本文整理汇总了PHP中get_one函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP get_one函数的具体用法?PHP get_one怎么用?PHP get_one使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: indexAction
public function indexAction()
$departModel = M('Depart');
$allDepart = $departModel->select();
$adminuid = C('users')['666666'];
$allDepart = get_one($allDepart, 'id');
if ($this->uid != $adminuid) {
$allDepart = array($allDepart[$this->uid]);
$this->assign('departList', $allDepart);
示例2: caravan_send
public function caravan_send($config, $player, $town, $wood, $stone, $iron)
$town = textV($town);
$wood = (int) $wood;
$stone = (int) $stone;
$iron = (int) $iron;
if ($wood + $stone + $iron < 1) {
$msg = 'wyślij minimum 1 sztukę jakiegoś surowca';
} elseif ($player->clan_id == 0) {
$msg = 'nie jesteś w klanie, karawany można wysyłać tylko do sojuszników w swoim klanie';
} elseif ($player->town->t_wood < $wood || $player->town->t_stone < $stone || $player->town->t_iron < $iron) {
$msg = 'nie posiadasz tyle surowców';
} else {
$can = get_row($q = "select clan_id, t_id from users inner join towns on t_usr_id = usr_id where t_name = '" . $town . "' limit 1");
if (empty($can)) {
$msg = 'takie miasto nie istnieje';
} elseif ($can->clan_id != $player->clan_id) {
$msg = 'te miasto nie jest w tym samym klanie co ty';
} else {
$event_check = get_one("select count(*) from events where (e_type = 20 or e_type = 21) and e_done = 0 and e_t_id = " . $player->actual_town);
if ($event_check > 9) {
$msg = 'masz już maksymalną ilość karawan w podróży';
} else {
$market_lvl = get_one("select go_lvl from game_objects where go_type = 1 and go_subtype = 6 and go_t_id = " . $player->actual_town);
if (empty($market_lvl)) {
$msg = 'nie posiadasz rynku, jak chcesz wysłać karawanę??';
} elseif ($market_lvl <= $event_check) {
$msg = 'masz już maksymalną ilość karawan w podróży';
} else {
$y = get_row("select * from map where m_t_id =" . $can->t_id);
$x = get_row("select * from map where m_t_id =" . $player->actual_town);
if ($x->m_x != $y->m_x && $x->m_y == $y->m_y) {
$range = abs($y->m_x - $x->m_x) * 300;
} elseif ($x->m_x == $y->m_x && $x->m_y != $y->m_y) {
$range = abs($y->m_y - $x->m_y) * 300;
} else {
$range = floor(sqrt(pow(abs($y->m_x - $x->m_x), 2) + pow(abs($y->m_y - $x->m_y), 2))) * 300;
call("insert into caravan(ca_from, ca_to, ca_wood, ca_stone, ca_iron)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvalue(" . $player->actual_town . "," . $can->t_id . "," . $wood . "," . $stone . "," . $iron . ")");
$ca = get_row("select last_insert_id() as ca, unix_timestamp() as estart");
require_once 'functions/TownMgr.php';
$TownMgr = new TownMgr();
$TownMgr->change_resources($config, $player->actual_town, -$wood, -$stone, -$iron, 0);
require_once 'functions/EventsMgr.php';
$EventMgr = new EventsMgr();
$EventMgr->event_add($config, $player->actual_town, 20, $can->t_id, $ca->ca, 0, $ca->estart, $ca->estart + $range, 0);
$msg = 'wysłano karawanę do miasta ' . $town;
return $msg;
示例3: buy_coins
public function buy_coins($config, $player, $code)
$code = textV($code);
$can = get_one($q = "select usr_id from vip_code where code ='" . $code . "' limit 1");
if (!isset($can) || $can > 0) {
$msg = 'niepoprawny kod';
} else {
call("update users set coins = coins + 100 where usr_id = " . $player->usr_id);
call("update vip_code set usr_id = " . $player->usr_id . ", date = now() where code = '" . $code . "'");
$msg = 'dodano 100 monet';
return $msg;
示例4: msg_send
public function msg_send($config, $user, $to, $text)
$user = (int) $user;
$to = textV($to);
$text = textV($text);
$to_user = get_one("select usr_id from users where login ='" . $to . "' limit 1");
if (!empty($to_user)) {
call("insert into messages (m_from, m_to, m_type, m_text, m_date)\n\t\t\t\t values(" . $user . "," . $to_user . ",2,'" . $text . "',now()),(" . $user . "," . $to_user . ",1,'" . $text . "',now())");
return "wiadomość wysłano";
} else {
return "nie ma takiego użytkownika";
示例5: new_town
public function new_town($config, $player)
if ($player->actual_town == 0) {
$is = get_one("select count(*) from towns where t_name ='" . $player->town . "'");
if ($is == 1) {
$player->town .= date("His");
call("\n\t\t\tinsert into towns (t_usr_id, t_name, t_nation, t_last_inc)\n\t\t\tvalue (" . $player->usr_id . ",'" . $player->town . "'," . $player->nation . ", unix_timestamp())\n\t\t\t");
$town_id = get_one("select last_insert_id()");
call("\n\t\t\tupdate map\n\t\t\tset m_t_id = {$town_id}\n\t\t\twhere m_t_id = 0\n\t\t\torder by rand() limit 1\n\t\t\t");
call("\n\t\t\tupdate users\n\t\t\tset actual_town = {$town_id}\n\t\t\twhere usr_id = " . $player->usr_id);
call("\n\t\t\tinsert into town_objects (to_t_id, to_gop_id, to_can)\n\t\t\tselect " . $town_id . ", gop_id, gop_can\n\t\t\tfrom game_objects_param\n\t\t\twhere gop_nation = " . $player->nation);
reload($config, 'town', '');
示例6: login
public function login($config, $login, $pass)
$msg = '';
$login = textV($login);
$pass = md5(textV($pass));
$user = get_one("select usr_id from arena_users where login = '" . $login . "' and pass = '" . $pass . "' limit 1");
if (!empty($user) && is_numeric($user) && $user > 0) {
$_SESSION = array();
$_SESSION['user'] = $user;
call("update arena_users set last_login = unix_timestamp() where usr_id = " . $user);
call("update arena_map inner join users on m_who = usr_id set m_who = 0, m_status = 1 where last_action <= unix_timestamp() - 300");
reload($config, 'hero', '');
} else {
$msg = 'Wprowadzono błędne dane ';
return $msg;
示例7: require_auth
* Verifies if the user is logged in and authenticates if not and POST contains username, else displays the login form
* @return bool Returns true when the user has been logged in
function require_auth()
global $errors;
// If user has already logged in...
if ($this->logged_in) {
return TRUE;
// Authenticate by POST data
if (isset($_POST['username'])) {
$username = $_POST['username'];
$password = $_POST['password'];
$user_id = get_one("SELECT user_id FROM user WHERE username = '{$username}' AND password = '{$password}'");
if (!empty($user_id)) {
$_SESSION['user_id'] = $user_id;
return true;
} else {
$errors[] = "Vale kasutajanimi või parool";
// Display the login form
require 'templates/auth_template.php';
// Prevent loading the requested controller (not authenticated)
示例8: intval
require "config.php";
require "system/database.php";
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest') {
if (isset($_GET["kuupaeva_id"]) && !empty($_GET["kuupaeva_id"])) {
$id = intval($_GET["kuupaeva_id"]);
$inimeste_arv = get_one("SELECT SUM(inimeste_arv) FROM broneering WHERE kuupaeva_id = {$id}");
$vabad = 26 - $inimeste_arv;
echo $vabad;
} else {
echo "Sa oled vales kohas. <a href='/do'>Mine tagasi esilehele!</a>";
示例9: isUser
require_once 'funkcje/podstawowe.php';
$player = getUser($config);
if (empty($_GET['type'])) {
$_GET['type'] = 0;
if (empty($_GET['subtype'])) {
$_GET['subtype'] = 0;
if (empty($_GET['mid'])) {
$_GET['mid'] = 0;
$_GET['mid'] = intV($_GET['mid']);
$_GET['type'] = intV($_GET['type']);
$_GET['subtype'] = intV($_GET['subtype']);
$object = get_one("select m_id from arena_map inner join arena_monsters on mo_id = m_subtype where m_type = 5 and m_subtype = " . $_GET['subtype'] . " and m_id = " . $_GET['mid'] . " limit 1");
if (!empty($object)) {
switch ($_GET['subtype']) {
case 1:
$items = get_all("select * from arena_items_param ");
echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='highslide-header'><b>Meglash</b> [esc - wyjście]\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<ul>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li class='highslide-move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a style='color:#000000' href='#' title='przesuń' onclick='return false'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span><></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</a>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li class='highslide-close'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a style='color:#000000' href='#' title='zamknij' onclick='hs.height = 120; hs.width = 220; return hs.close(this)'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span>zamknij</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</a>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</ul>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
$echo = '';
if (is_array($items)) {
foreach ($items as $item) {
$options = '';
if ($item->ip_gold <= $player->gold) {
$options .= "<a style='color:#000000' href='?action=map&item_buy=" . $item->ip_id . "' >[ kup ]</a>";
$item->ip_text .= "<br/>";
if ($item->ip_attack > 0) {
$item->ip_text .= "Zwiększa <span class='red'>atak</span> herosa o <span class='red'>" . 1 * $item->ip_attack . "</span><br/>";
示例10: get_all
$skills = get_all("select * from arena_skills_param left join arena_user_skills on sp_id = us_sp_id and us_usr_id =" . $player->usr_id);
$echo = '';
foreach ($skills as $skill) {
if (empty($skill->us_lvl)) {
$skill->us_lvl = 0;
$skill->us_active = 0;
$price = 1;
} else {
$price = $skill->us_lvl;
$options = '';
if ($skill->us_active == 0 && $player->skills > $skill->us_lvl) {
$options = "<a href='?action=skills&skillup=" . $skill->sp_id . "'>[ zwiększ za " . $price . " PU ]</a> ";
$limit = get_one("select count(*) from arena_user_skills where us_usr_id = " . $player->usr_id . " and us_active = 1");
if ($skill->us_active == 0 && $skill->us_lvl > 0 && $limit < 3) {
$options .= "<a style='color:#F39604' href='?action=skills&active=" . $skill->sp_id . "'>[ aktywuj ]</a>";
} elseif ($skill->us_active == 1 && $skill->us_lvl > 0) {
$options .= "<a href='?action=skills&deactive=" . $skill->sp_id . "'>[ deaktywuj ]</a>";
$skill->sp_text .= "<br/>";
if ($skill->sp_attack > 0) {
$skill->sp_text .= "Aktywowana zdolność będzie zwiększać <span class='red'>atak</span> herosa o <span class='red'>" . $price * $skill->sp_attack . "</span> [" . $skill->sp_attack . " na każdy poziom ]<br/>";
if ($skill->sp_defence > 0) {
$skill->sp_text .= "Aktywowana zdolność będzie zwiększać <span class='red'>obronę</span> herosa o <span class='red'>" . $price * $skill->sp_defence . "</span> [" . $skill->sp_defence . " na każdy poziom ]<br/>";
if ($skill->sp_absorb > 0) {
$skill->sp_text .= "Aktywowana zdolność będzie zwiększać <span class='red'>absorbcję</span> herosa o <span class='red'>" . $price * $skill->sp_absorb . "</span> [" . $skill->sp_absorb . " na każdy poziom ]<br/>";
示例11: confirm_logged_in
require_once 'includes/load.php';
//ucitaj pomocne fajlove
include_once 'includes/header_admin.php';
//ukljuci admin menu
//potvrdi ulogovanost
if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
//ako je prosledjen id
$id = $_GET['id'];
//preuzmi id
$news = get_one('news', $id);
//preuzmi podatke
} else {
//ako nije prosledjen
echo redirect('staff.php');
//prebaci ga na staff.php
<!-- POCETAK - prikazi sadrzaj vijesti -->
echo $news['title'];
if (file_exists($news['img_path'])) {
echo '<center><img src="' . $news['img_path'] . '" width="400"></center>';
示例12: build_end
//Wiedza o skałach
if ($object->go_lvl == 0) {
call("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinsert into game_objects (go_t_id, go_type, go_subtype, go_gop_id, go_wood, go_stone, go_iron, go_pop, go_time)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvalue( {$town}, {$type}, {$subtype}, {$object->gop_id}, {$object->gop_wood} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_stone} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_iron} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_pop} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_time} * ((100 + {$object->gop_time_inc})/100))");
call("update towns set t_iron_inc = t_iron_inc * 1.1 where t_id = {$town}");
} else {
call("update towns set t_iron_inc = t_iron_inc * 1.1 where t_id = {$town}");
call("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tupdate game_objects \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tset go_lvl = go_lvl + 1, go_wood = go_wood * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_stone = go_stone * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_iron = go_iron * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_pop= go_pop * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_time = go_time * ((100 + {$object->gop_time_inc})/100)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere go_t_id = {$town} and go_type = {$type} and go_subtype = {$subtype}");
case 4:
if ($object->go_lvl == 0) {
call("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinsert into game_objects (go_t_id, go_type, go_subtype, go_gop_id, go_wood, go_stone, go_iron, go_pop, go_time)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvalue( {$town}, {$type}, {$subtype}, {$object->gop_id}, {$object->gop_wood} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_stone} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_iron} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_pop} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_time} * ((100 + {$object->gop_time_inc})/100))");
call("update towns set t_pop_max = t_pop_max * 1.1 where t_id = {$town}");
} else {
call("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tupdate game_objects \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tset go_lvl = go_lvl + 1, go_wood = go_wood * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_stone = go_stone * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_iron = go_iron * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_pop= go_pop * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_time = go_time * ((100 + {$object->gop_time_inc})/100)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere go_t_id = {$town} and go_type = {$type} and go_subtype = {$subtype}");
call("update towns set t_pop_max = t_pop_max * 1.1 where t_id = {$town}");
case 5:
if ($object->go_lvl == 0) {
call("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinsert into game_objects (go_t_id, go_type, go_subtype, go_gop_id, go_wood, go_stone, go_iron, go_pop, go_time)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvalue( {$town}, {$type}, {$subtype}, {$object->gop_id}, {$object->gop_wood} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_stone} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_iron} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_pop} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_time} * ((100 + {$object->gop_time_inc})/100))");
call("update towns set t_res_max = t_res_max * 1.2 where t_id = {$town}");
} else {
call("update towns set t_res_max = t_res_max * 1.2 where t_id = {$town}");
call("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tupdate game_objects \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tset go_lvl = go_lvl + 1, go_wood = go_wood * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_stone = go_stone * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_iron = go_iron * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_pop= go_pop * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_time = go_time * ((100 + {$object->gop_time_inc})/100)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere go_t_id = {$town} and go_type = {$type} and go_subtype = {$subtype}");
case 3:
$is_unit = get_one("select go_id from game_objects where go_t_id = {$town} and go_type = {$type} and go_subtype = {$subtype} limit 1");
if (empty($is_unit)) {
call("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinsert into game_objects (go_t_id, go_type, go_subtype, go_gop_id, go_wood, go_stone, go_iron, go_pop, go_time, go_attack, go_defence, go_life, go_range, go_lvl)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvalue( {$town}, {$type}, {$subtype}, {$object->gop_id}, {$object->gop_wood} , {$object->gop_stone} , {$object->gop_iron}, {$object->gop_pop}, {$object->gop_time},{$object->gop_attack}, {$object->gop_defence}, {$object->gop_life}, {$object->gop_range}, {$count})");
} else {
call("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tupdate game_objects \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tset go_lvl = go_lvl + {$count}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere go_t_id = {$town} and go_type = {$type} and go_subtype = {$subtype}");
case 10:
require_once 'functions/SpyMgr.php';
$SpyMgr = new SpyMgr();
$newevent->e_t_id = $town;
$newevent->e_type = $type;
$newevent->e_subtype = $subtype;
$newevent->e_count = $count;
$newevent->e_start = $start;
$newevent->e_end = $end;
$SpyMgr->spy_battle($config, $newevent);
case 11:
require_once 'functions/SpyMgr.php';
$SpyMgr = new SpyMgr();
$SpyMgr->spy_dismis($config, $town, $count);
case 20:
require_once 'functions/MarketMgr.php';
$MarketMgr = new MarketMgr();
$MarketMgr->caravan_unload($config, $subtype, $count);
$back = $MarketMgr->caravan_back($config, $town, $count);
case 21:
require_once 'functions/MarketMgr.php';
$MarketMgr = new MarketMgr();
$MarketMgr->caravan_unload($config, $town, $count);
示例13: getUser
function getUser($config)
$player = get_row("select *, unix_timestamp() as tnow from users where usr_id = {$_SESSION['user']}");
$player->msg = get_one("select count(*) from messages where m_status = 0 and m_type = 1 and m_to = " . $player->usr_id);
return $player;
示例14: foreach
$echo = '';
foreach ($player_towns as $town) {
$echo .= "<LI><a href='?action=town&set_town=" . $town->t_id . "'>{$town->t_name}</a></LI>";
echo $echo;
<DIV id="content" class="contentNormal">
if (!empty($_POST['name'])) {
$_POST['name'] = textV($_POST['name']);
if (!empty($_POST['name'])) {
if (strlen($_POST['name']) >= 5 && strlen($_POST['name']) <= 15) {
$ok = get_one("select count(*) from towns where t_name = '" . $_POST['name'] . "'");
if ($ok > 0) {
echo "ta nazwa jest zajęta<hr/>";
} else {
call("update towns set t_name = '" . $_POST['name'] . "' where t_id = " . $player->town->t_id);
reload($config, 'town', '');
} else {
echo "nieodpowiednia długość nazwy miasta (5-15znaków)<hr/>";
<form action='?action=town' method='post'>
<input type='text' name='name' value ='<?php
echo $player->town->t_name;
示例15: send_app
public function send_app($config, $player, $clan)
$clan = (int) $clan;
$msg = '';
if ($player->clan_id > 0) {
$msg = 'jesteś już w klanie';
} else {
$can = get_one("select c_id from clans where c_id = " . $clan);
$is = get_one("select count(*) from clans_users where cu_c_id = " . $clan . " and cu_usr_id = " . $player->usr_id);
if (empty($can)) {
$msg = 'nie ma takiego klanu';
} elseif ($is > 0) {
$msg = 'już złożyłeś podanie do tego klanu';
} else {
call("insert into clans_users (cu_c_id, cu_usr_id) value (" . $clan . "," . $player->usr_id . ")");
$msg = 'wysłano podanie ';
return $msg;
示例16: rand_lucky_phone
function rand_lucky_phone()
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `cxg_phone` AS t1 JOIN (SELECT ROUND(RAND() * ((SELECT MAX(id) FROM `cxg_phone`)-(SELECT MIN(id) FROM `cxg_phone`))+(SELECT MIN(id) FROM `cxg_phone`)) AS id) AS t2 WHERE t1.isLucky = 0 and t1.id >= t2.id ORDER BY t1.id LIMIT 1";
$data = get_one($sql);
return $data;
示例17: intV
if (empty($_GET['subtype'])) {
$_GET['subtype'] = 0;
if (empty($_GET['who'])) {
$_GET['who'] = '';
if (empty($_GET['mid'])) {
$_GET['mid'] = 0;
$_GET['mid'] = intV($_GET['mid']);
$_GET['type'] = intV($_GET['type']);
$_GET['subtype'] = intV($_GET['subtype']);
$_GET['who'] = textV($_GET['who']);
if (!empty($_GET['who'])) {
$who = get_one("select usr_id from arena_users where login = '" . $_GET['who'] . "'");
$object = get_row("select * from arena_map where m_who = " . $who . " limit 1");
$player_map = get_row("select * from arena_map where m_who = " . $player->usr_id . " limit 1");
if (!empty($object)) {
if ($player_map->m_x >= $object->m_x - 1 && $player_map->m_x <= $object->m_x + 1 && $player_map->m_y >= $object->m_y - 1 && $player_map->m_y <= $object->m_y + 1) {
echo "\n\t\t\t<div class='highslide-header'><b>" . $_GET['who'] . "</b> [esc - wyjście]\n\t\t\t\t<ul>\n\t\t\t\t\t<li class='highslide-move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<a style='color:#000000' href='#' style='color:#000000' title='przesuń' onclick='return false'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span><></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</a>\n\t\t\t\t\t</li>\n\t\t\t\t\t<li class='highslide-close'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<a style='color:#000000' href='#' title='zamknij' onclick='hs.height = 120; hs.width = 220; return hs.close(this)'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span>zamknij</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</a>\n\t\t\t\t\t</li>\n\t\t\t\t</ul>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t\t<p>\n\t\t\thello\n\t\t\t</p>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t";
} else {
echo "\n\t\t\t<div class='highslide-header'><b>" . $_GET['who'] . "</b> [esc - wyjście]\n\t\t\t\t<ul>\n\t\t\t\t\t<li class='highslide-move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<a style='color:#000000' href='#' title='przesuń' onclick='return false'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span><></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</a>\n\t\t\t\t\t</li>\n\t\t\t\t\t<li class='highslide-close'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<a style='color:#000000' href='#' title='zamknij' onclick='hs.height = 120; hs.width = 220; return hs.close(this)'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span>zamknij</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</a>\n\t\t\t\t\t</li>\n\t\t\t\t</ul>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t\t<p>\n\t\t\tza daleko\n\t\t\t</p>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t";
} else {
echo "\n\t\t\t<div class='highslide-header'><b>...</b> [esc - wyjście]\n\t\t\t\t<ul>\n\t\t\t\t\t<li class='highslide-move'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<a style='color:#000000' href='#' title='przesuń' onclick='return false'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span><></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</a>\n\t\t\t\t\t</li>\n\t\t\t\t\t<li class='highslide-close'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<a style='color:#000000' href='#' title='zamknij' onclick='hs.height = 120; hs.width = 220; return hs.close(this)'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span>zamknij</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</a>\n\t\t\t\t\t</li>\n\t\t\t\t</ul>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t";
} else {
$object = get_row("select * from arena_map left join arena_monsters on mo_id = m_subtype where m_type = " . $_GET['type'] . " and m_subtype = " . $_GET['subtype'] . " and m_id = " . $_GET['mid'] . " limit 1");
$player_map = get_row("select * from arena_map where m_who = " . $player->usr_id . " limit 1");
if (!empty($object)) {
示例18: confirm_logged_in
require_once 'includes/load.php';
if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
//ako je prosledjen id korisnika kroz URL
$id = $_GET['id'];
//preuzmi id
$user = get_one('users', $id);
//preuzmi podatke od njemu
if ($user) {
//da li postoji takav korisnik u bazi
$query = "DELETE FROM users WHERE id='{$id}'";
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $query);
if (mysqli_affected_rows($conn) == 1) {
//provjeri da li je obrisan jedan red iz baze
echo redirect('logout.php');
//preusmjeri ga na logout jer taj korisnik vise ne postoji u bazi
echo redirect('staff.php');
示例19: build
public function build($config, $player, $type, $subtype, $count)
//mini walidacja, wszystkie dane powinny być liczbowe
$type = (int) $type;
$subtype = (int) $subtype;
$count = (int) $count;
//jeżeli w dziwny nie wiadomy sposób przesłano ilość mniejszą niż 1 to ustaw = 1
if ($count < 1) {
$count = 1;
//jeżeli budujemy coś innego niż jdnostkę to ilość = 1
if ($type != 3) {
$count = 1;
//ustaw nr błędu = 1 /nieokreślony
$error = 1;
//pobierz dane obiektu
$object = get_row("\n\t\t\tselect * from game_objects_param \n\t\t\tleft join game_objects \n\t\t\ton go_t_id = " . $player->actual_town . "\n\t\t\tand go_gop_id = gop_id\n\t\t\twhere gop_type = " . $type . " and gop_subtype = " . $subtype . "\n\t\t\tlimit 1\n\t\t");
//jeżeli obiektu nie ma na liście obiektów wybudowanych, to bierz pod uwagę parametry startowe
if (empty($object->go_id)) {
if (!empty($object->gop_id)) {
$object->go_wood = $object->gop_wood;
$object->go_stone = $object->gop_stone;
$object->go_iron = $object->gop_iron;
$object->go_pop = $object->gop_pop;
$object->go_time = $object->gop_time;
$object->go_lvl = 0;
} else {
//jeżeli w ogóle nie ma takiego obiektu ustaw error = 2
$error = 2;
//jeżeli obiekt to jednostka to ustaw max_lvl > lvl (de facto sprawdzane potem, bo przy jednostce nie ma limitów)
if ($type == 3) {
$object->gop_max_lvl = $object->go_lvl + 1;
//jeżeli nie wywaliło erroru 2
if ($error == 1) {
$object->go_wood = $object->go_wood * $count;
$object->go_stone = $object->go_stone * $count;
$object->go_iron = $object->go_iron * $count;
$object->go_pop = $object->go_pop * $count;
$object->go_time = $object->go_time * $count;
if ($player->town->t_wood < $object->go_wood || $player->town->t_iron < $object->go_iron || $player->town->t_stone < $object->go_stone || $player->town->t_pop_max - $player->town->t_pop < $object->go_pop) {
//jeżeli za mało surowców ustaw error = 3
$error = 3;
} else {
if ($object->go_lvl == $object->gop_max_lvl) {
//jeżeli osiągnięto poziom maksymalny ustaw error = 4
$error = 4;
} else {
//jeżeli nie to pobierz ilość aktywnych zdarzeń w kolejce dla danego typu
$events_check = get_one("select count(*) from events where e_t_id = " . $player->actual_town . " and e_type = " . $type . " and e_done = 0");
// w zależności od typu ustaw limit kolejki
switch ($type) {
case 1:
$max_events = 3;
case 2:
$max_events = 2;
case 3:
$max_events = 5;
$max_events = 0;
$isbuild = get_one("select count(*) from events where e_t_id = " . $player->actual_town . " and e_type = " . $type . " and e_done = 0 and e_subtype = " . $subtype . "");
if ($events_check >= $max_events) {
//jeżeli osiągnięto limit kolejki dla danego typu ustaw error = 5
$error = 5;
} elseif ($isbuild > 0) {
$error = 6;
} else {
//pobierz ostatni wykonywany element w kolejce
$last_event_time = get_one("select e_end from events where e_t_id = " . $player->actual_town . " and e_type = " . $type . " and e_done = 0 order by e_id desc");
$utime = get_one("select unix_timestamp()");
//jeżeli jest coś w kolejce to ustaw odpowiednio czas
if (!empty($last_event_time)) {
$start = $last_event_time;
$end = $object->go_time + $last_event_time;
} else {
$start = $utime;
$end = $utime + $object->go_time;
//dodaj element do kolejki
require_once 'functions/EventsMgr.php';
$event = new EventsMgr();
$event->event_add($config, $player->actual_town, $type, $subtype, $count, 0, $start, $end, 0);
//odejmij surowce
require_once 'functions/TownMgr.php';
$town = new TownMgr();
$town->change_resources($config, $player->actual_town, -$object->go_wood, -$object->go_stone, -$object->go_iron, $object->go_pop);
示例20: skill_active
public function skill_active($config, $player, $skill)
$skill = intV($skill);
$can = get_row("select * from arena_skills_param inner join arena_user_skills on us_usr_id = " . $player->usr_id . " and us_sp_id = " . $skill . " where sp_id = " . $skill . " limit 1");
$limit = get_one("select count(*) from arena_user_skills where us_usr_id = " . $player->usr_id . " and us_active = 1");
if (empty($can)) {
$msg = 'nie ma takiego skila';
} elseif ($limit >= 3) {
$msg = 'możesz mieć tylko 3 aktywne umiejętności';
} elseif ($can->us_active == 1) {
$msg = 'już aktywne';
} else {
call("update arena_user_skills set us_active = 1 where us_usr_id = " . $player->usr_id . " and us_sp_id = " . $skill);
$this->add_stats($config, $player, $can->us_lvl * $can->sp_attack, $can->us_lvl * $can->sp_defence, $can->us_lvl * $can->sp_absorb, $can->us_lvl * $can->sp_life_max, $can->us_lvl * $can->sp_energy_max, $can->us_lvl * $can->sp_life_inc, $can->us_lvl * $can->sp_energy_inc, $can->us_lvl * $can->sp_dam_min, $can->us_lvl * $can->sp_dam_max);
$msg = 'aktywowano umiejętność';
return $msg;
注:本文中的get_one函数示例整理自Github/MSDocs等源码及文档管理平台,相关代码片段筛选自各路编程大神贡献的开源项目,源码版权归原作者所有,传播和使用请参考对应项目的License;未经允许,请勿转载。 |