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Scala forAll类代码示例

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本文整理汇总了Scala中org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Scala forAll类的具体用法?Scala forAll怎么用?Scala forAll使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: FailureSpec

package roc
package types

import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll
import org.specs2._
import roc.types.failures._

final class FailureSpec extends Specification with ScalaCheck { def is = s2"""

    must have correct error message  $testBinaryDecodingFailureErrMsg

    must have correct error message  $testTextDecodingFailureErrMsg

    must have correct error message  $testNullDecodedFailureErrMsg

    must have correct error message $testElementDecodingFailureErrMsg

  val testBinaryDecodingFailureErrMsg = forAll { s: String =>
    val failure = new BinaryDecodingUnsupportedFailure(s)
    failure.getMessage() must_== s"Binary decoding of type $s is currently unsupported."

  val testTextDecodingFailureErrMsg = forAll { s: String =>
    val failure = new TextDecodingUnsupportedFailure(s)
    failure.getMessage() must_== s"Text decoding of type $s is currently unsupported."

  val testNullDecodedFailureErrMsg = forAll { s: String =>
    val failure = new NullDecodedFailure(s)
    failure.getMessage() must_== 
      s"A NULL value was decoded for type $s. Hint: use the Option[$s] decoder, or ensure that Postgres cannot return NULL for the requested value."

  val testElementDecodingFailureErrMsg = forAll { (s: String, t: Throwable) =>
    val failure = new ElementDecodingFailure(s, t)
    failure.getMessage() must_== s"Failure to decode $s. ${t.getMessage()}"

示例2: MessagesSpec

package roc
package postgresql

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import java.security.MessageDigest
import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary.arbitrary
import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll
import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen}
import org.specs2._

final class MessagesSpec extends Specification with ScalaCheck { def is = s2"""

    should MD5 encrypt a password with given salt           $pmEncrypt

  val pmEncrypt = forAll { (user: String, pm: PasswordMessage, salt: Array[Byte]) =>
    val md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5")
    md.update((pm.password+ user).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
    val unsaltedHexStr = md.digest().map(x => "%02x".format(x.byteValue)).foldLeft("")(_ + _)
    val saltedBytes = unsaltedHexStr.getBytes ++ salt
    val passwd = md.digest().map(x => "%02x".format(x.byteValue)).foldLeft("md5")(_ + _)
    passwd must_== PasswordMessage.encryptMD5Passwd(user, pm.password, salt)
  lazy val genByte: Gen[Byte] = arbitrary[Byte]
  lazy val genSalt: Gen[Array[Byte]] = Gen.containerOfN[Array, Byte](4, genByte)
  lazy val genPasswordMessage: Gen[PasswordMessage] = for {
    password    <-  arbitrary[String]
  } yield new PasswordMessage(password)
  implicit lazy val implicitPasswordMessage: Arbitrary[PasswordMessage] = 

示例3: ResultsSpec

package roc
package postgresql

import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary.arbitrary
import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll
import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen}
import org.specs2._
import org.specs2.mock.Mockito
import org.specs2.specification.core._
import roc.postgresql.failures.ElementNotFoundFailure

final class ResultsSpec extends Specification with ScalaCheck with Mockito { def is = s2"""

    get(column) must throw ElementNotFound failure for unknown column name  $columnNotFound
  val columnNotFound = forAll { sym: Symbol =>
    val row = new Row(List.empty[Element])
    row.get(sym) must throwA[ElementNotFoundFailure]

  lazy val genSymbol: Gen[Symbol] = for {
    str <-  arbitrary[String]
  } yield Symbol(str)
  implicit lazy val arbitrarySymbol: Arbitrary[Symbol] =

示例4: NativeExampleSuite

package com.highperformancespark.examples.ffi

import com.holdenkarau.spark.testing._
import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen}
import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll
import org.scalatest.FunSuite
import org.scalatest.prop.Checkers
import org.scalatest.Matchers._

class NativeExampleSuite extends FunSuite
    with SharedSparkContext with Checkers with RDDComparisons {

  test("local sum") {
    val input = Array(1, 2, 3)
    val sumMagic = new SumJNI()
    val result = sumMagic.sum(input)
    val expected = 6
    assert(result === expected)

  test("super simple test") {
    val input = sc.parallelize(List(("hi", Array(1, 2, 3))))
    val result = NativeExample.jniSum(input).collect()
    val expected = List(("hi", 6))
    assert(result === expected)

  test("native call should find sum correctly") {
    val property = forAll(
      RDDGenerator.genRDD[(String, Array[Int])](sc)(
        Arbitrary.arbitrary[(String, Array[Int])])) {
      rdd =>
        val expected = rdd.mapValues(_.sum)
        val result = NativeExample.jniSum(rdd)
        compareRDDWithOrder(expected, result).isEmpty

  test("JNA support") {
    val input = Array(1, 2, 3)
    assert(6 === SumJNA.sum(input, input.size))

  test("JNA Fortran support") {
    val input = Array(1, 2, 3)
    assert(6 === SumFJNA.easySum(input.size, input))

示例5: StringSpecification

package example

import org.scalacheck.Properties
import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll

object StringSpecification extends Properties("String") {

  property("startsWith") = forAll { (a: String, b: String) =>

  property("concatenate") = forAll { (a: String, b: String) =>
    (a+b).length >= a.length && (a+b).length >= b.length

  property("substring") = forAll { (a: String, b: String, c: String) =>
    (a+b+c).substring(a.length, a.length+b.length) == b

  //TODO see https://github.com/rickynils/scalacheck/blob/master/doc/UserGuide.md

示例6: maxBounded

package newts.internal

import cats.kernel.Eq
import cats.kernel.laws.OrderLaws
import cats.laws._
import cats.laws.discipline._
import cats.syntax.order._
import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Cogen}
import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll

trait BoundedTests[A] extends OrderLaws[A] {
  def maxBounded(implicit maxBounded: MaxBounded[A]): RuleSet = new OrderProperties(
    name = "MaxBounded",
    parent = Some(order),
    "maxValue is the maximum" -> forAll((a: A) => (maxBounded.maxValue max a) <-> maxBounded.maxValue)

  def minBounded(implicit minBounded: MinBounded[A]): RuleSet = new OrderProperties(
    name = "MaxBounded",
    parent = Some(order),
    "minValue is the minimum" -> forAll((a: A) => (minBounded.minValue min a) <-> minBounded.minValue)

object BoundedTests {
  def apply[A: Eq: Arbitrary: Cogen]: BoundedTests[A] =
    new BoundedTests[A] {
      def Equ = Eq[A]
      def Arb = implicitly[Arbitrary[A]]
      def Cog = implicitly[Cogen[A]]

示例7: Generators

package better.testing.palindrome

import Generators._
import org.scalacheck._
import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll
import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary.arbitrary
import org.scalatest.prop.PropertyChecks
import org.scalatest.PropSpec

object Generators {
  val palindromeGen: Gen[String] = for {
    s <- arbitrary[String]
  } yield s

object PalindromeCheck extends Properties("Palindrome") with PalindromeCheckers {
  property("checkReverse") = forAll(palindromeGen) { s =>

class PalindromeSpecifications extends PropSpec with PropertyChecks with PalindromeCheckers {
  import org.scalatest._
  import Matchers._

  property("checkReverse") { forAll(palindromeGen) { s =>
    checkReverse(s) shouldBe true

示例8: Generators

package better.testing.palindrome

import Generators._
import org.scalacheck._
import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll
import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary.arbitrary
import org.scalatest.prop.PropertyChecks
import org.scalatest.PropSpec

object Generators {

  val palindromeGen: Gen[String] = for {
    base <- arbitrary[String]
    middle <- Gen.option(arbitrary[Char])
  } yield base + middle.getOrElse("") + base.reverse

  val maybePalindromeGen: Gen[String] = Gen.oneOf(palindromeGen,arbitrary[String])


object PalindromeCheck extends Properties("Palindrome") with PalindromeCheckers {
  property("checkReverse") = forAll(palindromeGen) { s =>

  property("checkIndices") = forAll(maybePalindromeGen) { s =>
    checkIndices(s) == checkReverse(s)

class PalindromeSpecifications extends PropSpec with PropertyChecks with PalindromeCheckers {
  import org.scalatest._
  import Matchers._

  property("checkReverse") { forAll(palindromeGen) { s =>
    checkReverse(s) shouldBe true

  property("checkIndices") { forAll(palindromeGen) { s =>
    checkIndices(s) shouldBe true

  property("checkIndices returns false when not palindrome") { forAll(maybePalindromeGen) { s =>
    checkIndices(s) shouldBe checkReverse(s)

示例9: TensorFlowTypeSpec

package shapeless.datatype.tensorflow

import java.net.URI

import org.joda.time.Instant
import org.scalacheck.Prop.{all, forAll}
import org.scalacheck.ScalacheckShapeless._
import org.scalacheck._
import org.tensorflow.example.{Feature, Int64List}
import shapeless._
import shapeless.datatype.record._

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

object TensorFlowTypeSpec extends Properties("TensorFlowType") {

  import shapeless.datatype.test.Records._
  import shapeless.datatype.test.SerializableUtils._

  implicit def compareByteArrays(x: Array[Byte], y: Array[Byte]) = java.util.Arrays.equals(x, y)
  implicit def compareIntArrays(x: Array[Int], y: Array[Int]) = java.util.Arrays.equals(x, y)
  implicit def compareDouble(x: Double, y: Double) = x.toFloat == y.toFloat

  def roundTrip[A, L <: HList](m: A)
                               gen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, L],
                               fromL: FromFeatures[L],
                               toL: ToFeatures[L],
                               mr: MatchRecord[L]): Prop = {
    val t = ensureSerializable(TensorFlowType[A])
    val rm = RecordMatcher[A]
      t.fromExample(t.toExample(m)).exists(rm(_, m)),
      t.fromExampleBuilder(t.toExampleBuilder(m)).exists(rm(_, m)))

  implicit val timestampTensorFlowMappableType = TensorFlowType.at[Instant](
    TensorFlowType.toLongs(_).map(new Instant(_)),
    xs => TensorFlowType.fromLongs(xs.map(_.getMillis)))
  property("required") = forAll { m: Required => roundTrip(m) }
  property("optional") = forAll { m: Optional => roundTrip(m) }
  property("repeated") = forAll { m: Repeated => roundTrip(m) }
  property("mixed") = forAll { m: Mixed => roundTrip(m) }
  property("seqs") = forAll { m: Seqs => roundTrip(m) }

  implicit val uriTensorFlowType = TensorFlowType.at[URI](
    xs => TensorFlowType.fromStrings(xs.map(_.toString)))
  property("custom") = forAll { m: Custom => roundTrip(m)}


示例10: DatastoreTypeSpec

package shapeless.datatype.datastore

import java.net.URI

import com.google.datastore.v1.client.DatastoreHelper._
import org.scalacheck.Prop.{all, forAll}
import org.scalacheck.ScalacheckShapeless._
import org.scalacheck._
import shapeless._
import shapeless.datatype.record._

object DatastoreTypeSpec extends Properties("DatastoreType") {

  import shapeless.datatype.test.Records._
  import shapeless.datatype.test.SerializableUtils._

  implicit def compareByteArrays(x: Array[Byte], y: Array[Byte]) = java.util.Arrays.equals(x, y)
  implicit def compareIntArrays(x: Array[Int], y: Array[Int]) = java.util.Arrays.equals(x, y)

  def roundTrip[A, L <: HList](m: A)
                               gen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, L],
                               fromL: FromEntity[L],
                               toL: ToEntity[L],
                               mr: MatchRecord[L]): Prop = {
    val t = ensureSerializable(DatastoreType[A])
    val rm = RecordMatcher[A]
      t.fromEntity(t.toEntity(m)).exists(rm(_, m)),
      t.fromEntityBuilder(t.toEntityBuilder(m)).exists(rm(_, m)))

  property("required") = forAll { m: Required => roundTrip(m) }
  property("optional") = forAll { m: Optional => roundTrip(m) }
  property("repeated") = forAll { m: Repeated => roundTrip(m) }
  property("mixed") = forAll { m: Mixed => roundTrip(m) }
  property("nested") = forAll { m: Nested => roundTrip(m) }
  property("seqs") = forAll { m: Seqs => roundTrip(m) }

  implicit val uriDatastoreType = DatastoreType.at[URI](
    v => URI.create(v.getStringValue), u => makeValue(u.toString).build())
  property("custom") = forAll { m: Custom => roundTrip(m)}


示例11: AtomicBitSetSpec

package uk.co.odinconsultants.bitset

import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalacheck.Gen.choose
import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec}

class AtomicBitSetSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers {

  val smallInteger = choose(0,1000)

  "bitset" should {
    "indicate when everything is set" in {
      val propSmallInteger = forAll(smallInteger) { n =>
        val toTest = new AtomicBitSet(n)
        for (i <- 0 to n) toTest.set(i.toLong)

示例12: TimeValidationSpec

package com.redbubble.hawk.validate

import com.redbubble.hawk.params._
import com.redbubble.hawk.spec.Generators
import com.redbubble.hawk.util.Time
import com.redbubble.hawk.util.Time._
import com.redbubble.hawk.validate.TimeValidation.{acceptableTimeDelta, validate}
import com.redbubble.hawk.{HeaderValidationMethod, _}
import com.redbubble.util.spec.SpecHelper
import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll
import org.scalacheck.Properties
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification

final class TimeValidationSpec extends Specification with SpecHelper with Generators {
  val credentials = Credentials(KeyId("fred"), Key("d0p1h1n5"), Sha256)

  val timestamps = new Properties("Timestamps") {
    property("are valid if within the interval") = forAll { (time: Time) =>
      val delta = nowUtc.minus(time).getStandardSeconds
      if (delta > acceptableTimeDelta.getStandardSeconds) {
        validate(credentials, context(time), HeaderValidationMethod) must beLeft
      } else {
        validate(credentials, context(time), HeaderValidationMethod) must beRight

  s2"Validating timestamps$timestamps"

  private def context(time: Time): ValidatableRequestContext = {
    val header = RequestAuthorisationHeader(
      KeyId("fred"), time, Nonce(Base64Encoded("nonce")), None, Some(ExtendedData("data")), MAC(Base64Encoded("base64")))
    ValidatableRequestContext(RequestContext(Get, Host("example.com"), Port(80), UriPath("/"), None), header)

示例13: WindowedMaxTest

package com.twitter.finagle.mux

import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll
import org.scalatest.FunSuite
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
import org.scalatest.prop.Checkers

class WindowedMaxTest extends FunSuite with Checkers {
  test("return max") {
    check {
      forAll { ary: Array[Long] =>
        forAll(Gen.posNum[Int]) { window: Int =>
          val w = new WindowedMax(window)
          for (v <- ary) w.add(v)

          val expected =
            if (ary.isEmpty) Long.MinValue
            else if (window > ary.length) ary.max
            else ary.takeRight(window).max

          expected == w.get

示例14: Converter1Test2

package com.stulsoft.pscalacheck.myclasses

import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll
import org.scalatest.FlatSpec
import org.scalatest.prop.Checkers

class Converter1Test2 extends FlatSpec with Checkers {
  behavior of "Converter1"

  "toInt" should "produce length of names for all symbols" in {
    // ScalaTest style
    check((x: String) => Converter1(x).toInt == x.length)
  it should "produce length for ASCII symbols" in {
    // ScalaCheck style
    val usAsciiStringGen = Gen.containerOf[Array, Char](Gen.choose[Char](0, 127)).map(_.mkString)
    forAll(usAsciiStringGen) { x: String => Converter1(x).toInt == x.length }

示例15: MonadLawsCheck

import MonadLaws._
import org.scalacheck._
import org.scalacheck.Properties
import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll

import Arbitrary.arbitrary

import scala.language.higherKinds

sealed abstract class MonadLawsCheck[M[_]](name: String)(
  implicit MO: Monad[M],
  AMI: Arbitrary[M[Int]],
  AMS: Arbitrary[M[String]],
  AMB: Arbitrary[M[Boolean]]
) extends Properties(s"$name Monad Laws Check") {

  property(" Left identity") = forAll {
    (a: Int, f: Int => M[Int]) => Laws.leftIdentity(MO)(a)(f)

  property(" Right identity") = forAll {
    (ma: M[Int]) => Laws.rightIdentity(MO)(ma)

  property(" Associativity") = forAll {
    (ma: M[Int], f: Int => M[String], g: String => M[Boolean]) => Laws.associativity(MO)(ma)(f)(g)

  property(" Left identity No Infix") = forAll {
    (a: Int, f: Int => M[Int]) => LawsNoInfix.leftIdentity(MO)(a)(f)

  property(" Right identity No Infix") = forAll {
    (ma: M[Int]) => LawsNoInfix.rightIdentity(MO)(ma)

  property(" Associativity No Infix") = forAll {
    (ma: M[Int], f: Int => M[String], g: String => M[Boolean]) => LawsNoInfix.associativity(MO)(ma)(f)(g)

object IdMonadLawsCheck extends MonadLawsCheck[Id]("Id")
object ListMonadLawsCheck extends MonadLawsCheck[List]("List")
object OptionMonadLawsCheck extends MonadLawsCheck[Option]("Option") 

示例16: P08Check

package jp.co.dwango.s99

import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll
import org.scalacheck.Properties

class P08Check extends Properties("P08") {
  def duplicates(list: List[Int]): Int = {
    def loop(list: List[Int], curr: Int, count: Int): Int = list match {
      case Nil => count
      case x :: xs =>
        if (curr == x) loop(xs, curr, count + 1) else loop(xs, x, count)
    list match {
      case x :: xs => loop(xs, x, 0)
      case Nil => 0
  property("compress()") = forAll { (s: List[Int]) =>
    P08.compress(s).length == s.length - duplicates(s)

示例17: P16Check

package jp.co.dwango.s99

import org.scalacheck.{Gen, Properties}
import Gen.listOf, Gen.chooseNum
import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll

class P16Check extends Properties("P16") {
  property("drop()") =
    forAll(listOf(chooseNum(Int.MinValue, Int.MaxValue)), chooseNum(1, 10)) {
      (s: List[Int], i: Int) =>
        (P16.drop(i, s) == s.zipWithIndex
          .map { case (e, j) => (e, j + 1) }
          .filterNot {
            case (e, j) =>
              j % i == 0
          .map { _._1 })

示例18: SubjectSpec

package microtools.models

import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll
import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen, Properties}
import shapeless.{:+:, ::, CNil, Coproduct, Generic, HList, HNil, Inl, Inr, Lazy}

object SubjectSpec extends Properties("Subject") {
  object derive {
    implicit def hlistGen[H](implicit arb: Arbitrary[H]): Arbitrary[H :: HNil] =
      Arbitrary[H :: HNil](arb.arbitrary.map(_ :: HNil))

    implicit def anyValGen[S <: Subject, H <: HList](implicit gen: Generic.Aux[S, H],
                                                     arb: Arbitrary[H]): Arbitrary[S] =
      Arbitrary[S](arb.arbitrary.map(r => gen.from(r)))

    implicit def cnilGen[H](implicit hArb: Lazy[Arbitrary[H]]): Arbitrary[H :+: CNil] =
      Arbitrary[H :+: CNil](hArb.value.arbitrary.map(h => Inl(h)))

    implicit def coproductGen[H, T <: Coproduct](implicit hArb: Lazy[Arbitrary[H]],
                                                 tArb: Arbitrary[T]): Arbitrary[H :+: T] =
      Arbitrary[H :+: T](
        Gen.oneOf(hArb.value.arbitrary.map(h => Inl(h)), tArb.arbitrary.map(t => Inr(t))))

    def deriveGen[T, R](implicit gen: Generic.Aux[T, R], arb: Lazy[Arbitrary[R]]): Arbitrary[T] =
      Arbitrary[T](arb.value.arbitrary.map(r => gen.from(r)))

    val arb: Arbitrary[Subject] = deriveGen

  implicit val arbSubject: Arbitrary[Subject] = derive.arb

  property("any subject can be serialized and deserialized") = forAll { expected: Subject =>
    val asString = expected.toString
    val actual   = Subject(asString)

    actual == expected

示例19: BasicFunctionalitySpec

package jp.ne.opt.chronoscala

import jp.ne.opt.chronoscala.Imports._
import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll
import org.scalacheck.{Prop, Properties}

object BasicFunctionalitySpec extends Properties("ZonedDateTime") with Gens {

  property("ZonedDateTime equality") = Prop.secure {
    forAll(zonedDateTimeGen) { zonedDateTime =>
      zonedDateTime == zonedDateTime

  property("zonedDateTime < (zonedDateTime + 1.hour)") = Prop.secure {
    forAll(zonedDateTimeGen) { zonedDateTime =>
      zonedDateTime < (zonedDateTime + 1.hour)

示例20: DecodeResultSpec

package scoder

import scala.util.Try

import org.scalacheck.Properties
import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll

class DecodeResultSpec extends Properties("DecodeResult") with Generators {

  property("toEither") = forAll { (either: Either[String, Int]) =>
    DecodeResult(either).toEither == either

  property("map") = forAll { (result: DecodeResult[String, Int]) =>
    result.map(_.toString).toEither == result.toEither.right.map(_.toString)

  property("map") = forAll { (left: Left[String, Int]) =>
    Try(DecodeResult(left).map(_ => throw new Exception("oops"))).isSuccess

  property("flatMap") = forAll { (result: DecodeResult[String, Int]) =>
    result.flatMap(_ => result) == result

  property("flatMap") = forAll { (either: Either[String, Int]) =>
    DecodeResult(either).flatMap(_ => DecodeResult(Left("oops"))).isFail

  property("recoverWith") = forAll { (result: DecodeResult[String, Int], recovered: DecodeResult[String, Int]) =>
    if (result.isOk)
      result.recoverWith { case _ if true => recovered } == result
      result.recoverWith { case _ if true => recovered } == recovered

  property("recoverWith") = forAll { (result: DecodeResult[String, Int], recovered: DecodeResult[String, Int]) =>
    result.recoverWith { case a: String if false => recovered } == result










Scala ActorContext类代码示例发布时间:2022-05-23
Scala FileIO类代码示例发布时间:2022-05-23





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