一、背景 一张person表,有id和name的两个字段,id是唯一的不允许重复,id相同则认为是重复的记录。 二、解决 select id from group by id having count(*) > 1 按照id分组并计数,某个id号那一组的数量超过1条则认为重复。 如何查询重复的数据 select 字段1,字段2,count(*) from 表名 group by 字段1,字段2 having count(*) > 1 PS:将上面的>号改为=号就可以查询出没有重复的数据了。 Oracle删除重复数据的SQL(删除所有): 删除重复数据的基本结构写法: 想要删除这些重复的数据,可以使用下面语句进行删除 delete from 表名 a where 字段1,字段2 in (select 字段1,字段2,count(*) from 表名 group by 字段1,字段2 having count(*) > 1) 上面的SQL注意:语句非常简单,就是将查询到的数据删除掉。不过这种删除执行的效率非常低,对于大数据量来说,可能会将数据库吊死。 建议先将查询到的重复的数据插入到一个临时表中,然后对进行删除,这样,执行删除的时候就不用再进行一次查询了。如下: CREATE TABLE 临时表 AS (select 字段1,字段2,count(*) from 表名 group by 字段1,字段2 having count(*) > 1) 上面这句话就是建立了临时表,并将查询到的数据插入其中。 下面就可以进行这样的删除操作了: delete from 表名 a where 字段1,字段2 in (select 字段1,字段2 from 临时表); Oracle删除重复数据的SQL(留下一条记录): oracle中,有个隐藏了自动rowid,里面给每条记录一个唯一的rowid,我们如果想保留最新的一条记录,我们就可以利用这个字段,保留重复数据中rowid最大的一条记录就可以了。 使用ROWID查询重复数据: select a.rowid,a.* from 表名 a where a.rowid != (select max(b.rowid) from 表名 b where a.字段1 = b.字段1 and a.字段2 = b.字段2 ) 括号中的SQL查询出rowid最大的记录,而外面就是查询出除了rowid最大之外的其他重复的数据了。 由此,我们要删除重复数据,只保留最新的一条数据,就可以这样写了: 删除重复数据(留下最大ROWID的一条) delete from 表名 a where a.rowid != (select max(b.rowid) from 表名 b where a.字段1 = b.字段1 and a.字段2 = b.字段2 ) 删除重复数据(留下最小ROWID的一条) delete tab t where t.rowid > ( select min(t2.rowid) from tab t2 where t.col2 = t2.col2 and t.col8 = t2.col8 ) 当然,上面语句的执行效率是很低的,可以考虑建立临时表,讲需要判断重复的字段、rowid插入临时表中,然后删除的时候在进行比较。 create table 临时表 as select a.字段1,a.字段2,MAX(a.ROWID) dataid from 正式表 a GROUP BY a.字段1,a.字段2; delete from 表名 a where a.rowid != (select b.dataid from 临时表 b where a.字段1 = b.字段1 and a.字段2 = b.字段2 ); commit; 对于完全重复记录的删除 对于表中两行记录完全一样的情况,可以用下面语句获取到去掉重复数据后的记录: select distinct * from 表名 可以将查询的记录放到临时表中,然后再将原来的表记录删除,最后将临时表的数据导回原来的表中。如下: CREATE TABLE 临时表 AS (select distinct * from 表名); truncate table 正式表; insert into 正式表 (select * from 临时表); drop table 临时表; 如果想删除一个表的重复数据,可以先建一个临时表,将去掉重复数据后的数据导入到临时表,然后在从临时表将数据导入正式表中,如下: INSERT INTO t_table_bak select distinct * from t_table; MySQL查询及删除重复记录的方法 1、查找表中多余的重复记录,重复记录是根据单个字段(peopleId)来判断 select * from table where tableId in (select tableId from table group by tableId having count(tableId) > 1) 2、删除表中多余的重复记录,重复记录是根据单个字段(tableId)来判断,只留有rowid最小的记录。 delete from table where tableId in (select tableId from table group by tableId having count(tableId) > 1) and rowid not in (select min(rowid) from table group by tableId having count(tableId )>1) 3、查找表中多余的重复记录(多个字段) select * from vitae a where (a.tableId,a.seq) in (select tableId,seq from vitae group by tableId,seq having count(*) > 1) 4、删除表中多余的重复记录(多个字段),只留有rowid最小的记录 delete from vitae a where (a.tableId,a.seq) in (select tableId,seq from vitae group by tableId,seq having count(*) > 1) and rowid not in (select min(rowid) from vitae group by tableId,seq having count(*)>1) 5、查找表中多余的重复记录(多个字段),不包含rowid最小的记录 select * from vitae a where (a.tableId,a.seq) in (select tableId,seq from vitae group by tableId,seq having count(*) > 1) and rowid not in (select min(rowid) from vitae group by tableId,seq having count(*)>1) 6、查询出一个表中,某一列的值是相同的SQL: 比方说 在A表中存在一个字段“name”,而且不同记录之间的“name”值有可能会相同, 现在就是需要查询出在该表中的各记录之间,“name”值存在重复的项; Select Name,Count(*) From A Group By Name Having Count(*) > 1 如果还查性别也相同大则如下: Select Name,sex,Count(*) From A Group By Name,sex Having Count(*) > 1 oracle查询表中字段里数据是否有重复 查单个字段: SELECT TEST_NAME,COUNT(*) FROM T_TEST GROUP BY TEST_NAME HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 Oracle查询重复数据并删除,只保留一条记录 select * from 表 where Id in (select Id from 表 group byId having count(Id) > 1) 2、删除表中多余的重复记录,重复记录是根据单个字段(Id)来判断,只留有rowid最小的记录 DELETE from 表 WHERE (id) IN ( SELECT id FROM 表 GROUP BY id HAVING COUNT(id) > 1) AND ROWID NOT IN (SELECT MIN(ROWID) FROM 表 GROUP BY id HAVING COUNT(*) > 1); 3、查找表中多余的重复记录(多个字段) select * from 表 a where (a.Id,a.seq) in(select Id,seq from 表 group by Id,seq having count(*) > 1) 4、删除表中多余的重复记录(多个字段),只留有rowid最小的记录 delete from 表 a where (a.Id,a.seq) in (select Id,seq from 表 group by Id,seq having count(*) > 1) and rowid not in (select min(rowid) from 表 group by Id,seq having count(*)>1) 5、查找表中多余的重复记录(多个字段),不包含rowid最小的记录 select * from 表 a where (a.Id,a.seq) in (select Id,seq from 表 group by Id,seq having count(*) > 1) and rowid not in (select min(rowid) from 表 group by Id,seq having count(*)>1) 比如现在有一人员表 (表名:peosons) select p1.* from persons p1,persons p2 where<> and p1.cardid = p2.cardid and p1.pname = p2.pname and p1.address = p2.address 可以实现上述效果。 select * from table1 a where rowid !=(select max(rowid) from table1 b where a.name1=b.name1 and a.name2=b.name2……) 删数据: delete from table1 a where rowid !=(select max(rowid) from table1 b where a.name1=b.name1 and a.name2=b.name2……) by方法 delete from student group by num having count(num) >1 这样的话就把所有重复的都删除了。 create table table_new as select distinct * from table1 minux truncate table table1; insert into table1 select * from table_new; 查询及删除重复记录的方法大全 select * from people where peopleId in (select peopleId from people group by peopleId having count(peopleId) > 1) 2、删除表中多余的重复记录,重复记录是根据单个字段(peopleId)来判断,只留有rowid最小的记录 delete from people where peopleId in (select peopleId from people group by peopleId having count(peopleId) > 1) and rowid not in (select min(rowid) from people group by peopleId having count(peopleId )>1) 3、查找表中多余的重复记录(多个字段) select * from vitae a where (a.peopleId,a.seq) in (select peopleId,seq from vitae group by peopleId,seq having count(*) > 1) 4、删除表中多余的重复记录(多个字段),只留有rowid最小的记录 delete from vitae a where (a.peopleId,a.seq) in (select peopleId,seq from vitae group by peopleId,seq having count(*) > 1) and rowid not in (select min(rowid) from vitae group by peopleId,seq having count(*)>1) 5、查找表中多余的重复记录(多个字段),不包含rowid最小的记录 select * from vitae a where (a.peopleId,a.seq) in (select peopleId,seq from vitae group by peopleId,seq having count(*) > 1) and rowid not in (select min(rowid) from vitae group by peopleId,seq having count(*)>1) (二) Select Name,Count(*) From A Group By Name Having Count(*) > 1 如果还查性别也相同大则如下: Select Name,***,Count(*) From A Group By Name,*** Having Count(*) > 1 (三) declare @max integer,@id integer declare cur_rows cursor local for select 主字段,count(*) from 表名 group by 主字段 having count(*) >; 1 open cur_rows fetch cur_rows into @id,@max while @@fetch_status=0 begin select @max = @max -1 set rowcount @max delete from 表名 where 主字段 = @id fetch cur_rows into @id,@max end close cur_rows set rowcount 0 方法二 select distinct * into #Tmp from tableName drop table tableName select * into tableName from #Tmp drop table #Tmp 发生这种重复的原因是表设计不周产生的,增加唯一索引列即可解决。 select identity(int,1,1) as autoID, * into #Tmp from tableName select min(autoID) as autoID into #Tmp2 from #Tmp group by Name,autoID select * from #Tmp where autoID in(select autoID from #tmp2) 最后一个select即得到了Name,Address不重复的结果集(但多了一个autoID字段,实际写时可以写在select子句中省去此列) select * from tablename where id in ( select id from tablename group by id having count(id) > 1 ) |