获取系统时间函数 select now(); --2013-11-28 16:20:25.259715+08 select current_timestamp; --2013-11-28 16:20:38.815466+08 select current_date; --2013-11-28 select current_time; --16:21:08.981171+08 时间的计算 select now()+interval '2 day'; --2013-11-30 16:21:47.610118+08 2天后 select now()-interval '2 day'; --2013-11-26 16:22:03.390593+08 2天前 select now()+interval '2 hour'; --2013-11-28 18:22:14.578733+08 2小时后 -- interval可以不写,其值可以是 -- Abbreviation Meaning -- Y Years -- M Months (in the date part) -- W Weeks -- D Days -- H Hours -- M Minutes (in the time part) 时间的截取 select extract(year from now()); --2013 select extract(mon from now()); --5月份 时间的转换 select timestamp '2012-05-12 18:54:54'; --2012-05-12 18:54:54 select date '2012-05-12 18:54:54'; --2012-05-12 select time '2012-05-12 18:54:54'; --18:54:54 select TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE '2012-05-12 18:54:54' --2012-05-12 18:54:54+08 与unix时间戳的转换 SELECT TIMESTAMP 'epoch' + 1341174767 * INTERVAL '1 second'; --2012-07-01 20:32:47 实例 postgres=# BEGIN; postgres=# SELECT now(); now ------------------------------- 2013-08-26 12:17:43.182331+02 postgres=# SELECT now(); now ------------------------------- 2013-08-26 12:17:43.182331+02 postgres=# SELECT clock_timestamp(); clock_timestamp ------------------------------- 2013-08-26 12:17:50.698413+02 postgres=# SELECT clock_timestamp(); clock_timestamp ------------------------------- 2013-08-26 12:17:51.123905+02 你会发现,语句执行时候clock_timestamp()的返回值每次都发生了改变,但是now()总是返回相同的值。当你需要考虑时区时,你应该特别注意这两个函数差异。 2.时间区间:比如3天前 interval '1 day' interval '5 days' interval '5 days' + interval '3 hours' interval '5 days 3 hours' 你可以看到,我们可以用interval操作符来简单的进行数学运算,这特别适合于构建例如3天前这样的时间区间,比如: postgres=# SELECT now() - interval '3 days'; ?column? ------------------------------- 2013-08-23 12:23:40.069717+02 3.获取星期几 postgres=# SELECT extract(DAY FROM now()); date_part ----------- 26 postgres=# SELECT extract(DOW FROM now()); date_part ----------- 1 4.时区转换 postgres=# BEGIN; BEGIN postgres=# SELECT now(); now ------------------------------- 2013-08-26 12:39:39.122218+02 postgres=# SELECT now() AT TIME ZONE 'GMT'; timezone ---------------------------- 2013-08-26 10:39:39.122218 postgres=# SELECT now() AT TIME ZONE 'GMT+1'; timezone ---------------------------- 2013-08-26 09:39:39.122218 postgres=# SELECT now() AT TIME ZONE 'PST'; timezone ---------------------------- 2013-08-26 02:39:39.122218 |