对于自动化运维,诸如备份恢复之类的,DBA经常需要将SQL语句封装到shell脚本。本文描述了在Linux环境下mysql数据库中,shell脚本下调用sql语句的几种方法,供大家参考。对于脚本输出的结果美化,需要进一步完善和调整。以下为具体的示例及其方法。 1、将SQL语句直接嵌入到shell脚本文件中 复制代码 代码如下: --演示环境 [root@SZDB ~]# more /etc/issue CentOS release 5.9 (Final) Kernel \r on an \m root@localhost[(none)]> show variables like 'version'; +---------------+------------+ | Variable_name | Value | +---------------+------------+ | version | 5.6.12-log | +---------------+------------+ [root@SZDB ~]# more #!/bin/bash # Define log TIMESTAMP=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S` LOG=call_sql_${TIMESTAMP}.log echo "Start execute sql statement at `date`." >>${LOG} # execute sql stat mysql -uroot -p123456 -e " tee /tmp/temp.log drop database if exists tempdb; create database tempdb; use tempdb create table if not exists tb_tmp(id smallint,val varchar(20)); insert into tb_tmp values (1,'jack'),(2,'robin'),(3,'mark'); select * from tb_tmp; notee quit" echo -e "\n">>${LOG} echo "below is output result.">>${LOG} cat /tmp/temp.log>>${LOG} echo "script executed successful.">>${LOG} exit; [root@SZDB ~]# ./ Logging to file '/tmp/temp.log' +------+-------+ | id | val | +------+-------+ | 1 | jack | | 2 | robin | | 3 | mark | +------+-------+ Outfile disabled. 2、命令行调用单独的SQL文件 复制代码 代码如下: [root@SZDB ~]# more temp.sql tee /tmp/temp.log drop database if exists tempdb; create database tempdb; use tempdb create table if not exists tb_tmp(id smallint,val varchar(20)); insert into tb_tmp values (1,'jack'),(2,'robin'),(3,'mark'); select * from tb_tmp; notee [root@SZDB ~]# mysql -uroot -p123456 -e "source /root/temp.sql" Logging to file '/tmp/temp.log' +------+-------+ | id | val | +------+-------+ | 1 | jack | | 2 | robin | | 3 | mark | +------+-------+ Outfile disabled. 3、使用管道符调用SQL文件 复制代码 代码如下: [root@SZDB ~]# mysql -uroot -p123456 </root/temp.sql Logging to file '/tmp/temp.log' id val 1 jack 2 robin 3 mark Outfile disabled. #使用管道符调用SQL文件以及输出日志 [root@SZDB ~]# mysql -uroot -p123456 </root/temp.sql >/tmp/temp.log [root@SZDB ~]# more /tmp/temp.log Logging to file '/tmp/temp.log' id val 1 jack 2 robin 3 mark Outfile disabled. 4、shell脚本中MySQL提示符下调用SQL 复制代码 代码如下: [root@SZDB ~]# more #!/bin/bash mysql -uroot -p123456 <<EOF source /root/temp.sql; select current_date(); delete from tempdb.tb_tmp where id=3; select * from tempdb.tb_tmp where id=2; EOF exit; [root@SZDB ~]# ./ Logging to file '/tmp/temp.log' id val 1 jack 2 robin 3 mark Outfile disabled. current_date() 2014-10-14 id val 2 robin 5、shell脚本中变量输入与输出 复制代码 代码如下: [root@SZDB ~]# more #!/bin/bash cmd="select count(*) from tempdb.tb_tmp" cnt=$(mysql -uroot -p123456 -s -e "${cmd}") echo "Current count is : ${cnt}" exit [root@SZDB ~]# ./ Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. Current count is : 3 [root@SZDB ~]# echo "select count(*) from tempdb.tb_tmp"|mysql -uroot -p123456 -s 3 [root@SZDB ~]# more #!/bin/bash id=1 cmd="select count(*) from tempdb.tb_tmp where id=${id}" cnt=$(mysql -uroot -p123456 -s -e "${cmd}") echo "Current count is : ${cnt}" exit [root@SZDB ~]# ./ Current count is : 1 #以上脚本演示中,作抛砖引玉只用,对于输出的结果不是很规整友好,需要进一步改善和提高。 |