "合并脚本" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".sql"; } SqlContext.Pipe.Send(NewFileName.ToString()); //打印已合并的SQL文件名 // 1.获得SQL脚本列表 if (FilesList != "") { strFiles = FilesList.Split(','); //筛分SQL脚本文件名列表,以","分隔 } else { strFiles = new string[myFileInfo.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < myFileInfo.Length; i++) { strFiles[i] = myFileInfo[i].Name; } } // 2.合并脚本 SqlContext.Pipe.Send("【SQL脚本文件列表】:\n--------------------------------------------"); StreamWriter SW = new StreamWriter(Path + @"\" + NewFileName, true, Encoding.Unicode); //使用Unicode编码 SW.WriteLine(@"Go\n/*============ " + strScriptNr + "====Start===================================*/\nGo\n"); //记录生成的合并脚本编号&合并动作的开始位置 foreach (string strFile in strFiles) { if (strFile !=NewFileName) { intCount += 1; SW.WriteLine(@"/* " + strScriptNr +@" ("+intCount+@"): " + strFile + "*/\nGo\n"); //记录合并哪一个脚本文件 using (StreamReader SR = new StreamReader(Path + @"\" + strFile, Encoding.Default)) { string line; while ((line = SR.ReadLine()) != null) { SW.WriteLine(line); } SR.Close(); } SqlContext.Pipe.Send(strFile.ToString()); //打印已合并的SQL文件名 } } SW.WriteLine(@"/*============ " + strScriptNr + "====End (一共 " + intCount + " 个文件)===================================*/\nGo\n"); //记录生成的合并脚本文件个数&合并动作的结束位置 SW.Close(); SqlContext.Pipe.Send("\n\n【合成后文件】:\n--------------------------------------------\n" + NewFileName); } catch (System.Exception e) { SqlContext.Pipe.Send("\n在方法SQLScriptMerge内发生错误: \n\n" + e.ToString()); } } } 存储过程代码: 复制代码 代码如下: Use master GO --启动CLR Exec sp_configure 'clr enable',1 Go Reconfigure GO --先设置数据库选项 Alter Database Master Set TRUSTWORTHY On Go --存储过程 If object_id('sp_ScriptMerge2') Is Not Null Drop Proc sp_ScriptMerge2 Go If Exists(Select 1 From sys.assemblies Where Name=N'ScriptMerge') Drop Assembly ScriptMerge Go Create Assembly ScriptMerge From 'E:\Test\Objects\ISTest\ScriptMerge\ScriptMerge\bin\Debug\ScriptMerge.dll' create proc sp_ScriptMerge2 ( @Path nvarchar(1024), @FilesList nvarchar(max), @NewFileName nvarchar(1024) ) As External Name ScriptMerge.clScriptMerge.SQLScriptMerge Go 以上的CLR存储过程代码是在SQL Server 2005 & Microsoft Visual Studio 2005下运行通过。 |