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Scala ConfigObject类代码示例

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本文整理汇总了Scala中com.typesafe.config.ConfigObject的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Scala ConfigObject类的具体用法?Scala ConfigObject怎么用?Scala ConfigObject使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: DbDriversBuilder

package com.criteo.qwebmon.drivers

import java.util.Properties
import javax.sql.DataSource

import com.criteo.qwebmon.DbDriver
import com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource
import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigObject, ConfigValueType}

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

class DbDriversBuilder(config: Config) {

  val dbDrivers: Map[String, DbDriver] = config.getObject("targets")
    .foldLeft(Map.empty[String, DbDriver]) { case (acc, entry) =>

    val targetName = entry.getKey
    val targetConfig = entry.getValue match {
      case c if c.valueType() == ConfigValueType.OBJECT => c.asInstanceOf[ConfigObject].toConfig
      case x => sys.error(s"illegal config syntax at $x")

    targetConfig.getString("driver") match {
      case "fake-db" => acc + (targetName -> new FakeDbDriver(targetName))
      case "mysql" => acc + (targetName -> new MysqlDbDriver(targetName, buildDataSource(targetConfig)))
      case "vertica" => acc + (targetName -> new VerticaDbDriver(targetName, buildDataSource(targetConfig)))
      case x => sys.error(s"unknown driver supplied: $x, for target named: $targetName, with config: $targetConfig")

  private def buildDataSource(config: Config): DataSource = {
    val dataSource = new ComboPooledDataSource()

    if (config.hasPath("properties")) {
      val connectionProps = new Properties()
      config.getConfig("properties").entrySet().asScala.foreach { entry =>
        val key = entry.getKey
        val value = entry.getValue.unwrapped().toString

        connectionProps.setProperty(key, value)



示例2: RegionSource

package au.csiro.data61.magda.spatial

import java.net.URL

import au.csiro.data61.magda.AppConfig
import com.typesafe.config.{ Config, ConfigObject }

import scala.collection.JavaConversions._

case class RegionSource(
  name: String,
  url: URL,
  idProperty: String,
  nameProperty: String,
  includeIdInName: Boolean,
  disabled: Boolean,
  order: Int)

object RegionSource {
  def generateRegionId(regionType: String, id: String) = s"${regionType}/$id".toLowerCase

class RegionSources(config: Config) {
  val sources = loadFromConfig(config)

  private lazy val lookup = sources.groupBy(_.name.toLowerCase).mapValues(_.head)

  def forName(name: String): Option[RegionSource] = lookup.get(name.toLowerCase)

  private def loadFromConfig(config: Config): Seq[RegionSource] = {
    config.root().map {
      case (name: String, config: ConfigObject) =>
        val regionSourceConfig = config.toConfig()
          name = name,
          url = new URL(regionSourceConfig.getString("url")),
          idProperty = regionSourceConfig.getString("idField"),
          nameProperty = regionSourceConfig.getString("nameField"),
          includeIdInName = if (regionSourceConfig.hasPath("includeIdInName")) regionSourceConfig.getBoolean("includeIdInName") else false,
          disabled = regionSourceConfig.hasPath("disabled") && regionSourceConfig.getBoolean("disabled"),
          order = regionSourceConfig.getInt("order"))

示例3: indexVersions

package au.csiro.data61.magda.search.elasticsearch

import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.ElasticDsl._
import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.IndexesAndTypes
import com.typesafe.config.Config
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigObject
import au.csiro.data61.magda.model.misc._

trait Indices {
  def indexVersions(config: Config) = config.getConfig("elasticSearch.indices").root().map {
    case (name: String, config: ConfigObject) => name -> config.toConfig.getInt("version")

  def getIndex(config: Config, index: Indices.Index): String = {
    (index.name + indexVersions(config)(index.name))

  def getType(`type`: Indices.IndexType) = `type`.name

  def typeForFacet(facetType: FacetType) = facetType match {
    case Format    => Indices.FormatsIndexType
    case Publisher => Indices.PublisherIndexType
    case Year      => throw new RuntimeException("No type for year")


object DefaultIndices extends Indices {}

object Indices {
  sealed trait Index {
    def name: String
  case object DataSetsIndex extends Index {
    override def name = "datasets"
  case object RegionsIndex extends Index {
    override def name = "regions"

  sealed trait IndexType {
    def name: String

  case object DataSetsIndexType extends IndexType {
    override def name() = "datasets"
  case object RegionsIndexType extends IndexType {
    override def name() = "regions"
  case object FormatsIndexType extends IndexType {
    override def name() = Format.id
  case object PublisherIndexType extends IndexType {
    override def name() = Publisher.id

示例4: MagdaApp

package au.csiro.data61.magda

import akka.actor.{ Actor, ActorLogging, ActorSystem, DeadLetter, Props }
import akka.event.Logging
import akka.stream.ActorMaterializer
import au.csiro.data61.magda.api.Api
import au.csiro.data61.magda.crawler.Supervisor
import au.csiro.data61.magda.external.InterfaceConfig
import com.typesafe.config.{ ConfigObject, ConfigValue }

import scala.collection.JavaConversions._

object MagdaApp extends App {
  implicit val system = ActorSystem()
  implicit val executor = system.dispatcher
  implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()
  implicit val config = AppConfig.conf

  val logger = Logging(system, getClass)

  logger.info("Starting MAGDA CKAN Crawler with env {}", AppConfig.env)

  val listener = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[Listener]))
  system.eventStream.subscribe(listener, classOf[DeadLetter])

  val interfaceConfigs = config.getConfig("indexedServices").root().map {
    case (name: String, serviceConfig: ConfigValue) =>

  val supervisor = system.actorOf(Props(new Supervisor(system, config, interfaceConfigs)))

  // Index erryday 
  //  system.scheduler.schedule(0 millis, 1 days, supervisor, Start(List((ExternalInterfaceType.CKAN, new URL(config.getString("services.dga-api.baseUrl"))))))

  val api = new Api()

class Listener extends Actor with ActorLogging {
  def receive = {
    case d: DeadLetter => log.debug(d.message.toString())

示例5: ActorServerModules

package im.actor.server

import akka.actor._
import com.typesafe.config.{ ConfigException, ConfigObject, Config }
import im.actor.server.api.rpc.RpcApiExtension

import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.util.{ Failure, Success, Try }

object ActorServerModules extends ExtensionId[ActorServerModules] with ExtensionIdProvider {
  override def createExtension(system: ExtendedActorSystem): ActorServerModules = new ActorServerModules(system)

  override def lookup(): ExtensionId[_ <: Extension] = ActorServerModules

final class ActorServerModules(system: ExtendedActorSystem) extends Extension {
  private val RpcServiceClazz = classOf[im.actor.api.rpc.Service]

  def startModules(): Unit =
    system.settings.config.getObject("modules") foreach {
      case (n, c: ConfigObject) ? startModule(n, c.toConfig)
      case (_, c) ?
        throw new RuntimeException(s"Module have to be a config but got: ${c.getClass.getName}")

  def startModule(name: String, config: Config): Unit = {
    system.log.debug("Starting module {}", name)

    (for {
      fqcn ? Try(config.getString("rpc"))
      clazz ? Try(Class.forName(fqcn).asSubclass(RpcServiceClazz))
    } yield RpcApiExtension(system).register(clazz)) match {
      case Success(_)                          ?
      case Failure(_: ConfigException.Missing) ?
      case Failure(_: ClassCastException) ?
        throw new RuntimeException(s"rpc should extend im.actor.api.rpc.Service")
      case Failure(e) ? throw e

    (for {
      fqcn ? Try(config.getString("extension"))
      obj ? system.dynamicAccess.getObjectFor[AnyRef](fqcn)
    } yield obj) match {
      case Success(eid: ExtensionId[_]) ? startExtension(eid)
      case Success(_) ?
        throw new RuntimeException(s"extension should extend akka.actor.Extension")
      case Failure(_: ConfigException.Missing) ?
      case Failure(e)                          ? throw e

  private def startExtension[T <: Extension](ext: ExtensionId[T]): T = ext.apply(system)

示例6: CacheDefinition

package de.zalando.cachecool

import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigObject, ConfigValue}

case class CacheDefinition(factoryName: String, isDefault: Boolean, factoryConfig: ConfigObject)

object CacheDefinition {
  def apply(configValue: ConfigValue): CacheDefinition = {
    val c: Config = configValue.atKey("c")
    val factoryName: String = c.getString("c.factory")
    val isDefault: Boolean = c.hasPath("c.default") match {
      case true => c.getBoolean("c.default")
      case _ => false
    val factoryConfig = c.getObject("c.config")

    CacheDefinition(factoryName, isDefault, factoryConfig)

示例7: CachecoolModule

package de.zalando.cachecool.playmodule

import com.google.inject.name.Names
import com.typesafe.config.{ConfigObject, ConfigValue}
import de.zalando.cachecool.{CacheDefinition, GenericCache, CachecoolFactory}
import play.api.{Configuration, Environment, Logger}
import play.api.inject.{Binding, Module}
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

class CachecoolModule extends Module {

  private val logger = Logger(this.getClass.getName)

  override def bindings(environment: Environment, configuration: Configuration): Seq[Binding[_]] = {
    val factories = loadCacheFactories(environment, configuration)

    val cachecoolCachesConfig: ConfigObject = configuration.getObject("cachecool.caches").getOrElse(throw new RuntimeException("Please provide cache configs"))
    val caches = cachecoolCachesConfig.asScala
    caches.flatMap { case (name, config) => buildCache(name, config, factories)

  def buildCache(name: String, config: ConfigValue, factories: Map[String, CachecoolFactory]): Seq[Binding[_]] = {
    val cacheDef = CacheDefinition(config)
    val factory = factories.get(cacheDef.factoryName).getOrElse(throw new RuntimeException(s"No factory is defined for ${cacheDef.factoryName}"))

    val cache = factory.build(name, cacheDef.factoryConfig, factories)
    val default = cacheDef.isDefault match {
      case true => Some(bind(classOf[GenericCache]).toInstance(cache))
      case _ => None
    Seq(Some(bind(classOf[GenericCache]).qualifiedWith(Names.named(name)).toInstance(cache)), default).flatten

  private def loadCacheFactories(environment: Environment, configuration: Configuration): Map[String, CachecoolFactory] = {
    val factoriesDefinition = configuration.getObject("cachecool.factories").getOrElse(throw new RuntimeException("Please provide cache factories in config file")).asScala
    (factoriesDefinition map {
      case (name, className) => {
        val clazz: Class[_] = environment.classLoader.loadClass(className.unwrapped().toString)
        logger.info(s"Loading cache factory with name:$name and class:${clazz}")
        val constructor = clazz.getConstructor(classOf[ClassLoader])
        val factoryInstance: CachecoolFactory = constructor.newInstance(environment.classLoader).asInstanceOf[CachecoolFactory]
        (name -> factoryInstance)


示例8: fileWithScalaJSStageSuffix

//     Project: sbt-node
//      Module:
// Description:
package de.surfice.sbtnpm

import sbt._
import Keys._
import Cache._
import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory, ConfigObject}

package object utils {
  def fileWithScalaJSStageSuffix(dir: File, filePrefix: String, stage: Scoped, fileSuffix: String): File =
    dir / (filePrefix + stage.key.toString.dropRight(2).toLowerCase() + fileSuffix)

  implicit final class RichConfig(val config: Config) extends AnyVal {
    import collection.JavaConverters._
    def getStringMap(path: String): Map[String,String] =  config.withOnlyPath(path).entrySet().asScala
      .map(p => keySuffix(path,p.getKey) -> config.getString(p.getKey))

    def getConfigMap(path: String): Map[String,Config] =
      config.getObject(path).asScala.map(p => p._1 -> p._2).map {
        case (key,obj:ConfigObject) => (key,obj.toConfig)

    private def stripQuotes(key: String): String = key.replaceAll("\"","")
    private def keySuffix(path: String, key: String): String = stripQuotes(key).stripPrefix(path+".")

示例9: ConfigTemplatesTest

package com.vivint.ceph.views

import org.scalatest.{FunSpec, Matchers}
import com.typesafe.config.{ConfigFactory,ConfigObject}
import configs.syntax._

class ConfigTemplatesTest extends FunSpec with Matchers {
  val config = ConfigFactory.parseString("""
auth {
  number = 1
  double = 1.5
  boolean = false
  string = "very string"

  describe("renderingSettings") {
    it("renders various keys of a config object") {
      val cObj = config.get[ConfigObject]("auth").value
      ConfigTemplates.renderSettings(cObj) shouldBe (
        """boolean = false
          |double = 1.5
          |number = 1
          |string = "very string"









Scala ViewGroup类代码示例发布时间:2022-05-23
Scala Event类代码示例发布时间:2022-05-23





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