创建数据库bbb且owner为用户b: postgres9.6@[local]:5432 postgres# create database bbb owner b; CREATE DATABASE Time: 259.099 ms 默认情况下使用用户c也可以连接数据库bbb: postgres9.6@[local]:5432 postgres# \c bbb c You are now connected to database "bbb" as user "c". 回收public的connect on database bbb权限: c@[local]:5432 bbb# \c postgres postgres9.6 You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres9.6". postgres9.6@[local]:5432 postgres# revoke connect on database bbb from public; REVOKE Time: 2.088 ms 此时用户c没有了连接数据库bbb的权限: postgres9.6@[local]:5432 postgres# \c bbb c FATAL: permission denied for database "bbb" DETAIL: User does not have CONNECT privilege. Previous connection kept 但bbb数据库的owner用户b可以连接数据库: postgres9.6@[local]:5432 postgres# \c bbb b You are now connected to database "bbb" as user "b". b@[local]:5432 bbb# 此种情况下超级用户也可以连接该数据库: b@[local]:5432 bbb# \c bbb postgres9.6 You are now connected to database "bbb" as user "postgres9.6". postgres9.6@[local]:5432 bbb# postgres9.6@[local]:5432 bbb# \du List of roles Role name | Attributes | Member of -------------+------------------------------------------------------------+----------- a | | {} b | | {} c | | {} postgres9.6 | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS | {} 另外一种方法:从pg_hba.conf中限定: # TYPE DATABASE USER ADDRESS METHOD # "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only local all all trust # IPv4 local connections: host all all trust ... # host all all md5 补充:Postgres限制每个用户只能连接指定数量的session,防止服务器资源紧张 限制每个用户只能连接指定数量的session,防止服务器资源紧张 (1)创建测试用户test: highgo=#create user test; CREATEROLE highgo=#\du List of roles Role name | Attributes | Member of -----------+------------------------------------------------+---------- highgo | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication | {} test | | {} (2)设置仅允许用户test使用一个连接 highgo=#ALTER ROLE test CONNECTION LIMIT 1; ALTERROLE (3)在session 1中使用test用户连接highgo数据库 highgo=>\c highgo test Youare now connected to database "highgo" as user "test". highgo=> (4)在session 2中也使用test用户连接highgo数据库,会出现如下错误: highgo=#\c highgo test 致命错误: 由角色"test"发起的连接太多了 Previousconnection kept (5)查询用户test链接限制 highgo=>SELECT rolconnlimit FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname = 'test'; rolconnlimit -------------- 1 (1row) 以上为个人经验,希望能给大家一个参考,也希望大家多多支持极客世界。如有错误或未考虑完全的地方,望不吝赐教。 |