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Java Projection类代码示例

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本文整理汇总了Java中mil.nga.geopackage.projection.Projection的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java Projection类的具体用法?Java Projection怎么用?Java Projection使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: GoogleMapShapeConverter

import mil.nga.geopackage.projection.Projection; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Constructor with specified projection, see
 * {@link FeatureDao#getProjection}
 * @param projection
public GoogleMapShapeConverter(Projection projection) {
    this.projection = projection;
    if (projection != null) {
        toWgs84 = projection
        Projection wgs84 = toWgs84.getToProjection();
        fromWgs84 = wgs84.getTransformation(projection);
        toWebMercator = projection.getTransformation(ProjectionConstants.EPSG_WEB_MERCATOR);
        Projection webMercator = toWebMercator.getToProjection();
        fromWebMercator = webMercator.getTransformation(projection);
    } else {
        toWgs84 = null;
        fromWgs84 = null;
        toWebMercator = null;
        fromWebMercator = null;

示例2: getBoundingBox

import mil.nga.geopackage.projection.Projection; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * {@inheritDoc}
public BoundingBox getBoundingBox() {
    Contents contents = geometryColumns.getContents();

    BoundingBox boundingBox = contents.getBoundingBox();
    if (boundingBox != null) {
        Projection contentsProjection = ProjectionFactory
        if (!projection.equals(contentsProjection)) {
            ProjectionTransform transform = contentsProjection
            boundingBox = transform.transform(boundingBox);

    return boundingBox;

示例3: query

import mil.nga.geopackage.projection.Projection; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Query for feature index results within the bounding box in
 * the provided projection
 * @param boundingBox bounding box
 * @param projection  projection
 * @return feature index results, close when done
public FeatureIndexResults query(BoundingBox boundingBox, Projection projection) {
    FeatureIndexResults results = null;
    switch (getIndexedType()) {
        case GEOPACKAGE:
            long count = featureTableIndex.count(boundingBox, projection);
            CloseableIterator<GeometryIndex> geometryIndices = featureTableIndex.query(boundingBox, projection);
            results = new FeatureIndexGeoPackageResults(featureTableIndex, count, geometryIndices);
        case METADATA:
            Cursor geometryMetadata = featureIndexer.query(boundingBox, projection);
            results = new FeatureIndexMetadataResults(featureIndexer, geometryMetadata);
    return results;

示例4: UrlTileGenerator

import mil.nga.geopackage.projection.Projection; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Constructor
 * @param context     app context
 * @param geoPackage  GeoPackage
 * @param tableName   table name
 * @param tileUrl     tile url
 * @param minZoom     min zoom
 * @param maxZoom     max zoom
 * @param boundingBox tiles bounding box
 * @param projection  tiles projection
 * @since 1.3.0
public UrlTileGenerator(Context context, GeoPackage geoPackage,
                        String tableName, String tileUrl, int minZoom, int maxZoom, BoundingBox boundingBox, Projection projection) {
    super(context, geoPackage, tableName, minZoom, maxZoom, boundingBox, projection);

    try {
        this.tileUrl = URLDecoder.decode(tileUrl, "UTF-8");
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        throw new GeoPackageException("Failed to decode tile url: "
                + tileUrl, e);

    this.urlHasXYZ = hasXYZ(tileUrl);
    this.urlHasBoundingBox = hasBoundingBox(tileUrl);

    if (!this.urlHasXYZ && !this.urlHasBoundingBox) {
        throw new GeoPackageException(
                "URL does not contain x,y,z or bounding box variables: "
                        + tileUrl);

示例5: ElevationTilesCore

import mil.nga.geopackage.projection.Projection; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Constructor
 * @param geoPackage
 *            GeoPackage
 * @param tileMatrixSet
 *            tile matrix set
 * @param width
 *            specified results width
 * @param height
 *            specified results height
 * @param requestProjection
 *            request projection
protected ElevationTilesCore(GeoPackageCore geoPackage,
		TileMatrixSet tileMatrixSet, Integer width, Integer height,
		Projection requestProjection) {

	this.tileMatrixSet = tileMatrixSet;
	griddedCoverageDao = geoPackage.getGriddedCoverageDao();
	griddedTileDao = geoPackage.getGriddedTileDao();

	this.width = width;
	this.height = height;
	this.requestProjection = requestProjection;
	elevationProjection = ProjectionFactory.getProjection(tileMatrixSet
	elevationBoundingBox = tileMatrixSet.getBoundingBox();

	// Check if the projections have the same units
	if (requestProjection != null) {
		sameProjection = (requestProjection.getUnit().name
	} else {
		sameProjection = true;

示例6: getZoomLevel

import mil.nga.geopackage.projection.Projection; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Get the approximate zoom level of where the bounding box of the user data
 * fits into the world
 * @return zoom level
 * @since 1.1.0
public int getZoomLevel() {
	Projection projection = getProjection();
	if (projection == null) {
		throw new GeoPackageException(
				"No projection was set which is required to determine the zoom level");
	int zoomLevel = 0;
	BoundingBox boundingBox = getBoundingBox();
	if (boundingBox != null) {
		if (projection.getUnit() instanceof DegreeUnit) {
			boundingBox = TileBoundingBoxUtils
		ProjectionTransform webMercatorTransform = projection
		BoundingBox webMercatorBoundingBox = webMercatorTransform
		zoomLevel = TileBoundingBoxUtils
	return zoomLevel;

示例7: loadTiles

import mil.nga.geopackage.projection.Projection; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Load tiles from a URL
 * @param activity
 * @param callback
 * @param active
 * @param database
 * @param tableName
 * @param tileUrl
 * @param minZoom
 * @param maxZoom
 * @param compressFormat
 * @param compressQuality
 * @param googleTiles
 * @param boundingBox
 * @param epsg
public static void loadTiles(Activity activity, ILoadTilesTask callback,
                             GeoPackageDatabases active, String database, String tableName,
                             String tileUrl, int minZoom, int maxZoom,
                             CompressFormat compressFormat, Integer compressQuality,
                             boolean googleTiles, BoundingBox boundingBox, long epsg) {

    GeoPackageManager manager = GeoPackageFactory.getManager(activity);
    GeoPackage geoPackage = manager.open(database);

    Projection projection = ProjectionFactory.getProjection(epsg);
    BoundingBox bbox = transform(boundingBox, projection);

    TileGenerator tileGenerator = new UrlTileGenerator(activity, geoPackage,
            tableName, tileUrl, minZoom, maxZoom, bbox, projection);
    setTileGenerator(activity, tileGenerator, minZoom, maxZoom, compressFormat, compressQuality, googleTiles, boundingBox);

    loadTiles(activity, callback, active, geoPackage, tableName, tileGenerator);

示例8: getBoundingBox

import mil.nga.geopackage.projection.Projection; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * {@inheritDoc}
public BoundingBox getBoundingBox() {
	Contents contents = geometryColumns.getContents();
	Projection contentsProjection = ProjectionFactory

	BoundingBox boundingBox = contents.getBoundingBox();
	if (!projection.equals(contentsProjection)) {
		ProjectionTransform transform = contentsProjection
		boundingBox = transform.transform(boundingBox);

	return boundingBox;

示例9: UrlTileGenerator

import mil.nga.geopackage.projection.Projection; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Constructor
 * @param geoPackage
 *            GeoPackage
 * @param tableName
 *            table name
 * @param tileUrl
 *            tile url
 * @param minZoom
 *            min zoom
 * @param maxZoom
 *            max zoom
 * @param boundingBox
 *            tiles bounding box
 * @param projection
 *            tiles projection
 * @since 1.2.0
public UrlTileGenerator(GeoPackage geoPackage, String tableName,
		String tileUrl, int minZoom, int maxZoom, BoundingBox boundingBox,
		Projection projection) {
	super(geoPackage, tableName, minZoom, maxZoom, boundingBox, projection);

	try {
		this.tileUrl = URLDecoder.decode(tileUrl, "UTF-8");
	} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
		throw new GeoPackageException("Failed to decode tile url: "
				+ tileUrl, e);

	this.urlHasXYZ = hasXYZ(tileUrl);
	this.urlHasBoundingBox = hasBoundingBox(tileUrl);

	if (!this.urlHasXYZ && !this.urlHasBoundingBox) {
		throw new GeoPackageException(
				"URL does not contain x,y,z or bounding box variables: "
						+ tileUrl);

示例10: OsmMapShapeConverter

import mil.nga.geopackage.projection.Projection; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Constructor with specified projection, see
 * @param projection
public OsmMapShapeConverter(Projection projection, MarkerOptions options, PolylineOptions polylineOptions,
                            PolygonOptions polygonOptions) {
    Log.i(IMapView.LOGTAG, "Geopackage support is BETA. Please report any issues");
    this.projection = projection;
    if (projection != null) {
        toWgs84 = projection
        Projection wgs84 = toWgs84.getToProjection();
        fromWgs84 = wgs84.getTransformation(projection);
    } else {
        toWgs84 = null;
        fromWgs84 = null;

示例11: buildResultsInfoMessageAndClose

import mil.nga.geopackage.projection.Projection; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Build a feature results information message and close the results
 * @param results       feature index results
 * @param tolerance     distance tolerance
 * @param clickLocation map click location
 * @param projection    desired geometry projection
 * @return results message or null if no results
public String buildResultsInfoMessageAndClose(FeatureIndexResults results, double tolerance, LatLng clickLocation, Projection projection) {
    String message = null;

    try {
        message = buildResultsInfoMessage(results, tolerance, clickLocation, projection);
    } finally {

    return message;

示例12: projectGeometry

import mil.nga.geopackage.projection.Projection; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Project the geometry into the provided projection
 * @param geometryData geometry data
 * @param projection   projection
public void projectGeometry(GeoPackageGeometryData geometryData, Projection projection) {

    if (geometryData.getGeometry() != null) {

        try {
            SpatialReferenceSystemDao srsDao = DaoManager.createDao(featureDao.getDb().getConnectionSource(), SpatialReferenceSystem.class);
            int srsId = geometryData.getSrsId();
            SpatialReferenceSystem srs = srsDao.queryForId((long) srsId);

            if (!projection.equals(srs.getOrganization(), srs.getOrganizationCoordsysId())) {

                Projection geomProjection = ProjectionFactory.getProjection(srs);
                ProjectionTransform transform = geomProjection.getTransformation(projection);

                Geometry projectedGeometry = transform.transform(geometryData.getGeometry());
                SpatialReferenceSystem projectionSrs = srsDao.getOrCreateCode(projection.getAuthority(), Long.parseLong(projection.getCode()));
                geometryData.setSrsId((int) projectionSrs.getSrsId());
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            throw new GeoPackageException("Failed to project geometry to projection with Authority: "
                    + projection.getAuthority() + ", Code: " + projection.getCode(), e);


示例13: queryFeatures

import mil.nga.geopackage.projection.Projection; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Query for features in the bounding box
 * @param boundingBox query bounding box
 * @param projection  bounding box projection
 * @return feature index results, must be closed
public FeatureIndexResults queryFeatures(BoundingBox boundingBox, Projection projection) {

    if (projection == null) {
        projection = ProjectionFactory.getProjection(ProjectionConstants.EPSG_WORLD_GEODETIC_SYSTEM);

    // Query for features
    FeatureIndexManager indexManager = featureTiles.getIndexManager();
    if (indexManager == null) {
        throw new GeoPackageException("Index Manager is not set on the Feature Tiles and is required to query indexed features");
    FeatureIndexResults results = indexManager.query(boundingBox, projection);
    return results;

示例14: buildMapClickMessage

import mil.nga.geopackage.projection.Projection; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Perform a query based upon the map click location and build a info message
 * @param latLng      location
 * @param zoom        current zoom level
 * @param boundingBox click bounding box
 * @param tolerance   tolerance distance
 * @param projection  desired geometry projection
 * @return information message on what was clicked, or null
private String buildMapClickMessage(LatLng latLng, double zoom, BoundingBox boundingBox, double tolerance, Projection projection) {
    String message = null;

    // Verify the features are indexed and we are getting information
    if (isIndexed() && (maxFeaturesInfo || featuresInfo)) {

        if (isOnAtCurrentZoom(zoom, latLng)) {

            // Get the number of features in the tile location
            long tileFeatureCount = tileFeatureCount(latLng, zoom);

            // If more than a configured max features to draw
            if (isMoreThanMaxFeatures(tileFeatureCount)) {

                // Build the max features message
                if (maxFeaturesInfo) {
                    message = buildMaxFeaturesInfoMessage(tileFeatureCount);

            // Else, query for the features near the click
            else if (featuresInfo) {

                // Query for results and build the message
                FeatureIndexResults results = queryFeatures(boundingBox, projection);
                message = featureInfoBuilder.buildResultsInfoMessageAndClose(results, tolerance, latLng, projection);



    return message;

示例15: buildMapClickTableData

import mil.nga.geopackage.projection.Projection; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Perform a query based upon the map click location and build feature table data
 * @param latLng      location
 * @param zoom        current zoom level
 * @param boundingBox click bounding box
 * @param tolerance   distance tolerance
 * @param projection  desired geometry projection
 * @return table data on what was clicked, or null
private FeatureTableData buildMapClickTableData(LatLng latLng, double zoom, BoundingBox boundingBox, double tolerance, Projection projection) {
    FeatureTableData tableData = null;

    // Verify the features are indexed and we are getting information
    if (isIndexed() && (maxFeaturesInfo || featuresInfo)) {

        if (isOnAtCurrentZoom(zoom, latLng)) {

            // Get the number of features in the tile location
            long tileFeatureCount = tileFeatureCount(latLng, zoom);

            // If more than a configured max features to draw
            if (isMoreThanMaxFeatures(tileFeatureCount)) {

                // Build the max features message
                if (maxFeaturesInfo) {
                    tableData = new FeatureTableData(featureTiles.getFeatureDao().getTableName(), tileFeatureCount);

            // Else, query for the features near the click
            else if (featuresInfo) {

                // Query for results and build the message
                FeatureIndexResults results = queryFeatures(boundingBox, projection);
                tableData = featureInfoBuilder.buildTableDataAndClose(results, tolerance, latLng, projection);


    return tableData;

示例16: setBoundingBox

import mil.nga.geopackage.projection.Projection; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Set the bounding box, provided as the indicated projection
 * @param boundingBox
 * @param projection
public void setBoundingBox(BoundingBox boundingBox, Projection projection) {
    ProjectionTransform projectionToWebMercator = projection
    webMercatorBoundingBox = projectionToWebMercator

示例17: getBoundingBox

import mil.nga.geopackage.projection.Projection; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Get the bounding box as the provided projection
 * @param projection
public BoundingBox getBoundingBox(Projection projection) {
    ProjectionTransform webMercatorToProjection = ProjectionFactory
    return webMercatorToProjection

示例18: query

import mil.nga.geopackage.projection.Projection; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Query for Geometry Index objects within the bounding box in
 * the provided projection
 * @param boundingBox bounding box
 * @param projection  projection of the provided bounding box
 * @return geometry indices iterator
public CloseableIterator<GeometryIndex> query(BoundingBox boundingBox,
                                              Projection projection) {

    BoundingBox featureBoundingBox = getFeatureBoundingBox(boundingBox,

    CloseableIterator<GeometryIndex> geometryIndices = query(featureBoundingBox);

    return geometryIndices;

示例19: getFeatureBoundingBox

import mil.nga.geopackage.projection.Projection; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Get the bounding box in the feature projection from the bounding box in
 * the provided projection
 * @param boundingBox bounding box
 * @param projection  projection
 * @return feature projected bounding box
private BoundingBox getFeatureBoundingBox(BoundingBox boundingBox,
                                          Projection projection) {
    ProjectionTransform projectionTransform = projection
    BoundingBox featureBoundingBox = projectionTransform
    return featureBoundingBox;

示例20: query

import mil.nga.geopackage.projection.Projection; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Query for Geometry Metadata within the bounding box in
 * the provided projection
 * @param boundingBox
 * @param projection  projection of the provided bounding box
 * @return geometry metadata cursor
 * @since 1.1.0
public Cursor query(BoundingBox boundingBox,
                    Projection projection) {

    BoundingBox featureBoundingBox = getFeatureBoundingBox(boundingBox,

    Cursor cursor = query(featureBoundingBox);

    return cursor;









Java AbstractConfiguration类代码示例发布时间:2022-05-23
Java JIString类代码示例发布时间:2022-05-23





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