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Scala Parser类代码示例

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本文整理汇总了Scala中sbt.complete.Parser的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Scala Parser类的具体用法?Scala Parser怎么用?Scala Parser使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: CleanShadedPlugin

// https://github.com/sbt/sbt-dirty-money/blob/master/src/main/scala/sbtdirtymoney/DirtyMoneyPlugin.scala

import sbt._, Keys._

object CleanShadedPlugin extends AutoPlugin {
  override def requires = plugins.IvyPlugin
  override def trigger  = allRequirements

  object autoImport {
    val cleanCacheIvyDirectory: SettingKey[File] = settingKey[File]("")
    val cleanCache: InputKey[Unit]               = inputKey[Unit]("")
    val cleanCacheFiles: InputKey[Seq[File]]     = inputKey[Seq[File]]("")
    val cleanLocal: InputKey[Unit]               = inputKey[Unit]("")
    val cleanLocalFiles: InputKey[Seq[File]]     = inputKey[Seq[File]]("")
  import autoImport._

  object CleanShaded {
    import sbt.complete.Parser
    import sbt.complete.DefaultParsers._

    final case class ModuleParam(organization: String, name: Option[String])

    def parseParam: Parser[Option[ModuleParam]] =
      ((parseOrg ~ parseName.?) map {
        case o ~ n => ModuleParam(o, n)

    private def parseOrg: Parser[String] =
      (Space ~> token(StringBasic.examples("\"organization\"")))

    private def parseName: Parser[String] =
      (Space ~> token(token("%") ~> Space ~> StringBasic.examples("\"name\"")))

    def query(base: File, param: Option[ModuleParam], org: String, name: String): Seq[File] =
      (param match {
        case None                                   => base ** ("*" + org + "*") ** ("*" + name + "*")
        case Some(ModuleParam("*", None))           => base ** "*"
        case Some(ModuleParam(o, None | Some("*"))) => base ** ("*" + o + "*") ** "*"
        case Some(ModuleParam(o, Some(n)))          => base ** ("*" + o + "*") ** ("*" + n + "*")

  override def projectSettings = Seq(
    cleanCacheIvyDirectory := ivyPaths.value.ivyHome getOrElse (Path.userHome / ".ivy2"),
    cleanCache := IO.delete(cleanCacheFiles.evaluated),
    cleanLocal := IO.delete(cleanLocalFiles.evaluated),
    cleanCacheFiles := {
      val base = cleanCacheIvyDirectory.value / "cache"
      val param = CleanShaded.parseParam.parsed
      CleanShaded.query(base, param, organization.value, moduleName.value)
    cleanLocalFiles := {
      val base = cleanCacheIvyDirectory.value / "local"
      val param = CleanShaded.parseParam.parsed
      CleanShaded.query(base, param, organization.value, moduleName.value)

示例2: CommandRunner

package x7c1.chaff.publish

import sbt.State

object CommandRunner {

  def runCommand(command: String): State => State = { st: State =>
    import sbt.complete.Parser

    def runCommand(command: String, state: State): State = {
      val nextState = Parser.parse(command, state.combinedParser) match {
        case Right(cmd) => cmd()
        case Left(msg) => throw sys.error(s"Invalid programmatic input:\n$msg")
      nextState.remainingCommands.toList match {
        case Nil => nextState
        case head :: tail => runCommand(head, nextState.copy(remainingCommands = tail))

    runCommand(command, st.copy(remainingCommands = Nil)).
      copy(remainingCommands = st.remainingCommands)

示例3: ParserOps

import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
import sbt.complete.Parser

object ParserOps {
  implicit class ParserImplicits[T](val that: Parser[T]) extends AnyVal {
    def parse(input: String): ValidationNel[String, T] = Parser.parse(input, that).validationNel

  implicit class EitherImplicits[T](val that: Either[String, T]) extends AnyVal {
    def cleanup(input: String): Option[String] =
      Option(input.replaceAll("\\n", "").replaceAll("\\t", "").replace("^", "").trim).filter(_.nonEmpty)
    def validationNel: ValidationNel[String, T] = that.validation.leftMap { str =>
      str.split("\\n").toList.flatMap(cleanup).mkString(" ...").wrapNel

示例4: Main

import java.io.File
import Ansi._
import sbt.complete.Parser
import scala.util.Try

object Main extends App with Cli {

trait Cli {

  val parser = CliCommandParser.parser

  // Starts the CLI and runs in a loop parsing commands until it encounters the
  // Exit command. The Help command is passed as the initial command.
  def runCli() = {
    def loop(initialCmd: Option[CliCommand] = None): Unit =
      Try(initialCmd orElse readLine(parser) match {
        case Some(Exit) ? Exit.run()
        case None       ? loop()
        case Some(cmd)  ? cmd.run(); loop()
      }).recover { case _ ?
        println(red("Ooops! Something went wrong, let's try again \n")); loop()


  // Uses sbt JLine reader to read input from the user
  private def readLine[U](parser: Parser[U]): Option[U] = {
    val reader = new sbt.FullReader(Some(new File("/tmp/clihistory")), parser)
    reader.readLine(prompt = "> ") flatMap { line ?
      Parser.parse(line, parser).fold(_ ? None, Some(_))

示例5: CloudFormationStackParsers

package com.dwolla.sbt.cloudformation

import com.dwolla.sbt.cloudformation.CloudFormationStack.autoImport._
import sbt.complete.DefaultParsers._
import sbt.complete.Parser
import sbt.{Project, State}

object CloudFormationStackParsers {
  val awsAccountIdParser: Parser[AwsAccountId] = charClass(_.isDigit, "digit").+.map(_.mkString).filter(_.length == 12, s ? s"`$s` is not a 12-digit AWS Account ID").map(AwsAccountId)
  val awsRoleNameParser: Parser[AwsRoleName] = ("role/" ~> (charClass(_.isLetterOrDigit, "alphanumeric") | chars("+=,[email protected]_-/")).+.map(_.mkString)).map(AwsRoleName)

  private def selectSome(items: Seq[(String, Parser[CloudFormationOption])]): Parser[Seq[CloudFormationOption]] = {
    def select1(items: Seq[Parser[CloudFormationOption]]): Parser[CloudFormationOption] = {
      val combined: Parser[CloudFormationOption] = items.reduceLeft(_ | _)
      token(Space ~> combined)

    select1(items.map(_._2)).flatMap { (v: CloudFormationOption) ?
      val remaining = items.filter { tuple ?
        tuple._1 != v.getClass.getCanonicalName
      if (remaining.isEmpty)
        success(v :: Nil)
        selectSome(remaining).?.map(v +: _.getOrElse(Seq()))

  def buildCloudFormationStackParser(state: State): Parser[Seq[CloudFormationOption]] = {
    val generatedEnvironmentParser = Project.extract(state)
      .reduce(_ | _)

    OptSpace ~> selectSome(Seq(
      // these tuples are a terrible hack
      classOf[AwsRoleName].getCanonicalName ? awsRoleNameParser,
      classOf[AwsAccountId].getCanonicalName ? awsAccountIdParser,
      classOf[Environment].getCanonicalName ? generatedEnvironmentParser
    )).?.map {
      case Some(x) ? x
      case None ? Seq.empty[CloudFormationOption]

示例6: ResourceNameParser

package x7c1.wheat.harvest

import sbt.complete.Parser

object ResourceNameParser {

  import sbt.complete.DefaultParsers._

  def readPrefix(name: String): Either[HarvestParserError, ResourcePrefix] = {
    parse(name, parserToPrefix).left.map(HarvestParserError).joinRight

  def identifier = HarvestParser.identifier

  def parserToPrefix: Parser[Either[HarvestParserError, ResourcePrefix]] = {
    val wordsParser = identifier ~ (token('_') ~> identifier).* map {
      case (x, xs) => Words(x +: xs)
    any.*.string <~ token(".xml") map { raw =>
      val p = "_".? ~ (wordsParser <~ token("__")).? ~ wordsParser map {
        case ((underscore, parent), words) =>
          val parentName = parent map (_.camelize)
          val privatePrefix = underscore getOrElse ""
            raw = raw,
            ofClass = privatePrefix + (parentName getOrElse "") + words.camelize,
            ofKey = raw + "__",
            parentClassName = parentName map (privatePrefix + _)
      parse(raw, p).left map HarvestParserError

  private case class Words(values: Seq[String]) {
    def camelize = values.map(_.capitalize).mkString


示例7: HarvestParser

package x7c1.wheat.harvest

import sbt.PathFinder
import sbt.complete.Parser
import x7c1.chaff.parser.reductive.ReductiveParser

object HarvestParser {

  import sbt.complete.DefaultParsers._

  lazy val identifier: Parser[String] = {
    val alphabet = token('a' to 'z')
    val numbers = token('0' to '9')
    alphabet.+.string ~ (numbers | alphabet).*.string map {
      case (a, b) => a + b

  def camelizeTail(string: String): Either[HarvestParserError, String] = {
    val parser = (identifier ~ (token('_') ~> identifier).*) map {
      case (head, tail) => head + tail.map(_.capitalize).mkString
    parse(string, parser).left.map(HarvestParserError)

  def selectFrom(finder: PathFinder): Parser[Seq[String]] = {
    val names = finder.get.map(_.getName) filterNot (_ startsWith "_")
    ReductiveParser from names


case class HarvestParserError(message: String) 

示例8: LineLoader

package x7c1.wheat.splicer.android

import sbt.complete.DefaultParsers.parse
import sbt.complete.Parser
import x7c1.wheat.splicer.lib.Extractor
import x7c1.wheat.splicer.lib.Extractor.==>

class LineLoader(
  source: PropertySource,
  property: String,
  target: Parser[String]) {

  def requireSingle(): String = {
    loadMultiple() match {
      case x +: Seq() => x
      case x +: xs =>
        val targets = xs mkString ", "
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"multiple $property found: $targets")
      case Seq() =>
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"$property not found: ${source.name}")

  def loadMultiple(): Seq[String] = {
    val pattern = toPattern
    source.lines collect { case pattern(line) => line }

  private def toPattern: String ==> String = Extractor {
    line => parse(line, target).right.toOption


示例9: PropertyLoader

package x7c1.wheat.splicer.android

import sbt.File
import sbt.complete.DefaultParsers._
import sbt.complete.Parser

object PropertyLoader {

  object sdkRoot extends LinedProperty[File](
    parser = _ ~> "=" ~> NotSpace,
    property = "sdk.dir"

  object buildToolsVersion extends LinedProperty[String](
    parser = Space ~> _ ~> Space ~> quoted,
    property = "buildToolsVersion"

  object compileSdkVersion extends LinedProperty[Int](
    parser = Space ~> _ ~> Space ~> Digit.+.string,
    property = "compileSdkVersion"

  object dependencies extends LinedProperty[Seq[String]](
    parser = Space ~> _ ~> Space ~> quoted,
    property = "compile"

  private val quoted = {
    val quoted1 = "'" ~> NotSpace <~ "'"
    val quoted2 = '"' ~> NotSpace <~ '"'
    quoted1 | quoted2


abstract class LinedProperty[A: LineLoadable](
  parser: String => Parser[String],
  property: String) {

  def via(file: File): A = {

  def fromResource(resourcePath: String): A = {

  private def convertFrom(source: PropertySource) = {
    val load = implicitly[LineLoadable[A]]
    load by new LineLoader(source, property, parser(property))

示例10: ReductiveParser

package x7c1.chaff.parser.reductive

import sbt.complete.DefaultParsers.{NotSpace, Space, failure, token}
import sbt.complete.Parser

import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}

object ReductiveParser {
  def from(items: Seq[String]): Parser[Seq[String]] = {
    new ReductiveParser(items).parser

class ReductiveParser private (items: Seq[String]) {

  private type Filter = String => Boolean

  def parser: Parser[Seq[String]] = {
    val fixed: Parser[Filter] = {
      val base = items map (token(_)) reduceOption (_ | _)
      base getOrElse failure("none") map (item => _ == item)
    val manually: Parser[Filter] = {
      val base = NotSpace
      base map (input => _ matches input)
    (Space ~> (fixed | manually) flatMap next) ?? Nil

  private def next(filter: Filter): Parser[Seq[String]] =
    Try(items partition filter) match {
      case Success((consumed, remains)) if consumed.nonEmpty =>
        ReductiveParser from remains map (consumed ++ _)
      case Success(_) =>
        failure(s"input not matched")
      case Failure(e) =>
        failure(s"invalid input: ${e.getMessage}")









Scala DatabaseField类代码示例发布时间:2022-05-23
Scala Utils类代码示例发布时间:2022-05-23





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