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Scala Matchers类代码示例

原作者: [db:作者] 来自: [db:来源] 收藏 邀请

本文整理汇总了Scala中org.specs2.matcher.Matchers的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Scala Matchers类的具体用法?Scala Matchers怎么用?Scala Matchers使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: containBillingAddress

package com.wix.pay.stripe.drivers

import java.util

import com.wix.pay.creditcard.{AddressDetailed, PublicCreditCardOptionalFields}
import com.wix.pay.model.{Customer, IncludedCharges, OrderItem, ShippingAddress}
import com.wix.pay.stripe._
import org.specs2.matcher.{Matcher, Matchers}

trait StripeMatchers { self : Matchers =>

  def containBillingAddress(billingAddress: AddressDetailed): Matcher[MappedParams] = {
    be_===(billingAddress) ^^ {
      StripeAdditionalInfoReConstructor.reconstructBillingAddress(_: MappedParams)

  def containCustomer(customer: Customer): Matcher[MappedParams] = {
    be_===(customer) ^^ {
      StripeAdditionalInfoReConstructor.reconstructCustomer(_: MappedParams)

  def containInvoiceId(invoiceId: String): Matcher[MappedParams] = {
    be_===(invoiceId) ^^ {
      StripeAdditionalInfoReConstructor.reconstructInvoiceId(_: MappedParams)

  def containShippingAddress(shippingAddress: ShippingAddress): Matcher[MappedParams] = {
    be_===(shippingAddress) ^^ {
      StripeAdditionalInfoReConstructor.reconstructShippingAddress(_: MappedParams)

  def containOrderItems(orderItems: Seq[OrderItem]): Matcher[MappedParams] = {
    be_===(orderItems) ^^ {
      StripeAdditionalInfoReConstructor.reconstructOrderItems(_: MappedParams)

  def containIncludedCharges(includedCharges: IncludedCharges): Matcher[MappedParams] = {
    be_===(includedCharges) ^^ {
      StripeAdditionalInfoReConstructor.reconstructIncludedCharges(_: MappedParams)

  def haveFieldParams(fields: PublicCreditCardOptionalFields): Matcher[util.LinkedHashMap[String, Object]] = {
    be_===(fields.billingAddress.get) ^^ {(_:util.LinkedHashMap[String, Object]).get("address_line1").toString} and
      be_===(fields.billingPostalCode.get) ^^ {(_:util.LinkedHashMap[String, Object]).get("address_zip").toString} and
      be_===(fields.holderName.get) ^^ {(_:util.LinkedHashMap[String, Object]).get("name").toString}

  def haveAnyEmptyFields(): Matcher[util.LinkedHashMap[String, Object]] = {
    beTrue ^^ {(_:util.LinkedHashMap[String, Object]).containsKey("address_line1")} or
      beTrue ^^ {(_:util.LinkedHashMap[String, Object]).containsKey("address_zip")}

示例2: StripeAdditionalInfoMapperTest

package com.wix.pay.stripe

import com.wix.pay.stripe.drivers.{StripeAdditionalInfoDomain, StripeMatchers}
import org.specs2.matcher.Matchers
import org.specs2.mutable.SpecWithJUnit
import org.specs2.specification.Scope

class StripeAdditionalInfoMapperTest extends SpecWithJUnit with Matchers with StripeMatchers {

  trait Ctx extends Scope with StripeAdditionalInfoDomain {
    val mapper = new StripeAdditionalInfoMapper()


  "Stripe additional info mapper" should {
    "map additional Info into a map" in new Ctx {
      val map: MappedParams = mapper.createMap(someCreditCard, someCustomer, someDeal)
      map must {
        containBillingAddress(billingAddress.get) and
          containCustomer(someCustomer.get) and
          containInvoiceId(someInvoiceId.get) and
          containShippingAddress(someShippingAddress.get) and
          containOrderItems(orderItems) and


示例3: authorizationParser

package com.wix.pay.tranzila

import org.specs2.matcher.{AlwaysMatcher, Matcher, Matchers}

trait TranzilaMatchers extends Matchers {
  def authorizationParser: TranzilaAuthorizationParser

  def beMerchant(username: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher()): Matcher[TranzilaMerchant] = {
    username ^^ { (_: TranzilaMerchant).username aka "username" }

  def beAuthorization(index: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher(),
                      confirmationCode: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher()): Matcher[TranzilaAuthorization] = {
    index ^^ { (_: TranzilaAuthorization).index aka "currency" } and
      confirmationCode ^^ { (_: TranzilaAuthorization).confirmationCode aka "confirmation code" }

  def beAuthorizationKey(authorization: Matcher[TranzilaAuthorization]): Matcher[String] = {
    authorization ^^ { authorizationParser.parse(_: String) aka "parsed authorization"}


object TranzilaMatchers extends TranzilaMatchers {
  override val authorizationParser = new JsonTranzilaAuthorizationParser()

示例4: YahooFinanceSpec

package openquant.yahoofinance

import java.time.ZonedDateTime

import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.testkit.TestKit
import org.specs2.matcher.{FutureMatchers, Matchers}
import org.specs2.mutable._

import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration

class YahooFinanceSpec extends TestKit(ActorSystem()) with SpecificationLike with Matchers with Logging {
  "get quotes" in {
    val yahooFinance = new YahooFinance()
    val res = Await.result(yahooFinance.quotes("MSFT", Some(ZonedDateTime.now().minusDays(5))), Duration.Inf)
    res.length must be_>=(3)
    res.length must be_<=(5)
  "get full history" in {
    val yahooFinance = new YahooFinance()
    val res = Await.result(yahooFinance.quotes("MSFT"), Duration.Inf)
    res.length must be_>=(1000)
  "non-existent symbol" in {
    val yahooFinance = new YahooFinance()
    Await.result(yahooFinance.quotes("qwertyasdf"), Duration.Inf) must throwA[RuntimeException]
  "invalid fundamentals" in {
    val yahooFinance = new YahooFinance()
    val invalids = Await.result(yahooFinance.fundamentals(Vector("qwertyasdf")), Duration.Inf)
    invalids must have size (1)
    invalids.head.looksValid must beFalse

  "valid fundamentals" in {
    val yahooFinance = new YahooFinance()
    val syms = Vector("MSFT", "IBM")
    val valids = Await.result(yahooFinance.fundamentals(syms), Duration.Inf)
    valids must have size(2)
    valids.foreach { x ?
      x.looksValid must beTrue
      x.name must not beEmpty
    valids.map { _.symbol } must contain(exactly(syms:_*))

示例5: FlightPassengerSplitCalculatorSpec

package core

import core.PassengerSplitsCalculator.PaxSplits
import org.specs2.matcher.Matchers
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
import org.specs2.specification.Tables
import parsing.PassengerInfoParser.PassengerInfo

class FlightPassengerSplitCalculatorSpec extends Specification with Matchers {

  import PassengerSplitsCalculator._

  "FlightPassengerSplitCalculator should" >> {
    "given an API passenger info set " in {

      "where everyone is from GB and the DocumentType is Passport (P)" in {
        val passengerInfo = PassengerInfo(passport, "GB", None) :: Nil
        "then egate usage should be 100%" in {
          flightPaxSplits(passengerInfo) should beEqualTo(PaxSplits(egate = 1.0))
      "where half are from  GB and half are from NZ " in {
        val passengerInfo = PassengerInfo(passport, "GB", None) :: PassengerInfo(passport, "NZ") :: Nil
        "then egate usage should be 50% and nonEEA = 50%" in {
          flightPaxSplits(passengerInfo) should beEqualTo(PaxSplits(egate = 1, nonEea = 1))
      "where half are from  GB and half are from AU " in {
        val passengerInfo = PassengerInfo(passport, "GB", None) :: PassengerInfo(passport, "AU") :: Nil
        "then egate usage should be 50% and nonEEA = 50%" in {
          flightPaxSplits(passengerInfo) should beEqualTo(PaxSplits(egate = 1, nonEea = 1))
      "where half are from  GB and half are from DE and everyone has electronic passports" in {
        val passengerInfo = PassengerInfo(passport, "GB") :: PassengerInfo(passport, "DE") :: Nil
        "then egate usage should be 100%" in {
          flightPaxSplits(passengerInfo) should beEqualTo(PaxSplits(egate = 2))
      "where half are from  GB and half are from DE and the DE have Identity Cards" in {
        val passengerInfo = PassengerInfo(passport, "GB") :: PassengerInfo(identityCard, "DE") :: Nil
        "then egate usage should be 50% and 50% EEA queues" in {
          flightPaxSplits(passengerInfo) should beEqualTo(PaxSplits(egate = 1, eea = 1))

示例6: authorizationParser

package com.wix.pay.dengionline

import org.specs2.matcher.{AlwaysMatcher, Matcher, Matchers}

trait DengionlineMatchers extends Matchers {
  def authorizationParser: DengionlineAuthorizationParser

  def beAuthorization(transactionId: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher()): Matcher[DengionlineAuthorization] = {
    transactionId ^^ { (_: DengionlineAuthorization).transactionId aka "transactionId" }

  def beAuthorizationKey(authorization: Matcher[DengionlineAuthorization]): Matcher[String] = {
    authorization ^^ { authorizationParser.parse(_: String) aka "parsed authorization"}

object DengionlineMatchers extends DengionlineMatchers {
  override val authorizationParser = new JsonDengionlineAuthorizationParser()

示例7: authorizationParser

package com.wix.pay.paguelofacil

import org.specs2.matcher.{AlwaysMatcher, Matcher, Matchers}

trait PaguelofacilMatchers extends Matchers {
  def authorizationParser: PaguelofacilAuthorizationParser

  def beAuthorization(authRefNum: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher()): Matcher[PaguelofacilAuthorization] = {
    authRefNum ^^ { (_: PaguelofacilAuthorization).authRefNum aka "authRefNum" }

  def beAuthorizationKey(authorization: Matcher[PaguelofacilAuthorization]): Matcher[String] = {
    authorization ^^ { authorizationParser.parse(_: String) aka "parsed authorization"}

object PaguelofacilMatchers extends PaguelofacilMatchers {
  override val authorizationParser = new JsonPaguelofacilAuthorizationParser()

示例8: authorizationParser

package com.wix.pay.mercadopago

import org.specs2.matcher.{AlwaysMatcher, Matcher, Matchers}

trait MercadopagoMatchers extends Matchers {
  def authorizationParser: MercadopagoAuthorizationParser

  def beMerchant(clientId: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher(),
                 clientSecret: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher(),
                 countryCode: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher()): Matcher[MercadopagoMerchant] = {
    clientId ^^ { (_: MercadopagoMerchant).clientId aka "client ID" } and
      clientSecret ^^ { (_: MercadopagoMerchant).clientSecret aka "client Secret" } and
      countryCode ^^ { (_: MercadopagoMerchant).countryCode aka "country code" }

  def beAuthorization(): Matcher[MercadopagoAuthorization] = {

  def beAuthorizationKey(authorization: Matcher[MercadopagoAuthorization]): Matcher[String] = {
    authorization ^^ { authorizationParser.parse(_: String) aka "parsed authorization"}

object MercadopagoMatchers extends MercadopagoMatchers {
  override val authorizationParser = new JsonMercadopagoAuthorizationParser()

示例9: authorizationParser

package com.wix.pay.paybox

import org.specs2.matcher.{AlwaysMatcher, Matcher, Matchers}

trait PayboxMatchers extends Matchers {
  def authorizationParser: PayboxAuthorizationParser

  def beAuthorization(numTrans: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher(),
                      numAppel: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher(),
                      numQuestion: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher(),
                      devise: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher(),
                      reference: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher(),
                      dateQ: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher()): Matcher[PayboxAuthorization] = {
    numTrans ^^ { (_: PayboxAuthorization).numTrans aka "numTrans" } and
      numAppel ^^ { (_: PayboxAuthorization).numAppel aka "numAppel" } and
      numQuestion ^^ { (_: PayboxAuthorization).numQuestion aka "numQuestion" } and
      devise ^^ { (_: PayboxAuthorization).devise aka "devise" } and
      reference ^^ { (_: PayboxAuthorization).reference aka "reference" } and
      dateQ ^^ { (_: PayboxAuthorization).dateQ aka "dateQ" }

  def beAuthorizationKey(authorization: Matcher[PayboxAuthorization]): Matcher[String] = {
    authorization ^^ { authorizationParser.parse(_: String) aka "parsed authorization"}


object PayboxMatchers extends PayboxMatchers {
  override val authorizationParser = new JsonPayboxAuthorizationParser()

示例10: authorizationParser

package com.wix.pay.mercurypay

import org.specs2.matcher.{AlwaysMatcher, Matcher, Matchers}

trait MercurypayMatchers extends Matchers {
  def authorizationParser: MercurypayAuthorizationParser

  def beAuthorization(invoiceNo: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher(),
                      acctNo: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher(),
                      expDate: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher(),
                      authCode: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher(),
                      acqRefData: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher(),
                      authorize: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher(),
                      tranCode: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher()): Matcher[MercurypayAuthorization] = {
    invoiceNo ^^ { (_: MercurypayAuthorization).invoiceNo aka "invoiceNo" } and
      acctNo ^^ { (_: MercurypayAuthorization).acctNo aka "acctNo" } and
      expDate ^^ { (_: MercurypayAuthorization).expDate aka "expDate" } and
      authCode ^^ { (_: MercurypayAuthorization).authCode aka "authCode" } and
      acqRefData ^^ { (_: MercurypayAuthorization).acqRefData aka "acqRefData" } and
      authorize ^^ { (_: MercurypayAuthorization).authorize aka "authorize" }

  def beAuthorizationKey(authorization: Matcher[MercurypayAuthorization]): Matcher[String] = {
    authorization ^^ { authorizationParser.parse(_: String) aka "parsed authorization"}

object MercurypayMatchers extends MercurypayMatchers {
  override val authorizationParser = new JsonMercurypayAuthorizationParser()

示例11: authorizationParser

package com.wix.pay.fatzebra

import org.specs2.matcher.{AlwaysMatcher, Matcher, Matchers}

trait FatzebraMatchers extends Matchers {
  def authorizationParser: FatzebraAuthorizationParser

  def beAuthorization(purchaseId: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher()): Matcher[FatzebraAuthorization] = {
    purchaseId ^^ { (_: FatzebraAuthorization).purchaseId aka "purchaseId" }

  def beAuthorizationKey(authorization: Matcher[FatzebraAuthorization]): Matcher[String] = {
    authorization ^^ { authorizationParser.parse(_: String) aka "parsed authorization"}

  def beMerchant(username: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher(),
                 password: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher()): Matcher[FatzebraMerchant] = {
    username ^^ { (_: FatzebraMerchant).username aka "username" } and
      password ^^ { (_: FatzebraMerchant).password aka "password" }

object FatzebraMatchers extends FatzebraMatchers {
  override val authorizationParser = new JsonFatzebraAuthorizationParser()

示例12: authorizationParser

package com.wix.pay.creditguard

import org.specs2.matcher.{AlwaysMatcher, Matcher, Matchers}

trait CreditguardMatchers extends Matchers {
  def authorizationParser: CreditguardAuthorizationParser

  def beMerchant(user: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher(),
                 password: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher(),
                 terminalNumber: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher(),
                 supplierNumber: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher(),
                 idPrefix: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher()): Matcher[CreditguardMerchant] = {
    user ^^ { (_: CreditguardMerchant).user aka "user" } and
      password ^^ { (_: CreditguardMerchant).password aka "password" } and
      terminalNumber ^^ { (_: CreditguardMerchant).terminalNumber aka "terminal number" } and
      supplierNumber ^^ { (_: CreditguardMerchant).supplierNumber aka "supplier number" } and
      idPrefix ^^ { (_: CreditguardMerchant).idPrefix aka "ID prefix" }

  def beAuthorization(authNumber: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher(),
                      currency: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher(),
                      tranId: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher(),
                      cardId: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher(),
                      cardExpiration: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher(),
                      user: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher()): Matcher[CreditguardAuthorization] = {
    authNumber ^^ { (_: CreditguardAuthorization).authNumber aka "authorization number" } and
      currency ^^ { (_: CreditguardAuthorization).currency aka "currency" } and
      tranId ^^ { (_: CreditguardAuthorization).tranId aka "transaction ID" } and
      cardId ^^ { (_: CreditguardAuthorization).cardId aka "card ID" } and
      cardExpiration ^^ { (_: CreditguardAuthorization).cardExpiration aka "card expiration" } and
      user ^^ { (_: CreditguardAuthorization).user aka "user" }

  def beAuthorizationKey(authorization: Matcher[CreditguardAuthorization]): Matcher[String] = {
    authorization ^^ { authorizationParser.parse(_: String) aka "parsed authorization"}

object CreditguardMatchers extends CreditguardMatchers {
  override val authorizationParser = new JsonCreditguardAuthorizationParser()

示例13: authorizationParser

package com.wix.pay.paymentexpress

import org.specs2.matcher.{AlwaysMatcher, Matcher, Matchers}

trait PaymentexpressMatchers extends Matchers {
  def authorizationParser: PaymentexpressAuthorizationParser

  def beAuthorization(currency: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher(),
                      dpsTxnRef: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher()): Matcher[PaymentexpressAuthorization] = {
    currency ^^ { (_: PaymentexpressAuthorization).currency aka "currency" } and
      dpsTxnRef ^^ { (_: PaymentexpressAuthorization).dpsTxnRef aka "dpsTxnRef" }

  def beAuthorizationKey(authorization: Matcher[PaymentexpressAuthorization]): Matcher[String] = {
    authorization ^^ { authorizationParser.parse(_: String) aka "parsed authorization"}

  def beMerchant(username: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher(),
                 password: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher()): Matcher[PaymentexpressMerchant] = {
    username ^^ { (_: PaymentexpressMerchant).username aka "username" } and
      password ^^ { (_: PaymentexpressMerchant).password aka "password" }

object PaymentexpressMatchers extends PaymentexpressMatchers {
  override val authorizationParser = new JsonPaymentexpressAuthorizationParser()

示例14: ApplicationSpec

package com.hanip.ssr.controllers

import java.time.Clock

import com.google.inject.{AbstractModule, Provides}
import com.hanip.ssr.dao.CartDAO.CartTable
import com.hanip.ssr.dao.CouponDAO.CouponTable
import com.hanip.ssr.dao.ItemCartDAO.ItemCartTable
import com.hanip.ssr.dao.ItemDAO.ItemTable
import com.hanip.ssr.dao.{AbstractBaseDAO, BaseDAO}
import com.hanip.ssr.models._
import org.specs2.execute.Results
import org.specs2.matcher.Matchers
import org.specs2.mock.Mockito
import play.api.inject.guice.GuiceApplicationBuilder
import play.api.test._

class ApplicationSpec extends PlaySpecification with Results with Matchers with Mockito{

  val application = new GuiceApplicationBuilder().overrides(new AbstractModule {
    override def configure() = {

    def provideItemDAO: AbstractBaseDAO[ItemTable, Item] = mock[BaseDAO[ItemTable, Item]]

    def provideCartDAO: AbstractBaseDAO[CartTable, Cart] = mock[BaseDAO[CartTable, Cart]]

    def provideItemCartDAO: AbstractBaseDAO[ItemCartTable, ItemCart] = mock[BaseDAO[ItemCartTable, ItemCart]]

    def provideCouponDAO: AbstractBaseDAO[CouponTable, Coupon] = mock[BaseDAO[CouponTable, Coupon]]

  "Routes" should {

    "send 404 on a bad request" in  {
      route(application, FakeRequest(GET, "/stolen")).map(status(_)) shouldEqual Some(NOT_FOUND)



示例15: authorizationParser

package com.wix.pay.pelecard

import org.specs2.matcher.{AlwaysMatcher, Matcher, Matchers}

trait PelecardMatchers extends Matchers {
  def authorizationParser: PelecardAuthorizationParser

  def beMerchant(terminalNumber: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher(),
                 user: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher(),
                 password: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher(),
                 shopNumber: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher()): Matcher[PelecardMerchant] = {
    terminalNumber ^^ { (_: PelecardMerchant).terminalNumber aka "terminal number" } and
      user ^^ { (_: PelecardMerchant).user aka "user" } and
      password ^^ { (_: PelecardMerchant).password aka "password" } and
      shopNumber ^^ { (_: PelecardMerchant).shopNumber aka "shopNumber" }

  def beAuthorization(transactionId: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher(),
                      token: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher(),
                      authorizationNumber: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher(),
                      currency: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher()): Matcher[PelecardAuthorization] = {
    transactionId ^^ { (_: PelecardAuthorization).transactionId aka "transaction ID" } and
      token ^^ { (_: PelecardAuthorization).token aka "token" } and
      authorizationNumber ^^ { (_: PelecardAuthorization).authorizationNumber aka "authorization number" } and
      currency ^^ { (_: PelecardAuthorization).currency aka "currency" }

  def beAuthorizationKey(authorization: Matcher[PelecardAuthorization]): Matcher[String] = {
    authorization ^^ { authorizationParser.parse(_: String) aka "parsed authorization"}

object PelecardMatchers extends PelecardMatchers {
  override val authorizationParser = new JsonPelecardAuthorizationParser()









Scala Subscribe类代码示例发布时间:2022-05-23
Scala TypeCheckedTripleEquals类代码示例发布时间:2022-05-23





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